Quote: Pariah said: *shrug* Well, my defintion of "moderate" is a cigarette like once or twice every three weeks when I need to fight off any anxiety.
Now I've figured you out! Of course, it was so obvious, I should have seen it.
If YOU do it, it's ok. There's no harm, no moral violations.
Got it. Whew, finally, now we know the real Pariah. If he does it, it's OK. If he doesn't, it's morally corrupt.
Egocentrism is a good thing, isn't it, little buddy?
Quote: One cigarette compared to a session of sodomy. I realize I've never actually participated, but to my understanding, some coughing from one sig doesn't really equal the abrasiveness and potential disease delivered upon someone's ass.
Well, your understanding is misinformed. Trust me. OK, just trust me. "One session" does not mean the end of your sphincter and the life of your colon, ok.
Does this mean wearing a condom? Of course it does. I'd recommend that just like I recommend people wearing the seat belts, even if they're only running to the grocery. One moment of unprotected sex is not an automatic exposure to anything. One moment of an unworn seat belt doesn't mean death in a crash either. But both are smart safety precautions to take.
And I haven't heard you rail against driving despite the hundreds of people who die in car crashes daily.