
magicjay38 said:
As for psychiatry, Freud was the first to scientifically study the mind.

As much as I am a supporter of much of what you say, this statement is erroneous.

Wilhelm Wundt of Leipzig is credited with being the first to approach "the mind" scientifically with his establishment of his "volker psychologie" and his experimental psychology laboratory, the first formal one of its kind, at Leipzig, in 1879.

Freud did indeed attempt a program of a "scientific psychology," but his efforts and writings came well after Wundt (as Wundt was roughly 20 years Freud's senior).

Wundt's findings were derived from laboratory experimentation, whereas Freud's were derived from his clinical work (it has been argued that Freud's Judaism kept him from attaining a university professorship).

We all wear a green carnation.