
Matter-eater Man said:
Sorry but I believe that is your duty to do a good job. Your certainly entitled to feel good about doing it but gauging it by what other parents are not doing seems like parenting on a curve. No big surprise but I like my parent's approach better.

You'll forgive me if I continue to look at my work as a parent as perhaps my proudest accomplishment.

I find your parenting attitude far too dismissive.

Have kids of your own, come back to me, and then let's talk about it.


While people were in the streets feeling good this weekend you made somebody feel bad for participating in something they were excited about.

I didn't "make" anyone feel bad. Other than in this forum and with another gay friend of mine who holds the same opinions about the Pride Parade that I do, I didn't talk to anyone. Wait, I take that back. I looked at another friend's photos of the event and I didn't give him any grief at all about it because I know he values it, has fun, etc. He is a friend after all. To piss on his fun wouldn't make me much of a friend.


Your behavior was literally the only negative I ran into this weekend.

Then you can view that in one of two ways: Either I'm unique and the sole owner of this kind of opinion. Or I'm not unique and there are other gays who feel as I do.

Which do you choose?

And if my remarks here literally ruined your experience of Pride, then your self-esteem seems to me on shaky grounds to begin with.

We all wear a green carnation.