Her name well, names don't really matter, so let's just call her "D." She goes to the same university I do...just a different campus. ('cause our university's that big)
So far, we've only had two dates, but we talk on the phone practically every day. When we are together, we enjoy everything about the other person's company...And yes, that includes kissing and cuddling. But the physical aspects of our relationship are just part of what make being with her so special. We both love making each other laugh with our corny jokes, the color black, comics (particularly X-Men), and basketball. She does a plethora of impersonations, including a perfect Miss Swan. (In fact, she supposedly uses it everytime she orders Chinese food.)
I'm glad D and I found each other. I could be having a horrible day (which is more often than not) and talking to her makes my burdens feel lighter. She inspires me in so many ways to continue to become a better person.
In particular, one story she told me reinvigorated my sense of romance. She called me one night after her friend had called her and told her she'd fallen in love with her (male) best friend. They'd gone on a date and talked for hours. Once it was over, she walked him back to his car ('cause his was closer). When she went to walk away, he grabbed her hand and turned her towards him. "Don't you feel it too?" He asked her. The wind gently ran through her hair, and he kissed her. They felt each other's hearts beating rapidly.
"It was something straight out of a movie," D said. The happiness in her own voice was apparent. She was elated for her friend, I vowed to myself that one day, I'd share a moment like that with her. There's no rush, though. We're still young; we've still have our own lives to build and each other's company to enjoy.