Evil T3: Targets now airborne. Moving at speeds approaching the sound barrier.
Evil Doog: Airborne? Since when do they fly?
High above the city in the bright morning skies our heroes flee the fight looking for a place to stop and get some answers...
Kaz: WooHOOOOO! Since when do we fly?
Arisockles: You do not fly human! This is by our will that you should rise into the heavens and our will alone!
Kaz: Wow! Someone sure is a cocky-sock!
Fused: Hehe...
Arisockles: You dare mock me...
Sockrates: What's going on back there?
Arisockles: The human mocks me!
Ace: Dude, please don't mock the sock...
Kaz: He started it!
Arisockles: Allow us to demonstrate our powers for you.
The six heroes drop to the ground...
Ace: We should know what we're working with. That sounds like a good idea; even if it did come from the cocky-sock...
JLR: Hehehe...
Jay: And perhaps we could get some answers. Like what the hell are you things?
Sockrates: We are not things; we are the protectors of the Infinity Sock and-
Fused: Nevaheardofit!
SMM unwraps himself from Jay as Fused sets down Jade softly in the grass.
Jade: My hero!
Fused: Uh... okay....
Hippsockrotes: It's not surprising that you've not heard of the sock. Few have and most that have believe it to be nothing more than legend.
Sockrates: And as I've stated we are the socks protectors. The socks power is limitless. It could reshape the entire universe if its possessor so wished. We have been reawakened due to the sock landing into EVILS uncomforatable lap!
Ace: Chant!
Jay: Yes...
Fused: And you guys can help us?
Confusock: We can work to amplify your powers. And lend you a few otheres of course. Did you think you sonic boomed that room back there by yourself? With your fryed arm?
Ace: And the card? That was you?
Sockrates: Of course. Not exactly my idea of a good time spitting those cards out of my mouth but it certainly got the job done.
Jay: But you killed our teammates.
Sockrates: We do what we must to save the sock.
Ace: But I can't even control my hand anymore!
SMM quickly darts his head from left to right and lowers his finger from his nose.
SMM, eyes up in thought, defensively: Uhhh... YEAH, ME NEITHER!
Hippsockrotes: That is because we have taken control of those arms. Except of course for monkey-boy and the girl there that is.