Quote: Batwoman said: Don't remember what page it was on anymore, but to go back to something JJ said about doubting Christians are persecuted in the US, I just saw a post from a friend on another board and it reminded me that yes, Christians are persecuted in the US in this day and age.
By the way don't forget the persecuted people in America.
How about the school shootings? The Columbine shootings and also the most recent on an Indian Resevation. What state was that?
Anway in both incidents the shooters asked the other studens, "Do you believe in God?" I do believe the kids said yes, and then they got shot. I know for certain the Columbine killers were into Satanism, so that type of persection does happen here in America. Funny, why did they want to take prayer out of schools? I bet you if we did have prayer in schools these type of shooting would have been avoided. You never heard of anything like that happening in schools when prayer was allowed.
I believe you're using isolated incidents to prove a larger conspiracy, with little evidence to back it up. To attempt to use a tragedy such as Columbine to trumpet the need for prayer in schools is simply wrong-headed. Schools that allow prayer have less problems because of the fact that parents have to pay for their children to go there, and also have a bond of familiarity through the church. The issue you seem unwilling to acknowledge, however, is the idea that American public high schools are rarely melting pots. Often, there are extensive elemenets of passive and active cruelty. Teenage years are difficult no matter where one is socially and economically; this doesn't excuse anyone's behavior, but does provide a more reasonable backdrop than your assertion about school prayer.
Another distressing point is people's desire to make what is a secular country and transform it into some Augustinian City of God. The preservation of the separation of church and state allows freedom for all to worship (or not). As it stands now, your hollow accusations of Christian abuse prove that you lack compassion for all human beings, instead choosing to use an arbitrary filter through which to view the world. People should be worried about people, rather than allowing some to slip through the cracks (most likely homosexuals in your case) and decrying others (Christians).
When you mentioned persecution, why didn't you bring up Matthew Shepard? Or this? The act of persecution is not specific to the Christian sect.