Quote: unrestrained id said: One day I need to make a listing of all the self-loathing gay Republicans currently running around.....
This reminds me of a buddy of mine who represents the local Log Cabin Republicans. He described two events where they set up booths. The Republican Picknick and a gay pride parade. At teh Republicans he said there was one cranky old guy who muttered a rude comment to him but for the entire day that was it. he said everyone there treated him with respect even though the grounds were crawling with "Good 'ol boys" and religious conservitives. On the other hand he was run out of the gay pride parade with shouts and people spitting on him and his partner and even had a bottle thrown at him by people who hated him for being gay? no, by people who hated him for being a Republican. At an event that was supposed to be a place where he was supposed to be proud of who he was he was run out for not sharing ALL thier beliefs.
Your comment reminded me of that because by your derrogitory preface you make it clear that you don't accept homosexuals. You only accept homosexuals who are willing to drink your political Kool-Aide.
I'm sorry your friend had that experience but Log Cabin Republicans are like Jews for Hitler. In previous administrations I could understand it. Reagan/Bush for example paid lip service to the Religious Right but did very little to advance their agenda. The current administration actually believes that bullshit.