The Time Trust: The radio show is good.
david finn 13 has left the room.
Pariah186: C'mon. You gotta laugh at that one
Pariah186: JOE'S A QUITTER!!
UltimateJaburg53: Sumbudday call joe momma!
rqbumbershoot: Now hit my music!
The Time Trust: I haven't seen the movie yet, though, so I can't say anything about it.
rexstardust99: Who wants to keep this chat open all weekend?
The Time Trust: You?
TheElisaPrincess: wheres JM/
TheElisaPrincess: he left?
rexstardust99: I can have it open overnight.
TheElisaPrincess: nooooooooooooooooooooooo!
TheElisaPrincess: why?
TheElisaPrincess: so not fair
The Time Trust: I'll be up all night, so I can handle it until tomorrow morning, probbably.
TheElisaPrincess: all night?
TheElisaPrincess: why?
TheElisaPrincess: i have to work on homework this weekend so i gotta go to bed
Pariah186: What!
Pariah186: ?
The Time Trust: Couldn't sleep last night, slept most of the day today.
rexstardust99: Yeah, I could leave AIM on all night, leave the room open.
The Time Trust: It's my day off
Pariah186: You guys going for a record or some something?
rexstardust99: It'll be interesting to see how it goes.
TheElisaPrincess: please do rexers!
Pariah186: jeez
TheElisaPrincess: yeah pary the rkmb have no life and stay up all nigh ton the boards record :P
Pariah186: I'll be up until morning as well
Pariah186: seeing as how I'm trying to drown my depression
Pariah186: in alcohol for the first time
The Time Trust: That won't work
rexstardust99: You're drinking?
Pariah186: I really don't care
Pariah186: I'm too pissed at the wolrd right now to think rationally
Pariah186: yeah
UltimateJaburg53: Poor Pariah
TheElisaPrincess: wow poor parys!!!!!!!!!!!
Lord Mxypltk: get some hand cream
Pariah186: Mybe I'll fall asleep on my jeyboard
The Time Trust: I hated being Pariah's age. Everything was so depressing. But it passes.
TheElisaPrincess: then youll have a hangover and feel crappy
Lord Mxypltk: Get some hand cream and lube it away
Pariah186: It's not the usual mid-life crisis stuff
TheElisaPrincess: junior high was worse triple
Lord Mxypltk: Shoot it out!
UltimateJaburg53: Mid life
UltimateJaburg53: ?
TheElisaPrincess: mxy that doesnt help with someone sturggling emotional com eon
Pariah186: I had planned for the armed forces since 12
Lord Mxypltk: sure it does.
Pariah186: It was like, in my list of things to do
UltimateJaburg53: You got the hair cut and everything
Lord Mxypltk: I'm sorry Elisa, have you ever tried it?
TheElisaPrincess: thats your solution to everythign in life mxy
TheElisaPrincess: thast really sad
Pariah186: Now they say I prolly can't do it
Pariah186: ever
Lord Mxypltk: Lord Mxypltk: I'm sorry Elisa, have you ever tried it?
Lord Mxypltk: Lord Mxypltk: I'm sorry Elisa, have you ever tried it?
The Time Trust: Has anyone ever printed out one of these chats?
Lord Mxypltk: Lord Mxypltk: Elisa? I'm sorry Elisa, have you ever tried it?
TheElisaPrincess: one sec guys...........its freezing up nooooooooooooo
Pariah186: Why would you want to
Lord Mxypltk: Lord Mxypltk: I'm sorry Elisa, have you ever tried it?
rexstardust99: I never printed one.
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
Lord Mxypltk: I rest my case.
Pariah186: Now look waht you've done!
UltimateJaburg53: Ha
Pariah186: Oh wait, it jammed up on her
The Time Trust: Y'know, this gets me thinking...
Lord Mxypltk: sure
Pariah186: what?
The Time Trust: One person alone can't keep this chat going -- if that person's comp crashes, it closes.
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: Thanks Pars!
The Time Trust: So you need at least one or two more people.
UltimateJaburg53: (fish)
Pariah186: yeah yeah
rexstardust99: Mine won't crash. I leave it on all night anyhow.
Lord Mxypltk: and now to further ignore my question
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrrrrrrr
Glacier16 has entered the room.
The Time Trust: I don't mean a computer crash -- I mean an AIM crash. It's happened to me before, like last night.
Pariah186: I could go over my recent analyzation of the mlegal methedology of homosexual civil rights suites all night long
Pariah186: just to keep it going
Lord Mxypltk: they don't make old people they way they used to. they break so easily these days.
TheElisaPrincess: one more message is too large thingy
rexstardust99: I leave my AIM on all night also.
UltimateJaburg53: so do I
rexstardust99: Its only disconnected once, and that was during a bad storm.
