
wannabuyamonkey said:


The core of the argument you make against gay marriage relies on Magical Thinking.

Throwing cliches at me proves nothing. I didn't know though that a wiccan would be so apposed to magic or as I see it spirituality.

Magical thinking is fine in it's place. I certainly am guilty of it myself. But I confine it to spirituality and my beliefs about the nature of reality. I have no right to impose my spiritual beliefs on others. Law and reason are completely different arenas.



You believe that there is some intrensic superiority of straight marriages over gay marriages and somehow (magic?) gay marriages reduce the value of str8 unions.

This is a good example of you attributing an opinion to me that can be found nowhere in my post. I wonder why you would be so quick to challenge a proposition I never made?

Well, what is that it's not the same thing all about?


I think everyone agrees that procreation is not the only reason for str8 marriages so that leaves property, rights of inheritance as well as romantic love as the basis of marriage.


right and if you had read past your biase you would see that i think all these things should be afforded homosexuals as well as heterosexuals. You're arguing with your biggotry here, not with me.

I know you support the idea of a contract equal to marriage in terms of the rights it bestows on couples. You seem to have a problem with calling it marriage. So what should we call it? I gave 2 suggestions in the original post. My own feeling is if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck......

BTW, I'm not a bigot.



In what way does this differ between gay and str8 couples?

In that way there is no difference. I'm currious how many converts to your position you've made by calling swing voters bastards. Or do you care? Perhaps those who dissagree with you are inferior to you and not worth converting, who knows. I don't and I don't care. There's too much hate in this world for me to lose sleep over someone who can't see through thier hate for those who think differently from them. But hey hating people is sure alot easier than trying to understand them, so good luck with that and don't let the bastards get you down. I know I won't.

I don't hate people for their opinions. Well, the GOD HATES FAGS groups that protested at Mathew Shepard's funeral are an exception. I do like to stir things up though. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.