
Wonder Boy said:

magicjay38 said:

I don't commit any of those crimes you mentioned and I'm queer. I'd wager none of the other gay people on the board do either
Does alcoholism really belong in the same sentence as those other behaviours? It's a very common problem and not a crime.

I didn't say that because someone is gay, they're also a pedophile, alcoholic, thief, etc.

I only made the point that homosexuality, similar to all these other disorders, is a compulsive behavior.

The DSM IV and almost all mental health professionals would disagree with your assesment of homosexuality. It's no more a 'compulsive behaviour' than hetro sex is.

As no one should have a right by natural compulsion to rape, murder, steal, be alcoholic, a pedophile, etc., homosexuals shouldn't necessarily have a constitutional right to practice homosexuality.

What do you want o do? Make gay sex a crime? I don't know of a movement to create a Gay Rights Amendment. Gays are a minority and seek to enjoy the same rights as the majority.


Magicjay said:

Sorry, you can't get there from here. Like str8s, some gay people are promiscuous, some aren't. I was very promiscuous when I was younger, almost exclusivly with women. My ideal now is one male and one female lover. Does that make me promiscuous?

BTW if you're going to cite a source not available in this thread, link it, please.

Here you go, Magicjay.
I did post a link to the previous topic, way back on page 6 of this new topic, but here it is again.
This time linked to the specific part of the prior topic I was referring to:

Canada allows same-sex marriage, page 22.

My first link is about two-thirds down the topic page.

You completely dodged the issue: promiscuity. You can complain about my asking for proper citations but isn't a writer's job to communicate to the reader?