The Time Trust: Also, a couple of nights ago I lost my connection twice late at night, around 2:30.
The Time Trust: I think there must've either been some maintenance happening or some weather dysfunction.
Pariah186: Dammit. Horsefly's back
Pariah186: hold on a sec, I gott kill this fucker
TheElisaPrincess: wow way to go rexy
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
rexstardust99: Stop yawning.
The Time Trust: And I'm on cable, so it's on all the time.
The Time Trust: Yawning is involuntary.
rexstardust99: I'm on cable also.
rqbumbershoot: Horsefly? Pshaw! There's a mouse running around my house.
TheElisaPrincess: i cant help it ;P
UltimateJaburg53: Cable modem rocks
Pariah186: OW! For fuck's sake!
rqbumbershoot: Yes you can. Have some coffee, E.
Lord Mxypltk: money goes to money heaven
Lord Mxypltk: people go to people hell
Pariah186: I'm about to smash this guiness on this winged little bitch-ass!
rexstardust99: yes. I don't think I could ever go back to dial up.
The Time Trust: I have a headache.
Lord Mxypltk: andy where's my fifteen minutes?
Pariah186: It bit me!
Lord Mxypltk: won't someone teach me well
The Time Trust: Only thing that gets rid of it is coffee and Advil
rexstardust99: heh
UltimateJaburg53: Dial up
Lord Mxypltk: I can't read shit anymore
Lord Mxypltk: I just sit back and ignore
Lord Mxypltk: can't get it right, can't get it right
rqbumbershoot: Very good, Tin Machine.
UltimateJaburg53: It's like stone knives and bearskins
Lord Mxypltk: I can't read shit, I can't read shit
Pariah186: BRFB (Be right fucking back)
Glacier16: heh
rqbumbershoot: Pariah won't just be back, he'll be FUCKING back.
The Time Trust: Damn, that kid is depressing...
TheElisaPrincess: poor parys
Lord Mxypltk: Tin Machine, Tin Machine, take me anywhere
TheElisaPrincess: GLACY!!!!!!!!i got 40K in the arcade *YEAHS*
Lord Mxypltk: Tin Machine, Tin Machine, such a crappy song
rexstardust99: All bowie sucks ass.
Glacier16: nicely done
Glacier16: im getting the hang of it
TheElisaPrincess: i happy ;p
Lord Mxypltk: Suck, baby, suck
Lord Mxypltk: Is that all that you feel?
rqbumbershoot: All Bowie? What about Under Pressure???
Lord Mxypltk: I'm stiff on my legend, the films that I've made
rexstardust99: I was joking
Lord Mxypltk: Fuck, baby, fuck
Lord Mxypltk: Show me your rear
Lord Mxypltk: Smack, baby, smak
Lord Mxypltk: Is that all that you feel?
Lord Mxypltk: Crack, baby, crack
Pariah186: Okay. I got the little bastard
Lord Mxypltk: Give me your head
Lord Mxypltk: Before you start professing that you're
Lord Mxypltk: Knocking me dead
Lord Mxypltk: FUCK, BABY, FUCK!
BooBerryFanatic has left the room.
Pariah186: Do you know why Chile sucks?
rexstardust99: CHEWY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pariah186: It's because it's so chilly
Pariah186: .....
Lord Mxypltk: Chilly down!
TheElisaPrincess: i thought parys said chilis :P
Lord Mxypltk: With the fun gang
TheElisaPrincess: i was about to agree
UltimateJaburg53: [crickets]
The Time Trust: ...
TheElisaPrincess: mxy what is your deal?
rqbumbershoot: Time for chili!
TheElisaPrincess: i swear
Lord Mxypltk: whut's uh the deal?
Pariah186: Yeah chili's sucks to
Lord Mxypltk: I'm sorry, I'm done with Floyd, Elisa
Lord Mxypltk: It's Bowie right now.
Pariah186: I can't go to restaurant's in general anymore anyway
TheElisaPrincess: its okay i knew who he was mxy ;-)
Pariah186: everytime I had to go in the opast
Pariah186: it was with the family
TheElisaPrincess: it just always revolves around sex or racism with you

kinda like bsams!
Pariah186: I always felt crowded
Pariah186: boxed in
Pariah186: and that was in addition to the other customers
Pariah186: had to speak over theit chatter
Pariah186: had to listen to the parents' small
Pariah186: talk
Lord Mxypltk: Now Halloween Jack... He's a real cool cat.
Pariah186: My ear-drums felt like they were gonna explode
Lord Mxypltk: He lives on top of Manhattan chase. The elevator's broke so he slides down a rope.
Lord Mxypltk: Here they come... I'll keep a friend serene
Lord Mxypltk: Friend there come... Oh baby come unto me
Pariah186: Wanted to take a hatchet to everyone there
Lord Mxypltk: Here they come... Well she's come been and gone!
