Quote: the G-man said: But there are other aspects to this issue that could be addressed, and may be in the future.
Let me throw one out as devil's advocate:
Even acts between consenting adults MIGHT have a deletorious, if indirect, effect on society at large. If those acts lead to a breakdown on societal order or norms. Or lead to patterns of behavior the effect a society's long term viability.
Some might argue that, even if most gay people are "born" that way, there is a significant portion of society that isn't born gay per se, but might be willing to experiment more, if society were more tolerant of homosexuality.
This experimentation, they might argue, will lead to a greater willingness to develop tastes that cannot be satisified in a traditional, monogamous relationship. It could also, they might argue, lead to a greater sexualization of society.
I have long wondered exactly what many heterosexuals fear about gay people. Is it that we gays represent freedom? Unihibited sexuality? Do most of these homophobic individuals fear that they may actually enjoy gay sex? And also fear the derision of their friends, family, etc? Do they attribute demonic powers to us?
I know I am stating the obvious, but just how many more centuries must pass before gays are accepted as Human Beings, not as the Devil's servants, or " alternate Lifestyles "?
I expect it is just human nature to fear and hate that which is different...and it's sad.
As for the monogamous relationship ..I am all for that. I seek a monogamous relationship, myself. Call me old fashioned if you will....but I like things in my life to be the same. I crave consistancy.
I do not understand why so many gay men who already have a partner they love have to go out on an endless hunt for new and more exciting sexual partners, like vampires seeking fresh blood. It may be low self esteem..these people NEED a new conquest regularly to feel good about themselves..or boredom..or a sense of adventure..or a combination of several factors, or maybe none of the ones I listed....
If heterosexual people fear a breakdown of society will occur if gays are given equal rights, they ought to examine their own lives first. The American family is rapidly becoming extinct...divorces rates are high, and so is spousal and child abuse.
Treatments of gays often reminds me of the witch hunts in Salem a few hundred years ago. Yeah, we're more advanced now, with our Dvd's, microwaves, and cell phones... Bullshit.
Some blame the automobile ..it enabled people to travel a greater distance at a faster rate than any horse could achieve..thus enabling husbands...and wives..to find the time to indulge in extra marrital affairs.
Why do they do this? Perhaps some just chose the wrong mate...out of fear of being alone the rest of their lives..or their parents pressured them to marry a certain man or woman....or a myriad of reasons...
But I don't believe for one instant that gays are to blame for the breakdown of society's morals. Yes, some contribute....but not most..... It's the choices individuals make..Hot..fast..slow..cold..cheat..don't cheat.. that are affecting our country.
Gays are just being used as the scape goat, as blacks and hispanics were, until civil rights changed that, at least somewhat..... .I admit things for black and hispanic people could be much better, though..
And I am very sad to see that it is even a topic of debate at all in the US government whether gays should be ALLOWED to marry, as many states have passed laws or are in the process of passing laws that will take more and more human rights away from gays.
We're HUMAN beings...not targets for derision.
How would it lead to a breakdown of Societal order if gays are given equal ( not special ) rights? I don't think THAT many people will " Switch " to the other side if gay rights are permanently granted...and society is already on what I believe to be an irretrievable descent... inhibitions against being gay are STRONG....and I believe most of the ones who hate gays the MOST are closet cases......
We work, pay our bills, worry about money, what's for dinner, laundry, being lonely, etc.
Just like everybody else.
My objection to Queer as Folk is that it portrays gay men as being nothing more than bed hopping, hormone crazed animals. Ugh! I myself think of sex, yes..but also about comic books, movies, music, life, God, and my place in the universe....
I don't expect everyone here to agree with me. I do expect to make a few think. Some days, that's the best you can expect.