
wannabuyamonkey said:
Marraige between a man and a woman, i believe, spans beond the individuals. It's a recognition that the two most disperate elements of humanity need each other that unless they can come to a truce they will be incomplete (I'm not speaking necesarily of individuals)

You can have this without a formal recognition of "marriage." And who in the world really views their marriage in this way?


I belive that governments position on same sex unions should be one of nutrality.

That's because of the side of the fence you're on.


Like it or not you ARE threatening to take something away from hetero-sexual couples and that is the uniqueness of thier relationship. I honestly think that if the homosexual community showed the hetero-sexual community real resect instead of masked distain, then i think they would make great bounds in thier fight for equality.

What in the world does this mean?


I would suggest that the homosexual community take a posture of "we recognise the uniqueness and importance of your relationships. What we ask is equal rights under the law and a footing to demonstrate the uniqueness and importance of our relationships.

I think, if nothing else, historically, we have.

We all wear a green carnation.