Saw it. Really liked it.
The opening sequence was exactly what I have been waiting for since I was little. I wish there was more space battles.

The acting was horrible. Definitely the worst part of the movie. It was so bad me and some others in the theater were laughing.

Seeing Chewbacca was cool. Another part that should have been longer.

The Anakin/Obi-Wan duel was okay. I liked the Yoda/emperor battle better.

Anakin being cut up and burnt was a little over the top. It could have been done much better. The looking through the mask part was really cool.

All the scenes at the end were great. Those are the scenes I've been waiting more than twenty years to see.

I'll have to see it again at a better theater before I pass final judgement, but I think Episode Two was better than this one.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.