Back in Barkhan Asylum for the Criminally insane in a bright white power disabling room. . .
Chant: You jerks couldn’t have just left well alone and left omnipotence to the
EXPERIENCED could you. Newbies!
Annihilation: But imma gurl. I should be able to do whatever I wanna. Face it I'm 733t and UR teh n00b that makes it with teh suck. . . P43AR. . .

*pouts* . . .
Bitch you needta pay yer dues around here before claiming almighty power. It’s not all about “me me me.”
Biz Money: Yeah I find it more enjoyable as a team effort. You’d be surprised how much fun you can have in the back seat. Uhhh . . .
Chant: Shut your yap! More like annoyingly charming!
Biz: So you
*are* charmed!
Annihilation: I have to say. That move you pulled was pretty slick. Why fight when you can make love? What were you saying about the back seat?
Annihilation straddles Biz, twisty curls his hair and heaves her humongous triple D’s onto his face smothering him.
Biz: I can’t charm you! That runs completely against my schtick!!!
***Murffle. .. Murff!***
Chant: Well aren’t we just a happy little rogues gallery. . .
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We now orbit the earth on the Farmhouse Satellite Tower of Justice In Space . . .
Britannica Online presses random buttons and screens on the main computer terminal. Kaz, Ace and the Spandex Monkey Man sit on the space couch in the back playing PS3 online multi-tap beside their new Nintendo Wii.
SMM: C’mon guys lets play with my Wii.
Kaz: Dude Wii isn’t even a #*$@ing word. Whatcha got going on over there Brit-O?
Britannica Online: Well it seems all the JLRians on the FSTJS or the Farmhouse Satellite Tower of Justice In Space, or simply, the Fusty Juss, got rematerialized here after the MMORPG computer asploded. Seems the Infinity Socks had a master plan after all. It's also one year later now on this "New Earth"
Kaz: Well it
has been a year since anyone's frikkin' posted. . .
Brit-O: Seems Chant, Annihilation, and Biz have been ported to a supervillain institution. And uhh. . . Fused is in jail too.
Kaz: What for?
Brit-O: Statutory Rape. Apparently Jade finally got to him.
Ace: Chant's gonna be pissed.
SMM: I thought she was legal!
Kaz: Apparently so did Fused.
Brit-O: Well the rest of the JLR are down at Earth too it seems. I’ve found Wednesday’s heat signature down there. . . and uh he seems to be accompanied with 2 very heated heat signatures!
Ace: Let’s gather all the founding JLR members and put the new members to a vote.
Brit-O: Chaps, I think its time we reassemble and reinvigorate the JLR!
SMM: Like Ultimate JLR?
Kaz: Just like the recognizable JLR everyone knows and loves, but without all the confusing continuity!
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Hybrid drives down in his Hybrid towards the old address of where the Farmhouse of Justice once was. He pulls up to the driveway and sees the exposed soil in the shape of the old Farmhouse.
Hybrid:. . . . . . Did I $%&ing miss something?!?!