Pariah186: moreso than usual
Lord Mxypltk: Come out of the garden, baby!
The Time Trust: Just clicked on the Survivor thread. I'm not listed.
Lord Mxypltk: You'll catch a death in the FOG
TheElisaPrincess: i suggested running parys.......helped me not be so pisse doff at school
Lord Mxypltk: YOUNG GIRL
Lord Mxypltk: they call them the Diamong Dogs
TheElisaPrincess: started teh gym my last day at psycho school and feel allllllllot better now
Lord Mxypltk: theeereees gooonna beee soooorrrow
Lord Mxypltk: baby come on tomorrow
TheElisaPrincess: diamond dogs?
Lord Mxypltk: AND IN THE DEATH, as the last few corpses lay rotting on the slimy throroughfare
TheElisaPrincess: i cant wait to see lords of dogtown
TheElisaPrincess: i love skateboarders
Glacier16: really?
rexstardust99: That looks like it sucks.
Lord Mxypltk: The shutters lifted in inches in Temperance Building
Lord Mxypltk: High on Poacher's Hill
TheElisaPrincess: hey now.......but i followed the history fo the spor tso you know
TheElisaPrincess: and nothing can compare to BB
Lord Mxypltk: And red mutant eyes gaze down on Hunger City
Lord Mxypltk: No more big wheels...
rexstardust99: Its not a sport.
The Time Trust: I don't run -- too hard on the knees. I prefer cycling.
Glacier16: eliptical
The Time Trust: Or rollerblading
Glacier16: max resistence
TheElisaPrincess: i will not yawn
Lord Mxypltk: And ten thousand peoploids split into small tribes
TheElisaPrincess: sounds like bubonic plague mxy
TheElisaPrincess: max resistance?
Lord Mxypltk: Coveting the highest of the sterile skycrappers
TheElisaPrincess: oh yeah we were talkin bout math/phsyics problems today in training
Glacier16: none of that sissy running on the first setting stuff
TheElisaPrincess: i remember.......good ol' forces
Lord Mxypltk: Like packs of dogs assaulting the glass front of Love-Me Avenue
Lord Mxypltk: Ripping and rewrapping mink and shiny silver for, now legwarmers
Lord Mxypltk: Family badge of sapphire and cracked emerald
Lord Mxypltk: Any day now..
Lord Mxypltk: The Year of the Diamond Dogs.
rqbumbershoot: Physics is the devil!
Lord Mxypltk: "This ain't rock n' roll...
Lord Mxypltk: This is genocide!"
Pariah186: I was looking up some more shemale images the other day
Glacier16: lol
Pariah186: Trying to get some more material
TheElisaPrincess: was is it with yo and shemales parys?
TheElisaPrincess: weird fetish?
Pariah186: Yes actually. Never have sex with one though--EWWWWW!
Pariah186: ANyway
Pariah186: I found a messageboard
captainsammitch has entered the room.
Pariah186: Trolled the hell outta a bunch of tranny porn stars
Glacier16: hello captain
captainsammitch: where?
Pariah186: That was fun shit
TheElisaPrincess: sad
TheElisaPrincess: SAMMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: whats up?
captainsammitch: wha? where???
Lord Mxypltk: get me off the streets
Lord Mxypltk: get me off my knees
Pariah186: Mxypltk: GET SOME DIRECTION!
captainsammitch: I won't be very active in here guys - I'm working on something on here at the same time
rqbumbershoot: I have some weird fetishes.
Lord Mxypltk: Get me to the doctor's office I've been told
TheElisaPrincess: snarf not that weird
Lord Mxypltk: Nothing will corrupt us
TheElisaPrincess: mk sams
Lord Mxypltk: Nothing will compete
TheElisaPrincess: ive been that way the whole week :P
TheElisaPrincess: good luck!
Lord Mxypltk: Thank god heaven left us
Lord Mxypltk: Standing on our feet
Lord Mxypltk: MY-MY
Lord Mxypltk: Smile at least
Lord Mxypltk: You can't say no to the beauty and the beast
Lord Mxypltk: LIEBLING
TheElisaPrincess: smiles
The Time Trust: Someone translate what Sammitch said for me.
TheElisaPrincess: Bras should be outlawed.....i ahve this theory
TheElisaPrincess: trust he's got something else to work on so he wont be readint eh screen that often
rqbumbershoot: You don't even know what they are yet, E!
captainsammitch: ???
captainsammitch: what did I say that was confusing TTT?
rqbumbershoot: Yes! Ban the bra!
Lord Mxypltk: Day after day
The Time Trust: Come on, Sammitch. What are you REALLY doing?
The Time Trust: Huh?
The Time Trust: Huh?
rexstardust99: who ho!
The Time Trust: ;-)