Quote: wannabuyamonkey said: I honestly think that if the homosexual community showed the hetero-sexual community real resect instead of masked distain, then i think they would make great bounds in thier fight for equality. I would suggest that the homosexual community take a posture of "we recognise the uniqueness and importance of your relationships. What we ask is equal rights under the law and a footing to demonstrate the uniqueness and importance of our relationships.
I don't want to be seperate. I think enough has been done by the straight community to de-value the sanctity you claim to place on 'marriage'. I want to be among you. This is about equality, not celebrating differences. I'm sick of being looked at as something distinct or odd. Personally, my ultimate realization of these procedings is the time when my grandchildren live side by side with gay, lesbian and straight couples without even thinking about it (witch isn't a stretch, looking at the commuinities I've lived in where this is nearly the case). 'Unique' is not acceptable, sorry.