
Pariah said:
No. It's not a victimless crime, because in the end, with the endorsement of homosexuality, it won't be just "two men" and "two women", it will be much much more.

You give the world the idea that something is even benign and not worth the effort to deter when that's clearly not the case, soon enough that tolerance will turn into a majority practice--And please, spare the 'gays are born, not made' double-speak.

Uh...ok. If you truely believe this...then why aren't you lobbying for the government to make it illegal to have premarital sex? Why aren't you decrying the evils of a capitalist country? And so on and so forth?

'Majority practice'? For real? Get a fucking grip. If most people are so inclined, we would not be having this discussion.

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!