HATED THE KIDS SCENE!!!!! Almost made me vomit....I know they had to show darth evil but hey....to show him with his light saber heading towards the younglings...........SO WRONG! AND EVIL!!!!! And sickening! He shoulda been shot for that.

Even though I wasn't into the whole glorification of evil theme and thought the violence towards the end was way to graphic *yuck at ani getting scorched and being tortured as he's operated on*, I liked the light saber scenes for the most part. The beginning with Dookoo and Ani was pretty good, my favorite though wasn't the Obi Wan and Ani fight but the Obi Wan and the General. That rocked......when the gen brought out like four light sabers....totally awesome.

All in all, wish I hadn't seen it, it was hard going to bed afterwards with the graphic scenes scarred in my memory for life ;p