Quote: wannabuyamonkey said: We can blame Pariah for teh fact that this thread has neccesatated the graphic discription of male anal intercourse.
Now, I haven't shown my hand in this thread yet, but I would ask Pariah (since my last challenge was for Klinton) if you're going to rest your argument that Homosexuality is wrong because of the harmfull effects it has phisically would you say that it's also morally wrong for a husband and wife to engage in anal sex?
I hate to re-engage this topic. At the moment I'd like to do some physical harm to Pariah's sphincter, say tear him a new one?
But we've missed a major point: Vaginal intercourse is far more dangerous to a woman's health than is anal sex to anyone's. How often do the consequences of anal sex kill a person in less than a year? Though less common now since the advent of modern medicine just 100 years ago, death in childbirth was quite common. Go to the chuchyard of Trinity Church at Wall St. and Broadway in lower Manhattan. Check out the graves of women who died in their prime with an infant buried along side her. Read the names of the men who buried 2 or 3 wives and multiple infants.
Even today women die in childbirth. The risks of straight sex are far greater than incontinance, which is common during pregnancy I might add!