captainsammitch: I'm working on Finale
Lord Mxypltk: They send my friends away
captainsammitch: writing something for Sunday
Lord Mxypltk: To mansions cold and gray
Lord Mxypltk: At the far side of town
Lord Mxypltk: Where it's pointless to be high
Lord Mxypltk: Cause it's such a long way down
TheElisaPrincess: Trust tsk tsk!
The Time Trust: My pathetic attempt at humor
The Time Trust: I blame the headache
Lord Mxypltk: Day after day
TheElisaPrincess: awwwww poor trsuty has a headache?
Lord Mxypltk: They tell me I can go
TheElisaPrincess: at least your dogs dont want attentoin ALL THE TIME
Lord Mxypltk: They tell me I can blow
TheElisaPrincess: brb
Lord Mxypltk: To the far side of town
Lord Mxypltk: Where the thin men stalk the streets
Lord Mxypltk: While the sane stay underground
Lord Mxypltk: SoItellthemthat...
Lord Mxypltk: I can fly, I can scream, I will break my arm
Lord Mxypltk: I will do me harm
Pariah186: Adios Muchachos
Lord Mxypltk: Here I stand, foot in hand, talking to my wall
Lord Mxypltk: I'm not quite right at all
Lord Mxypltk: (Am I?)
Lord Mxypltk: Don't set me free, I'm as heavy as can be
Pariah186: My favorite book of the Bible is Job
Lord Mxypltk: Just my libido and me
Lord Mxypltk: And my EST makes three
Pariah186: I first realized this when I was listening to Disturbed
Lord Mxypltk: Cause I'd rather stay here
Lord Mxypltk: With all the madmen
Lord Mxypltk: Than perish as a sadman roaming free
Lord Mxypltk: And I'd rather play here
Lord Mxypltk: With all the madmen
Lord Mxypltk: For I'm quite content they're all as sane as me
Pariah186: My favorite verse, however
Oz Baxter has entered the room.
Pariah186: is in Genesis
rexstardust99: PRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pariah186: recently
rqbumbershoot: Who's Oz?
Lord Mxypltk: Don't set me free!
Pariah186: I found a verse
rexstardust99: PRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lord Mxypltk: I'm as helpess as can be!
Pariah186: that re-affirmed my beliefs
Lord Mxypltk: My libido's split on me!
The Time Trust: Prometheus X
Oz Baxter: Welcome
The Time Trust: Greetins
Lord Mxypltk: Gimme some good ole lobotomy!
The Time Trust: Greetings, even
Oz Baxter: Mxy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: yuawns
TheElisaPrincess: pro!!!! whose pro?
Glacier16: METHEUS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lord Mxypltk: PROST!!!!!!!
Oz Baxter: The Chronal Trust!
TheElisaPrincess: PROVOST?
TheElisaPrincess: what?
rqbumbershoot: Youtheus!
Glacier16: ha ha!
rqbumbershoot: Wetheus!
captainsammitch: PRO LIVES
Lord Mxypltk: Zane zane zane, ouvre le chien!
Oz Baxter: And drinks heavily!
The Time Trust: The Che Guevara of the RKMBs
jaclynangelo has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: stupid animals..........
jaclynangelo: hold please
Oz Baxter: What a bizarre ensemble we have here tonight.....
TheElisaPrincess: why do i have dogs again
The Time Trust: JACKIE!
Lord Mxypltk: Looked a lot like Che Guevara
rexstardust99: Hi Jackie!
TheElisaPrincess: JAC!!!!!!!!did you see sneakys vid?
Lord Mxypltk: Drove a diesel van
rqbumbershoot: Who's jackie?
Glacier16: cowgirl
rexstardust99: Cowgirl
rqbumbershoot: Hey, it's Cowgirl! Hi Cowgirl!
Oz Baxter: Cj
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* da dum da dum dum
Lord Mxypltk: I AM A CJ!
captainsammitch: hey Ceej
jaclynangelo: hey guys, on phone...brb....
Glacier16: IM MXY!
rexstardust99: I'm mxy!
Lord Mxypltk: IM BROKE!
Oz Baxter: A fine Reisling is best when chilled at a comfortable 32 degrees....
captainsammitch: I'm Mxy!
Lord Mxypltk: LOST MY JOB!
Lord Mxypltk: Incurably ill
rexstardust99: I'm mxy!
Oz Baxter: Rim job?
jaclynangelo: on my thrird smirnoff...
Lord Mxypltk: I got a girl out there, I suppose
rexstardust99: Aren'
Lord Mxypltk: I think shes dancing What do I care!
Lord Mxypltk: I am a CJ, I am what I play
captainsammitch: uh oh Ceej is gettin' sloshed
The Time Trust: Someday I, too, would like to be King of the Rocket Men.
Oz Baxter: So, here's to Oakley....and all the super-smart fucks that voted for him to have immunity! Cheers! ;-)
Oz Baxter: lol
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
TheElisaPrincess: at least someone CALLED YOU JAC!
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Glacier16: bastards
TheElisaPrincess: oz=chris?
