Iwata avoided any specific comments about how much the Revolution would cost. However, he reiterated that the console will be reasonably priced. "The amount of money that people are willing to spend on videogames is getting less every year," he said. "Even if it's a superb machine, it's not going to sell if it's 50,000 yen ($434). We plan to make [the Revolution] an affordable price."
To date, Nintendo has never released a console above the price of 25,000 yen ($217) in Japan. Iwata also told the Sankei Shinbun that a working model close to the final form factor of the Revolution will be shown at E3 in May.
More gaming companies need to think like this. Money is hard to come by and even if I will buy the PS3 eventually, it will probably be a while after the launch.
Reveling in the knowledge that Sammitch will never interrupt my nookie ever again.
112,000 RACK Points!