
You can have this without a formal recognition of "marriage." And who in the world really views their marriage in this way?

You're right and when the day comes (wich I expect in time it will as it has in societies past) when the formality of marraige is done away with the unique nature of marraige will withstand. That doesn't mean I want that to happen any time soon.

And who views marraige that way? I think there are stll many people who take marraige very seriously and wether or not it's entirely concious many people hold the uniting of men and women in high esteem. I agknolledge that few people in todays society think of marraige in such high esteem, but I think more people than you may expect do. I also think the uniqueness of marraige is something most people hold to subconciously wich is why most people don't know how to react when it's threatened. Finally i get the picture of marraige as going beond the indevidual and being the context for the unification of the sexes from the Scriptures.


That's because of the side of the fence you're on.

Do you ever find it helps people to see your side of things when you attemt to phychoanalise them and tell them why they believe what they do and try to write off thier views so flippantly?


I think, if nothing else, historically, we have.

That doesn't seem to be the posture I see today. i see one of "there's nothing special about hetero-sexual relationships" Perhaps historically the posture has been one of outnumbered silence, but it seems that the most vocal vioces of today want to devalue hetero-sexual relationships in order to get thier footing. Look in this thread alone. Time and time the fact that hetero-sexual relationships fail is brought up as some sort of defence for your side. Time and time again the opposition is described as fearfull or stupid or archaeic or fundamentalist. Not once do I see the posture of agknoledging that the opposition may have some legitimate concerns and an attemt to answer those concerns rather than dismiss them.

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