I'm beginning to think the nature/nurture arguement is a red herring issue. Does it matter how you became gay or str8? Sexual orientation is a fundamental part of personality and one that rarely changes. You are who you are.
That presumes homosexuality is inborn. I and others have argued that homosexuality is a choice.
You could just as easily argue that murder, rape, arson, gambling, alcoholism, kleptomania, child molestation, etc., are inborn and that people should not be disuaded from these behaviors.
You missed my point. I said it didn't matter how you become gay. You are what you are. C'est la vìe. I don't commit any of those crimes you mentioned and I'm queer. I'd wager none of the other gay people on the board do either Does alcoholism really belong in the same sentence as those other behaviours? It's a very common problem and not a crime.
Quote: Wonder Boy said:
Quote: magicjay38 said:
Wonder Boy thinks that homos are out recruiting str8 children to join them. I can't speak for you, Jim, but I don't recall anyone from Gay Services Recruiting ever knocking on my door. You try it, you like it.
I think that some are. Perhaps many. It just stands to reason, that gay culture, gay clubs and so forth, are a very promiscuous culture.
Really? Why?
By some of the reports I posted (in the Canada allows same-sex marriage topic, around pages 20-35 of the topic) gay culture is more promiscuous and centered around the thrill of illicit sex than heterosexual culture. What is illicit about sex?
So logically that would mean pursuit of teens and children for sex. Pursuit of teens certainly isn't unheard of in heterosexual culture. How much more so is it likely in a culture focused on the thrill of illicit sex ?
Sorry, you can't get there from here. Like str8s, some gay people are promiscuous, some aren't. I was very promiscuous when I was younger, almost exclusivly with women. My ideal now is one male and one female lover. Does that make me promiscuous?
BTW if you're going to cite a source not available in this thread, link it, please.