As soon as I sit down and compile a list of all the main posters here, and create the poll.
The rules (which I will re-type when I actually put it up) are simple:
1) Everyone will vote for someone to be removed from the polling list.
2) Each poll will last exactly one week
3) Everytime someone votes, you are required to add a post that simply says "Voted". I am hoping that this will allow me to better track whether someone is using alt-ids. In other words, if we have a poll, and 37 votes have been cast, and only 12 people have replied "Voted", then, it's an obvious case of alt-id use (I'm looking in your direction, rx3). From there, it will either be considered in default, and the entire thing deleted, or, I will do my best to remove the proper number of votes from the poll ratio. If someone has a better way of keeping track of vote-to-poster ratio, to keep it fair, I'm all ears.
4)The final survivor/winner gets something special attached to his/her user-ID. Rob has given a few suggestions to me how and what he would do. Nothing super-special like making anyone a mod, or anything. But, nonetheless, a prize to work for.
I am saying all of this to get feedback. If the majority of people are not interested in this game, then, I won't waste my time. And, knowing how many posters there are to eliminate, this game will go on for awhile.
So, let me know. Ideas, feelings, and opinions....