Jim Jackson said :
I've had tons to contribute. What galls me is that I'm reduced to arguing with people for whom issues of homosexuality have no direct bearing on their daily lives...yet that cannot be said of me. It matters a lot to me, to who I am. It's the same rationale I've been beating over Pariah's head (and to which he finally relented).

So many of you love to sit in high-and-mighty judgement over issues that are trivial to you yet crucial to me. THAT angers me.

I agree, Jim. It's like My Mom. I just had my favorite cat, Max put to sleep three weeks ago today. He was ten years old. He was sick for a month and the medical bills for his illness, death and cremation were BIG.

My mom thinks having pets is STUPID because according to her, all pets do is cause a lot of work, worry, they get sick, cost a lot of money and die.

She has NEVER had a pet in her life, and is afraid of cats, dogs, and little kittens, too.

She'll never know for TWO fucking minutes all the love, companionship, and joy pets give us, but she sreams at me and tells me I'm an idiot if I get another cat because I ought to be happy with just the two cats I have, Rachel and Samantha.....

And being told by straight strangers that being gay is just wrong when they don't know what being gay is like at all makes as little sense.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.