
Prometheus said:
I took it that Leia must have been talking about her stepmother, or something. Either that, or Lucas just said "...eh..." *shrugs*, and let it go.

I just re-watched the scene in Return of the Jedi and Luke asks her if she remembers her real mother. So it was another mess up.
But, in the books it says how a mother has a very strong bond with her children before their born, so in a way she could remember her, but probably no more than Luke does.


I found it very interesting that Yoda said Qui-Gon had found the way for dead Jedi to appear as apparitions. That was a nice tie-up-touch for all the phatom Obi-Wan's in the original trilogy.

I liked that also. Its kinda cool to know that Obi-wan had someone to talk to all those years. It was kinda sappy, but cool.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.