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Nonoxynol9 said: Well, like I mentioned in my last post, we were supposed to go see Pirates yesterday. And we did. It felt a little awkward at first, sitting beside her, fighting the urge to put my arm around her. But I made it through OK.
By the time the movie had ended, however, I'd resigned myself to the fact that that was it, we were just there to see a movie. Time to go in our seperate cars back to our houses... But then... she decided, Maybe I'll come over. You're not doing anything today. Neither am I. Why not hang out?
For a couple of hours we sat there on the couch, like old times. As the hours crept by, I found that we were slowly inching closer and closer to each other... Finally, it was time for her to leave, and I told her, You know, this morning, my stomach was doing flip-flops... I didn't know how I was going to react being with you here, today, as friends... But for some reason, it just feels right. And it did. It felt right. We ended up holding hands... Talking... And then we kissed. I thought, surely, this SHOULD be torturing me... These feelings, they SHOULD be drowning me all over again. But... But for some reason, I was OK with the way things were. For once, I wasn't scared to let her go.
Needless to say, she spent the night. We didn't do anything. We just fell asleep on the couch watching Godzilla movies. And this morning, when she left... I didn't cry. I didn't feel any pangs of hurt or despair. I thought, Wow, even though we spent the entire night together, I'm better off now than when we were "officially" a couple.
I think it's because I finally realized where our relationship is heading. Not the future. Not marriage, or an eternity together. Just RIGHT NOW. Today. Tomorrow. If we hang out again, fine, if we don't ever touch each other again, that's fine, too. I think seeing her did something to me, made me a stonger person now... For once, for ONCE, I can look forward to today.
P.S. Thanks for your concern, guys. It kinda means something to me knowing you guys are looking out for me. But don't worry... I'm no longer delusional. I'm no longer lying to myself. We are what we are, and nothing more. And I'm FINALLY happy with that.
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Batwoman: <strong> Non, I think you're playing with fire man. Take it from someone who was in the very same place as you just 4 years ago. Stop calling her, stop talking to her, don't go out with her as friends, nothing. Walk away. You're not doing yourself any good by still talking to her and being just friends. All you're doing is torturing yourself and giving yourself a false sense of hope. I know what I'm talking about. Although I was some harsh things to my ex after the break up, I still held hope that we'd get back together again some day.
Where I was hurt, upset, mad, all of the above, he was happy and excited about the townhouse he was going to buy. The thing with that was, when we were together, we agreed not to buy a house seperatly. We were going to get one together. But then it didn't take him long to go looking after he broke up with me, and decide to get the one he saw. Sitting across from him at the restautrant seeing him happy, listening to him talk about it just hurt me more. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">
i know that you don't know me and my advice might be meaningless to you, but I agree with Batwoman. Breakups are rough for anyone. Even if she's not showing any emotion in front of you that doesn't mean that she isn't hurt. That doesn't mean it is anywhere near what you are going through. I really believe that you can be friends, but it takes some time. You both need time apart. I don't mean a couple weeks. You both need to move on with your separate lives for a while and see what doors open in the future. It's hard to see it now when it is right in front of you, but being around her is just going to put you on an emotional rollercoaster. I've been there. False hope can be very toturing. I suggest you spend a lot of time with friends, hobbies, or family. Anything that will keep you busy. I know it's a lot easier for me to say now that it's over, but please trust me. Time is the only thing that is going to heal your wounds. You sound like a great guy. I'm sure your princess will find you soon 