
Pariah said:

Rob Kamphausen said:
sounds fucking fantastic.

Rob, why is it that you like every damn thing that you see?

i dont like you.

i also didn't like the revolution direction at first.

otherwise, i tend to actually like things i like. there are precious few positive reactions on intarweb message boards, as many people are like you; people that hate everything, amazingly even things they like.

others just use their voices to complain about stuff they dont like (movies, shows, comics, etc) and fall silent on things they do like. for example, the animalman-like posters who uttered: "fuck jay and silent bob. fuck them up their stupid asses."

me, i speak on everything. however i'm feelin, when i feel it. hell, in this very thread, you can see my reaction go from awful to wtf to relief to excitement, then back to wtf because i have to address your retarded question.


Pariah said:
I suspect everyone's gonna say, "Wow! I'm incredibly surprised at how user-friendly it is!" but I'm not going for that BS.

how's that bs? shouldn't y'wanna play stuff with great control or gameplay?


Pariah said:
I mean, a remote-control who's buttons are polarized on either side of its baugh? And you say you're supposed to use it with one hand?

its certainly different from the accepted norm, thats for damn sure, just as the DS stylus sets it apart from other handhelds. or how the computer mouse interacts with games, versus a controller.

the "remote" portion is held in your right hand. the ... joystick (?) portion is held in your left, if needed for the game. looks entirely odd, but i imagine the feeling isn't all that dissimilar to a standard controler, with your right hand working hte buttons and your left working the control.


Pariah said:
And what's the point of making that and a dual-hand controller "shell?"?

variety. options. possibilities.

the remote/joystick controller will allow the developers and gamers to interact with games in a whole new way. games will be created looking for this type of interaction, just like DS games look for stylus or two-screen environments, or how light gun games look for the light gun sensor -- it just creates hundreds of new directions to be travelled in.

the shell will allow game developers and players to interact with games in the traditional format. ported games, like, say, soul calibur or wwe wrestling games will more than likely go this direction, as will the classic downloadable nes, snes, n64 and cube games, and certainly some of the next gen revolution games by first, second and third parties.

however, because the shell also has the remote sensor as part of its design, it opens up the possibilty of new levels of game play and interaction not available normally. it doesn't have to be used, but if the develoeprs want to, the possibilities are there.

its a question of variety. if they just made one, they couldn't fully utilize the other.

really, for me, as well as for nintendo, its a great concept. nintendo is fantastic and innovation and new ideas and directions, and i tend to enjoy most of them. however, very often, nintendo is a very old-school japanese, stubborn company, and when they pick a direction, they stick to it, in spite of the others.

thus, my original fear of this being nintendo's new direction, eschewing my beloved standard nintendo games, not to mention, businesswise, many third parties and third party games.

however, going in both directions means nintendo can appeal to more gamers and game companies. all the madden fans can still play madden, and all the new fans can play some wacky new laser dart game.


Pariah said:
Same case with Sony: Why bother making this new hi-tech boomerang when the dual-shock made everyone happy for both consoles?

innovation. progression.

sony already has a ps2. they want to advance to another level. they want games to be made for the ps3 that take gamers to a new plateu. the boomerang, supposedly, is an extention of that upgrade.

they haven't really gone into detail as to how, or even shown super mockups of the controller itself, so it might be too early to comment.

giant picture