Quote: wannabuyamonkey said: Not once do I see the posture of agknoledging that the opposition may have some legitimate concerns and an attemt to answer those concerns rather than dismiss them.
Being as respectful as possible here....we have so much more at stake here. For hundreds of years, gay people have been opressed, humiliated, hunted and murdered (yes, even in present day America). You will need to forgive the lack of respect, and the pointing of fingers at the obvious targets. Your 'legitimate' concerns as you refer to them echo the 'purity' of not letting interracial couples marry for 'legitimate' reasons. Don't think this is a half assed request, disregarding the well being of others. It is the product of so many influences...from the afformentioned bigotry, to the self consuming gay culture that has festered in the absence of legitimicy.
We want equality. Your marriage wont be any more or less than it already is by letting me and my boyfriend marry. It will merely allow us to address eachother as equals.