I for one don't see the point of setting up a poll and making us all post a reply saying that we voted. If you get ten votes and less than ten confirmed voters, how do you know which votes to nix? Ask each of us who we voted for? Why not simply nix the poll and ask us flat out who we want to leave as if that thread didn't already exist?

And don't forget, Wednesday was once an alt, now he's a mod, so no reason to exclude the alts! I love this persona too much to let it disappear into the shadows, so it's onl--

Wait a minute... Shadows?? I know someone who lurks in the shadows, and I hate that guy! How dare you all remind me of him! Off with your heads!

Ladies and gentlemen, hobos and tramps! Cross-eyed mosquitoes, and bow-legged ants! I come before you to stand behind you. To tell you a story I know nothing about. One bright morning, in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back, they faced each other, drew their swords, and shot each other. If you do not belive this lie, it's true! Ask the blind lady on the corner! She saw it, too! It's a Joker world, baby, you just live in it! Kaz said: Emperor Joker, you rule.