Quote: wannabuyamonkey said: No of course they shouldn't be required to be labled, but you can't shirk away from something you said just because it wasn't your main point.
Listen. As far as I can see from my vantage point outside the gay community, I haven't seen it used as a symbol that is used proudly. The rainbow, yes, pink triangles? no.
If mem says it is then I'd have to reconsider it. I initially said it wasn't used as a gay symbol based on my own limited observations (going to gay festivals and a couple of gay clubs and parties with gay friends) as well as the statements from Jim Jackson. So based on mem's assertions to the contrary, I'm willing to reconsider that assertion. Is that clear enough?
I hope so. Because at this point, repeatedly bringin the conversation back to that point at the expense of answering the question i've asked several times already, is starting to look like evasion.
So once again..... do you think it's acceptable to require gays to label themselves publicly and in a negative way. Do you find this Christian Coalition guy um.... sane? fair? bigoted? A Nazi?
I'd like to hear that point being adressed.
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. --Will Rogers
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I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would .. try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile. - Condoleeza Rice
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