Quote: Jim Jackson said: Whatever. Believe what you want to believe about gays. You're a lost cause. Gays have been on earth since time immemorial and will be here until the sun sets on humanity.
I hope you and Pariah are very happy together.
I see.
You've chosen to bypass discussion of the issue, and resorted to caricatures and insults instead.
Although we've both laid out our stats and studies and articles at length, here and in the Canada allows same-sex marriage topic, among others, detailing both sides of the issue.
And as with any political or social issue, no matter how much information is thrown at a person, from both sides, we each eventually develop an intuitive sense for which side rings more true. One side rings true for you, another for me.
I still listen, but I'm not likely at this point (or are you ) to change your perspective, with new reports, or with re-packaged versions of the previous existing reports.
And I realize from previous discussions here and in the Canada/same-sex marriage topic, that this is a deeply personal issue for you, which partly explains the lashing out.
But your doing so isn't likely to win any converts to the gay cause.
I don't agree with everything Pariah has said here in this topic. But he is correct that anal sex creates a higher risk for AIDS and other sexually transmitted disease.
And the Center for Disease Control affirms this.
Yes, homosexuality has existed as long as the human race. But murder, rape, child molestation and other abberations have existed as long as the human race also.
The mere fact that homosexuality has existed as long as humanity itself does not make it normal or culturally acceptable. Not every urge a person has needs to be acted upon, or has a right to act upon.
But again, this is not the first time these arguments have been raised, by either of us.
It is not out of hatred that I voice my objections, but to raise the question: Is cultural acceptance of homosexuality in the best interest of our civilization ?
I have friends, co-workers and family members who are gay. Regardless of their lifestyle choices that I disagree with, they are still my friends, family and co-workers.
And I treat them no differently because of it.
I've occasionally breached the subject with each, but mostly just avoid discussing a subject with them on which we are are so irreconcilably divergent in opinion.
I realize you disagree with my perspective, and I respectfully accept that, Jim.
I'm just raising a balance here of counter-argument, from the other side of the issue.
Quote: magicjay38 said:
I'm beginning to think the nature/nurture arguement is a red herring issue. Does it matter how you became gay or str8? Sexual orientation is a fundamental part of personality and one that rarely changes. You are who you are.
That presumes homosexuality is inborn.
I and others have argued that homosexuality is a choice.
You could just as easily argue that murder, rape, arson, gambling, alcoholism, kleptomania, child molestation, etc., are inborn and that people should not be disuaded from these behaviors.
Quote: magicjay38 said:
Wonder Boy thinks that homos are out recruiting str8 children to join them. I can't speak for you, Jim, but I don't recall anyone from Gay Services Recruiting ever knocking on my door. You try it, you like it.
I think that some are.
Perhaps many.
It just stands to reason, that gay culture, gay clubs and so forth, are a very promiscuous culture.
By some of the reports I posted (in the Canada allows same-sex marriage topic, around pages 22-23 of the topic) gay culture is more promiscuous and centered around the thrill of illicit sex than heterosexual culture.
So logically that would mean pursuit of teens and children for sex.
Pursuit of teens certainly isn't unheard of in heterosexual culture. How much more so is it likely in a culture focused on the thrill of illicit sex ?
Quote: magicjay38 said:
The social problems WB describes can just as easily be attributed to the discrimination suffered by a hated minority.
Maybe these of the ones I listed could stem from persecution:
And a higher rate of depression.
And a higher suicide rate, even in nations where homosexuality is fully endorsed.
But these stem from callous lack of regard for others, and outright victimization of others, in pursuit of, and rationalization of, their lifestyle:
Add to that a higher incidence of sexually transmitted disease.
And an estimated 1 million prison rapes per year, in the United States alone.
And shortened average lifespans of gay men.
And self-ostracization, through indoctrination into a negative belief system that homosexuality is biological and not a choice.
Quote: Magicjay said: If the plaintiff wanted to have a family, he certainly wasn't precluded from doing so. You and I have both been married and had children. He could have fulfilled his desires with a woman or a gay partner. He still can!
You and Jim Jackson chose your first homosexual experience.
This was a confused kid who was forced into that situation and now, tormented, perhaps blames himself for not preventing a situation that no 7-year-old is ready to deal with.
The guy in question, who was molested by a Priest at age 7, now has a lot of feelings of guilt, anger and loss of self-worth associated with sex.
And perhaps feels he is no longer worthy of a woman's love.
In any case, it has traumatized him, and vastly impaired his ability to have a romantic/sexual relationship.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.