Quote: klinton said: Uh...ok. If you truely believe this...then why aren't you lobbying for the government to make it illegal to have premarital sex? Why aren't you decrying the evils of a capitalist country? And so on and so forth?
What? I was saying homosexuality and its practices aren't a "victimless crime" and they would not remain isolated, as you tried to imply.
Quote: 'Majority practice'? For real? Get a fucking grip. If most people are so inclined, we would not be having this discussion.
I referred to the homosexual populace achieving growth in the future. And, inherently, I was also referring to the rise in sexual proclivities implied by such a growth.
Quote: klinton said: And the idea that homosexuality was a disease or brain defect was once the industry standard...I think you need to read up on how that ended up.