Pariah186: The verse was Chapter 2
TheElisaPrincess: im brok eto mxy
Pariah186: Verse 18
Oz Baxter: oz=douchebag
TheElisaPrincess: and i dont get paid till june 15
Oz Baxter: ...I mean....."yes"
Pariah186: of Genisis
TheElisaPrincess: How did you get immunity :P
TheElisaPrincess: i mean seriously?!? Who'd you bribe :P
Lord Mxypltk: eti leda
rexstardust99: I'm on my first beer now.
TheElisaPrincess: and hows your grandmother
Pariah186: 'It's not good for man to be alone, so He created a help unto himself
Oz Baxter: Who are you talking to dear?
TheElisaPrincess: then the drunken rex takes oer
rexstardust99: yes.
Oz Baxter: Owner
jaclynangelo: trying to get people to drive with me and the roomie to the beach
TheElisaPrincess: thats okay the sleepy elisa probalby will in thirty
captainsammitch: Pwnz0r?
TheElisaPrincess: SWEET JACwhich one?
The Time Trust: Takes a while to look up a passage?
TheElisaPrincess: i LOOOVVE the beach but cant go this summer of rmy bday
TheElisaPrincess: first time in ten years i havent been able to go ;(
TheElisaPrincess: yeah parys.....named PSYCHO GIRL :P
Lord Mxypltk: I am a passanger
TheElisaPrincess: who would look for way sto tempt adam, rip out his heart and stomp on it
Lord Mxypltk: And I ride and I ride
Oz Baxter: Hello rex
Lord Mxypltk: I ride through the city at night
rexstardust99: hello
Oz Baxter: Hello Jaburg
The Time Trust: Apparently, Pro, you've stumbled into a Bible study.
Pariah186: Anyway
Pariah186: previously
Lord Mxypltk: See the city, fucked up tonight
UltimateJaburg53: Hello
Oz Baxter: Hello Glacier
Glacier16: hello
Pariah186: I was analyzing my favorite
Pariah186: characters
TheElisaPrincess: Why is Wednesday never in one of these chats?
Pariah186: trying to write a fanfiction
Oz Baxter: Apparently, I'll stumble out.... ;-) Heh
TheElisaPrincess: i mean seriously
Lord Mxypltk: And when I rode her that night
Pariah186: putting them all in one scenario
Lord Mxypltk: When I rode her on that fucking road
captainsammitch: how did Bach do this? how did any church composer do this???
rexstardust99: Does wednesay even have AIM?
TheElisaPrincess: i vote for train mxy its awesome
Pariah186: to properly harmonize them
Lord Mxypltk: I knew that god damn road was mine
TheElisaPrincess: i dont know'd be cool if he did
Pariah186: I evaluated their character
TheElisaPrincess: i know sams the guys a genius
Pariah186: and noticed a correlation
captainsammitch: this summer I get to write something new for EVERY SUNDAY!!!
TheElisaPrincess: you can do it sams
jaclynangelo: anna marie island, sarasota...
captainsammitch: gah
TheElisaPrincess: just do the basic same five, four, five three, five chordds:P
Oz Baxter: Hello Elisa
Oz Baxter: Hello Mxy
Oz Baxter: Hello Phil
TheElisaPrincess: WHO IS OZ
Lord Mxypltk: Nice guy, that Chewy
Oz Baxter: Hello Sneaky
rexstardust99: Aren't you worried about hurricanes CJ?
Lord Mxypltk: Hello Chris
TheElisaPrincess: CHEWYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oz Baxter: Hello Snarf
TheElisaPrincess: no it snot him
TheElisaPrincess: darn it mxy

The Time Trust: I don't want to post after Sammitch, or my words will appear with a blue background.
captainsammitch has left the room.
Oz Baxter: Hello Toaster
Oz Baxter: Hello Pariah
The Time Trust: Irony.
The Time Trust: Heh.
jaclynangelo: hurricanes? we get a warning for those...
Oz Baxter: Hello Pro
rqbumbershoot: Toaster???
TheElisaPrincess: really time?
TheElisaPrincess: you rname is in purple in my thingy
Oz Baxter: Hello CJ
Lord Mxypltk: TIME!
TheElisaPrincess: sweet jac, so hows life been?
Lord Mxypltk: He flexes like a whore
TheElisaPrincess: yeah hes back
Glacier16: and space!
Lord Mxypltk: Falls wanking to the floor
Lord Mxypltk: His script is you and me
Lord Mxypltk: BOY
Lord Mxypltk: Time
rqbumbershoot: And space!
Lord Mxypltk: He's waiting on the wings
jaclynangelo: things are busy
Lord Mxypltk: He speaks of senseless things
The Time Trust: That's funny, 'cause you're purple on my screen.
Lord Mxypltk: His script is you and me
Lord Mxypltk: BOY
Lord Mxypltk: CHIMES!
jaclynangelo: trying to find people awake at 1.30 to call and invite
jaclynangelo: plan not working
TheElisaPrincess: i knwo jac...........
Lord Mxypltk: Goddamn you're looking old
TheElisaPrincess: are you leaving tomorrow?
Lord Mxypltk: You'll freeze and catch a cold
TheElisaPrincess: SWEET TIME! Your purple on mine
Lord Mxypltk: Cause you've left your coat behind
Lord Mxypltk: TAKE YOUR TIME!
rexstardust99: Too much purple.
Lord Mxypltk: Breaking up is hard
Pariah186: They're all ALONE
Glacier16: boo ya