
Jim Jackson said:
I've had tons to contribute. What galls me is that I'm reduced to arguing with people for whom issues of homosexuality have no direct bearing on their daily lives...yet that cannot be said of me. It matters a lot to me, to who I am. It's the same rationale I've been beating over Pariah's head (and to which he finally relented).

I don't know where you get this from, I didn't relent anything. I just said I'd do you the favor and word my statements less analytically and more sensitively.


Beardguy57 said:
Klinton, I'm not Catholic. I just think it's sad that The Catholic Church is being so mean spirited with Cathloics who express feelings and opinions counter to it's beliefs.

You fucking asshole. Here you are sitting on the side-lines taking pot-shots at a religion you don't understand (and can't even begin to) and then have the nerve to blame the Church for the actions of one man who has been clearly stated to not represent the Vatican. And then you go on to make such broad generalizations, "I just think it's sad that The Catholic Church is being so mean spirited with Cathloics who express feelings and opinions counter to it's beliefs," does this mean we should tolerate the beliefs of the KKK, The Black Panthers, Nazis, Satan extremists, etc. as well as homosexuality?


klinton said:
It's jus a counter to the 'it's a descision' argument. And once again...of all of those practices...as a society, we can look at homosexuality and note that allowing two men, or two women to marry is a 'victimless crime'. In the end it hurts no one...But denying us that hurts us...The same cannot be said of anything else on your list.

No. It's not a victimless crime, because in the end, with the endorsement of homosexuality, it won't be just "two men" and "two women", it will be much much more.

You give the world the idea that something is even benign and not worth the effort to deter when that's clearly not the case, soon enough that tolerance will turn into a majority practice--And please, spare the 'gays are born, not made' double-speak.


klinton said:
How does it not? Animals react on instinct...not on 'choices'. How can it's occurance in nature be anything but natural?

So it's instinct for them to hump other animals of different species'?

You're right, they do go on instinct when it comes to sex, but not merely when they want release.


klinton said:
You said that the secular opinion did not hold the monopoly...thus implying that there was equal merit in biased sources...I assumed that you meant your church...perhaps I was wrong?

No, I was pointing out that you were implying that only secularists could prove anything to you.

Jesus Christ could descend from Heaven right before your eyes and shout in your face, "YOU'RE WRONG YOU DIPSHIT!! YOU'RE FUCKING WRONG!! CAN'T YOU SEE HOW WRONG YOU ARE!!" and you'd prolly chaulk it up to some sort of revision in the Bible....Or something.


I will. There's a reason it's the industry standard.

The idea that the world was round once wasn't an industry standard. In fact, no one bought it for the longest time. I think you know how that ended up.....I hope.