I didn't say that because someone is gay, they're also a pedophile, alcoholic, thief, etc.
I only made the point that homosexuality, similar to all these other disorders, is a compulsive behavior.
The DSM IV and almost all mental health professionals would disagree with your assesment of homosexuality. It's no more a 'compulsive behaviour' than hetro sex is.
You clearly haven't read what was previously written, either my previous comments on pages 5 and 6 of this topic, or read the studies I posted in the previous topic. (Which I linked for you, specifically at your request)
The Reader's Digest version is:
1) Among psychology/psychiatry professionals, homosexuality until 1973 was diagnosed as an obsessive-compulsive disorder.
2) That there are still many studies and centers that STILLtreat homosexuality as a treatable disorder, despite that the mainstream of the psychology/psychiatry profession has removed it from the list of disorders, out of pro-gay bias and political correctness.
3) As I also posted, there is a pro-gay backlash against any psychological study done that sincerely questions the politically correct pro-gay stance that has been leveraged on the psycho-professional community, that reflexively trashes anyone who makes sincere inquiry beyond the politically correct pro-gay stance. A trashing that many professionals are not willing to subject themselves to, in order to do a serious study that will contradict the pro-gay intimidation and holy war on progress and truth.
4) That the studies I posted were all done by psychologists WHO ARE THEMSELVES FORMER PRACTICING HOMOSEXUALS, who certainly have no lack of compassion for, or firsthand knowledge of, the gay experience. The lack of experience that you berate me for not having.
( Which is a bullshit argument anyway, the old "you can't know what it's like unless you're gay, black, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, a compulsive gambler, a pedophile, a serial killer" whatever.
No crime or social assessment of any kind could ever be done of any kind, if everyone held this same attitude.
I'll say it again: It's a bullshit argument ).
But in any case, highly knowledgeable people of the gay experience have posted studies, and successfully treated individuals out of the gay compulsion.
Quote: Wonder Boy said: As no one should have a right by natural compulsion to rape, murder, steal, be alcoholic, a pedophile, etc., homosexuals shouldn't necessarily have a constitutional right to practice homosexuality.
Quote: Magicjay said: What do you want [to] do? Make gay sex a crime? I don't know of a movement to create a Gay Rights Amendment. Gays are a minority and seek to enjoy the same rights as the majority.
You again clearly haven't read what I wrote, either here or in the previous topic (which I again linked specifically at your request).
I've said many times that I support gays having rights within a secular framework. ( i.e., where gay rights do not infringe on religious freedom of Christians. Or on freedom of other faiths, and perhaps even on freedom of many athiests and agnostics, who might have objections to homosexuality and wish to insulate themselves and their children from politically correct pro-gay ideology and indoctrination).
In the instance of "Gay Marriage" or other legal circumstances that protect gays as an ethnic group (as opposed to theirs being the chosen behavior group that they truly are) where any criticism of homosexuality on religious grounds would be labelled a "hate crime" punishable by fines or even imprisonment, is an intrusion on FREEDOM OF SPEECH and RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.
And an intrusion, in the specific case of Christians (regarding their freedom to practice their faith in its true form as their Bible teaches them) on their ability to teach that homosexuality is immoral.
And in that specific instance, what the Bible (i.e., God's specific instruction) truly says about homosexuality and related issues, such as homosexuality's prevalence as a manifestation of cultural/moral decline (Romans 1:18-32).
And of rampant homosexuality as a Biblically predicted manifestation of the fulfillment of end-time prophecy, demonstrating the nearness of Christ's second coming.
( Along with other prophetic signs: the reformation of Israel, "knowledge increasing" in the information age, the rise of China as a global power, an increase in epidemic disease, and a sharp rise in storms, earthquakes and other natural disasters. )
A brief list of Biblical verses that condemn homosexuality, clearly, that would be publicly banned:
Gen 13:13
Gen 18 & 19
Lev 7:21, 18:22, 20:13
Romans 1:18-32
1 Cor 5:9-11, 6:9-11
2Peter 2:1-22
Jude v5-10
Quote: Magicjay said: BTW if you're going to cite a source not available in this thread, link it, please.
Quote: Wonder Boy said: I did post a link to the previous topic, way back on page 6 of this new topic, but here it is again.
This time linked to the specific part of the prior topic I was referring to:
My first link is about two-thirds down the topic page.
Quote: Magicjay said:
You completely dodged the issue: promiscuity. You can complain about my asking for proper citations but isn't a writer's job to communicate to the reader?
You've again ignored my previously posted and linked comments and examples, which you specifically requested.
I made VERY clear on page 6, in glowing red and blue text, that the Bible condemns all forms of adultery, and that homosexuality is ONE FORM of adultery, and that I have consistently and repeatedly said this.
my comments regarding this, page 6 of the topic: HERE
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.