A short time has passed since the JLR foiled the plans of Chant and his postal minions. Still, Chant waits and unleashes his foulest plan yet... a plan that could, in fact, lead him to the greatest power the universe has ever known!
Deep in a Mayan temple three days ago...
Chant: Are you're certain this is it?
The Intern: According to my calculations, the meteor fell here in this crypt.
Chant: What did you say?
The Intern: I mean... YOUR Calculations.
Chant: Hrm. Well, open it.
The Intern gestures to the Postal Robot accompanying them. The Robot slowly pulls open the crypt door. Dust, cobwebs and tiny bugs quickly evacuate the premises. The two men step into the crypt expecting total darkness. Instead, a single shaft of light cuts the room in half. It runs from a hole in the ceiling to a chest in the floor.
Chant: (Entering the room and looking up through the hole.) So... Where is it? I don't see any meteor around here.
The Intern:(Looking through some scattered Mayan remains.) It seems the meteor has been permanently lodged in this.... sock.
Chant: A sock.... Did the Mayans even wear socks?
The Intern: And look at this! Apparently, there are places for the other meteors!
Quickly, Chant grabs the sock away from the Intern and places five other meteors into the sock. Then, he tries to hop on one foot while taking off his boot and sliding the sock on to his foot.
Chant: Yes!! I can feel it! The power of the Infinite! It is at my grasp! Finally... I can destroy the JLR FOREVER!!!
A beach in Cancun, Mexico, yesterday.
Wednesday: Now... this is the life, eh?
Centurion: *covered in sun screen* I'm surprised my mom signed the permission slip. This is the best field trip ever!
TTT: I'm just glad we started a new adventure with new schticks!
Nuriko98: Why?
TTT: It's a long story.... wait... No. Okay, first it started with-
Registered Member: Everyone kept stealing his lines.
Centurion: Where are the babes?
Wednesday: Look, I'm going to go grab a cervesa, I'll be right back. Anyone need anything?
Centurion: I'll take a cerv-- Beer.
Wednesday: Nice try, kid. Anyone else?
Jay Orin: No thanks.
Doog: Gimme one of them drinks with the umbrella in it.
Wednesday: Got it. Coming right up.
Wednesday trots across the soft sand and reaches the bar where one hot latin lady is hanging out.
Wednesday: Que pasa?
Hot Latin Lady: If it isn't my old pal, Wednesday.
Wednesday: So... we've met? Wait... Why do you sound like a dude? Oh man... Gross. Okay.. I'm not down... I mean, it's cool. You do whatevah! But, I'm uh... I'mma go..
Slowly, Hot Latin Lady morphs into the Postal Terror that is Chant. Wednesday watches in shock as the bartender also morphs into the Intern. He points a Weapon of Mass Confusion at Wednesday.
Chant: I find it entertaining that you managed to end up in Mexico the same time as me. I also find it a glorious convenience.
Wednesday: The rest of the JLR are just over that dune...
Chant: Oh... I know. I know everything. *he shows off the Infinity Sock*
Wedneday: That's uh... great... normally... Uh, I don't wear socks on the beach. I mean, that's where sandals come in handy.
Chant: Don't you smell that, Wednesday?
Wednesday: Smell.... what?
Chant: Impending doom.
The Intern pulls the trigger and Wednesday is frozen where he stands. Chant reaches out and tears Wednesday's head from his body... and starts the slow walk up the dune. When he reaches the other side, the JLR scramble to find a defensive formation but stop short when Chant tosses Wedneday's head at their feet.
Jay Orin: Wednesday!!??! No!!
She rushes to attack but Chant stops her with the power of the Infinity Sock. Mystical, cosmic energies flow from Jay to Chant's foot. She falls to the ground, powerless.
Chant: Now... How can I make this interesting... Oh.. yes.
Chant snaps his fingers and the standing members of the JLR slowly twist into evil versions of themselves. He strides over and stands over the prone Jay.
Jay Orin: My powers... *she looks up at Chant*
Chant: Better start running.
The Farmhouse of Justice today. Ace and Fused sit on the Sofa of Justice playing Tekken 5 on the Playstation 2 of Justice. Kaz enters from the kitchen with beer in hand.
Kaz: See... that's the part I don't get. I mean, you went out for the salsa... Yet, we still don't have any. And why the hell aren't >WE< chilling in Cancun?
Ace: You're distracting me here....
Fused: Don't make excuses for getting your ass whooped.
Kaz: Why us? I mean... how did they decide?
Ace: You weren't here?
Fused: Nah... he was at the mall, remember?
Kaz: I was at the mall, right.
Ace: That new chick.... what's her name... Destruction... something...
Kaz: Annhilation Lee?
Ace: Yeah... that's it. She made people pick a number.
Fused: So, half the squad's in Cancun.... and we're here... "guarding" the joint.
Kaz: Ah. I see...
Suddenly, Spandex Monkey Man rushes into the room...
SMM: Guys!
Fused: Calm down! Kaz has next.
SMM: What? Oh... Not that! This is important! TTT didn't check in this morning!
Ace: So?
SMM: He always checks in at 10:32:12 in the morning if he's away from the Farmhouse... something about keeping in touch with the toaster....
Kaz: Gross! I just had a pop-tart!
Fused: Maybe he hooked up with a Mexican iron.
SMM: Still... it's not like him. What if something's happened?
Ace: I'm sure Wednesday has it under control.
SMM: Yeah... maybe you're right.... where is Jade.... *looks around* and Darren?
Kaz: They went out for chips..... and salsa. They should be back in a minute.
SMM: When they get back, I say we try to contact the hotel they're staying at in Mexico...
Ace, Fused, Kaz: Whatever, man.
Suddenly.... Jay Orin, covered in beach sand and blood, bursts through the front door.... and collapses at just short of the Living Room of Justice.
Jay Orin: Gasp!
SMM: Who says, "Gasp!"?
Jay Orin: Wednesday..... .... .... he's dead...
SMM: What?!?!
Jay Orin: Chant... he killed him..... and made everyone else evil!
Ace: What... how?
Jay Orin: There's no time...
Fused: Why?
Jay Orin: They're right behind me....
Kaz: Who is right behind you?
Jay Orin: The JLR!!!
Ace, Fused, Kaz and Spandex Monkey Man look up to the front door.... as their former teammates, twisted by evil, charge into the Farmhouse of Justice.
Fused and Kaz: GULP!
Ace: We can't fight our friends!
Fused: Where's Brit?
Kaz: Upstairs... I think... I dunno... What are we going to do?
SMM: I... *SMM pulls a banana from his pocket and triumphantly points in the direction of their evil pals* JLR ASSEMBLE!!!!
SMM transforms into his feral monkey form, Ace plucks some cards from his jacket, Fused raises his bionic arm and Kaz cracks his knuckles (and takes off the sombrero).
Can four survive against their own? Who will lead the Wednesday-less JLR? Did TTT really make it with an iron? Will Jade and Darren get back in time..... with the Salsa?