
Jim Jackson said:
To the teens I've spoken with who think they may be gay or bi, I usually suggest that they really think seriously about the consequences of them coming out. If I were to give a general piece of advice, I'd suggest to teens that they stay in the closet until they're 18. Not just because they should fear going off to some Gay Reformatory Concentration Camp, but because of their parents' possible rejection. Str8 or gay...it's easier being a sexual being when you're out on your own and/or legally an adult.

This weeks Savage Love is devoted to advise from older gay people to gay teenagers. For openers:


Dear Readers: Just in time for Gay Pride, advice for 15-year-old fags and dykes from grown-up gays and lesbians ...

Three words: HIGH SCHOOL ENDS. No matter how much life sucks right now, it will get better. It’ll never be all rainbows and happiness, but someday you’ll know, your family will know, your friends will know. The people who really care about you will stay with you, and you won’t think twice about putting your name at the end of an e-mail like this.

Jamie Myslik

And may I take a moment to promote one of the funniest comedies I've ever seen?

But I'm a Cheerleader (1999)
In this hilarious satire, Megan Bloomfield (Natasha Lyonne) lives a "normal" teen life as a cheerleader dating the captain of the football team. But her parents and friends suspect Megan is gay because of "clues" such as her distaste for kissing her boyfriend. Shipped off to True Directions -- a camp designed to shove her back in the closet -- Megan meets tomboy Graham Eaton (Clea DuVall), who helps her recognize her sexual orientation.
Starring: Natasha Lyonne, RuPaul ...
Director: Jamie Babbit
Genre: Comedy

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.