So it's been 10 days. I haven't called her yet. But I want to, man. Oh, how I want to. But I know how pointless and futile it would be.
And you know what... This is probably all my fault. About half-way through our relationship she said something along the same lines. "I know you love me, but I don't know if I love you the same."
We had a pretty serious discussion about it, but in the end we decided to ignore it. She thought maybe she could eventually "fall in love" with me the way I had fallen in love with her. It just took her another seven months to realize that, in fact, she couldn't, she wasn't, she won't. Ever. Fall in love. With me.
The stabbing thoughts have dwindled down to a dull ache instead of a searing pain, however. But it's these sudden overwhelming urges to pick up the phone and call her, though, that I'm trying my damndest to fight.
So I shouldn't call her? Ever? In the end, it wasn't really all her fault...
Originally posted by Sideways:
What really bums me out is that she took the whole 13 months of emotion and passion to tell you that she doesn't love you in the way you want her to. Was there EVER an earlier time she could have told you all this? Either of you could have found someone else by now. If I were in your position, I'd wait at least another 13 months before calling her, if ever.
"And it's unfair to you to keep this going the way it is."
Why was it going the way it was at all?
I hope that didn't sound cold or anything. It's just that once I learn it's not going to work out, I can't pretend it will.
At any rate, you won't feel this bad for too long, as others here have said. They say you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your princess. How true!