
Jim Jackson said:
To me, though, that isn't the issue. To me, it doesn't make anal intercourse wrong, it just makes it something that gay men should do judiciously.

If this is the collective opinion of most homosexuals, they should stop trying to use straight couples as analogous examples.


One can also argue that women, after delivering several children, can also become "loose." Does this mean that heterosexual intercourse is wrong because it leads to damage of the female body? Of course not.

The loosening of the vagina doesn't dictate an obstruction of natural function of the female body.


One can also argue that the human mouth was not "designed" to be receptive to a penis. Does this mean that gay and str8 men should stop receiving oral sex? I would find it interesting to see Pariah get on a soapbox about "banning the BJ" to all str8n men.

Since I try to speak as secularly as possible, I focus on the aspects of the homosexual issue that pose the most problematic features; this is why I focus on homosexuals males moreso than women--However, I do adamantly discourage lesbianism as well. Anywho, oral sex hasn't showed much of a problem; until these cancer suspicions, or some other adverse effect caused by BJs, prove truthful, you won't hear anything from me.


Also, Pariah's use of the term "brain deformation" w.r.t. differences between gays and str8s is telling. But then, we've known for a long time that he's not a PFLAG kinda guy.

I wasn't trying to be inflammatory; "deformation" is a technically accurate term since the brain-signals wouldn't actually correspond with the structure of the body all that efficiently.