I suppose if 10,000 scientific studies said the world is flat, and only Magellan said the world is round, we should reject Magellan's work ?
What's your point here? Well, if 10,000 scientific studies said the world is round, and only Magellan said the world is flat, we should reject Magellan's work.
You're comparing psychological opinions to scientifically certifiable facts. If you could give scientific proof that homosexuality is a compulsion, unlike heterosexuality, then the comparison would have a leg to stand on.
Quote: Wonder Boy said: I suspect that the psychological community, much like the news media, is dominated by liberal individuals sympathetic to the gay cause.
And the few that aren't are trashed for their studies that report to the contrary of the politically correct pro-gay agenda.
And many more are intimidated from doing sincere inquiries to avoid similar professional trashing and intimidation.
Okay, those are your suspicions. They don't actually support anything or have any real support of their own, but you are free to suspect.
Quote: Wonder Boy said:
Quote: Wednesday said: And, of course, the latter part of your statement is an opinion, not a fact. It's no more than an accusation.
I see no factual counter-argument in your post.
My own assertions, in contrast, are based on the reports of psychological professionals, who are themselves former homosexuals.
Everything you base your argument on is opinion. I'm simply pointing out that it's opinion and not fact.
These psychological professionals are themselves giving opinions. They might be psychological professionals, but this doesn't give their opinion on the matter of their own treatment within the professional community any more merit. I may say that I was treated poorly as a member of the United States military based on my race. The fact that I was a sailor doesn't, in itself, give my assertion credibility.
Quote: Wonder Boy said:
Quote: Wednesday said:
Quote: Wonder Boy said: 4) That the studies I posted were all done by psychologists WHO ARE THEMSELVES FORMER PRACTICING HOMOSEXUALS, who certainly have no lack of compassion for, or firsthand knowledge of, the gay experience.
I'd disagree here. Many FORMER PRACTICING HOMOSEXUALS would have a lack of compassion for the gay experience. That is why they are FORMER.
I see no factual basis in this statement of yours either.
See above.
Quote: Wonder Boy said: Reading the sites for the psychological centers, they offer therapy to treat homosexuality as a disorder, and do so in a caring, supportive, understanding and compassionate way.
I saw nothing on any of their sites to indicate otherwise, despite your assumptions.
Assumptions, assumption. State facts and I'll work to do the same. State the opinions of others as fact, and you'll get what you give.
I'm not trying to rebuke what you say, only show that the opinions you site are that.
Seriously, I'm sure you'll say that everything you've sited is a fact, but there's nothing there. You give the opinions of the minority. You've argued that one must not be a homosexual, Muslim, or Jew to know something about the topic. I argue that being a homoseuxal, Muslim, or Jew does not make one an expert on the topic.