Quote: Beardguy57 said:If heterosexual people fear a breakdown of society will occur if gays are given equal rights, they ought to examine their own lives first. The American family is rapidly becoming extinct...divorces rates are high, and so is spousal and child abuse.
But, to play devil's advocate, couldn't that be nothing but a reflection of an "anything goes, if it feels good, do it, "my body my choice" mentality...which some would argue is is the whole reason for the push for gay rights.
Quote: Gays are just being used as the scape goat, as blacks and hispanics were, until civil rights changed that, at least somewhat..... .I admit things for black and hispanic people could be much better, though..
On the other hand, some would argue that this is a bad analogy because homosexuality, even in genetic, involves behavior, not just skin color.
Quote: My objection to Queer as Folk is that it portrays gay men as being nothing more than bed hopping, hormone crazed animals.
Well, if you makes you feel better, "Friends," "Three's Company," "Seinfeld," "Sex in the City," about thirty thousand other sitcoms about "young urban singles" have portrayed straight men (and women) as nothing more than hormone crazed animals.
See....you ARE achieving equality.
Quote: I don't expect everyone here to agree with me. I do expect to make a few think. Some days, that's the best you can expect.
Hey, and THAT's why we have the DT forum in the first place.