Lord Mxypltk: But keeping dark is hateful
Lord Mxypltk: I had so many dreams!
Lord Mxypltk: I had so many breakthroughs
Lord Mxypltk: But you my love were kind
Lord Mxypltk: But love has left you dreamless
The Time Trust: If I put everyone on ignore, it'd be like I was all alone in here.
captainsammitch has entered the room.
Lord Mxypltk: The door to dreams was close
Lord Mxypltk: d
Oz Baxter: I noticed Phil left
jaclynangelo: and my roomie's sloshed
captainsammitch: my computer sucks
Lord Mxypltk: Your park was real greenlass
The Time Trust: Apparently
jaclynangelo: and there's a moth in my room, for some reason...
Lord Mxypltk: I hope you're smiling now
Lord Mxypltk: Smiling through this darkness
Lord Mxypltk: Cause all I had to give
captainsammitch: this summer I get to write something new for EVERY SUNDAY
TheElisaPrincess: i know my rooms slopped out.......gotta clean tomorrows
Oz Baxter: Why is CJ purple?
Lord Mxypltk: Was the guilt for dreaming
TheElisaPrincess: booya glac?thats hood talkin ;P
captainsammitch: ??
Lord Mxypltk: ohh TIME.
Oz Baxter: Why is Phil sky blue?
captainsammitch: something is up with this thing
jaclynangelo: i'm purple because i'm girly. why the hell not?
TheElisaPrincess: sams like praise song/
Glacier16: indeed
TheElisaPrincess: PURPLE ROCKS!
captainsammitch: oh that's the color I have selected
TheElisaPrincess: at least they dont think you're a dude ;-)
The Time Trust: I think you said that already, Sammitch.
Oz Baxter: Sass, indeed, young lady....
captainsammitch: yeah
captainsammitch: oh
captainsammitch: I can't see stuff
Lord Mxypltk: purple?
jaclynangelo: sass. yes
Glacier16: heh
Oz Baxter: Elisa's a dude?
captainsammitch: I try to post things and they dont' show up for a coupla seconds
rexstardust99: yes
TheElisaPrincess: Ohhhhhhhh no ttoo hard, Praise the Lord for He is mighty
jaclynangelo: dang it, looks like we are not going to the beach....
Lord Mxypltk: PURPLE?
TheElisaPrincess: the lyrics or the music is hard?
jaclynangelo: i SAID we needed to plan things...
Oz Baxter: lass, yes
captainsammitch: sometimes they just don't show up at all
The Time Trust: Purple and green is a great color-combo.
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhh sams your computers freezing
captainsammitch: something like that
TheElisaPrincess: music software has tendancy to do that
The Time Trust: It works for so many characters.
captainsammitch: my mighty Celeron 800MHz ;-)
Lord Mxypltk: do ro.
The Time Trust: Strange that most of them are villains, though.
Lord Mxypltk: do do do
jaclynangelo: my roommate says 'hello people jackie is chatting with, you can't see me because you're on a computer'
Lord Mxypltk: do. do.
Lord Mxypltk: do ro
Lord Mxypltk: do ro
Lord Mxypltk: do do do
Lord Mxypltk: do. do.
Lord Mxypltk: do ro
Lord Mxypltk: CMON!
Pariah186: I All of the characters I had liked
Lord Mxypltk: CMON!
The Time Trust: Or at least anti-heroes.
Pariah186: Were ALONE
rqbumbershoot: You're roommate? Tell us more...
Lord Mxypltk: CMON!
rexstardust99: Invite your roommate CJ.
Pariah186: I mean
Pariah186: I knew they were dark
rqbumbershoot: Is it a he or a she?
TheElisaPrincess: LOL SNARFSliek is she single ;p
jaclynangelo: no, she's sitting on my bed
Lord Mxypltk: cmon
jaclynangelo: not typing
The Time Trust: Doing what?
TheElisaPrincess: good luck cs
Glacier16: its getting good
Glacier16: lol
Oz Baxter: Hello bedsitting roomie of CJ
TheElisaPrincess: thats why i never installed it on my comp
Pariah186: and that's why they were on their own paths of self-destruction
jaclynangelo: certainly no condition to type....
Lord Mxypltk: space trucking.
Oz Baxter: lol @ Glacier
rqbumbershoot: Ooh, she's in bed with you?!?
jaclynangelo: she's talking with a friend on her cell
rexstardust99: Thats even better. More entertaining.
The Time Trust: TAKE OFF YOUR TOP!
Oz Baxter: lmao
Glacier16: ha!
jaclynangelo: *kicks TTT*
Oz Baxter: But...I'm naked already!
captainsammitch: heh
The Time Trust: heh
rexstardust99: JLA!
captainsammitch: w00t
Pariah186: But it never could ut it together
TheElisaPrincess: its JLA!!!!!!!!!!!oh my gosh oz why didnt yous ay something
MtotheJLA has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: any fun plans for the weekend?
TheElisaPrincess: JLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oz Baxter: Yes, why didn't I?
captainsammitch: what up JLA
TheElisaPrincess: i thought you were oz fo ra second :P
Glacier16: wud up JLA!
MtotheJLA: YAY!
TheElisaPrincess: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pariah186: that their seclsuion was what made them initiates of the dark end of the emotional tandems
MtotheJLA: What's up? The rent
captainsammitch: thank you to those of you who appreciated my artwork 8-)
rexstardust99: Damn. I think this is the most we're ever had.
MtotheJLA: ahahaha! Not really
jaclynangelo: jeez, i ate too much. and drank too much....
Oz Baxter: Is Pariah playing the part of the street preacher that hears all the voices?
Lord Mxypltk: but he sure played a mean pinabll.
UltimateJaburg53: JLA
MtotheJLA: yeah
TheElisaPrincess: i know jla...........i hate not getting paid for three weeks
UltimateJaburg53: Whoa
TheElisaPrincess: yeah sams i like the smilies
The Time Trust: It's background monologue, Pro.
MtotheJLA: ID: Zod
MtotheJLA: Password: JLA
Lord Mxypltk: TheElisaPrincess: i know jla...........i hate not getting laid for three weeks
The Time Trust: Like the kind you see in those fancy art films.
Oz Baxter: It's background, all right....
jaclynangelo: i hate fancy art films
rqbumbershoot: I don't care about JLA, I wanna hear more about CJ being drunk and in bed with her roommate!
TheElisaPrincess: thats why i liked zos :P
The Time Trust: Where the monologue doesn't match what's going on in the film
TheElisaPrincess: i knew there was a reason ;p
MtotheJLA: there it is. whoever wants the ZOD ID
Oz Baxter: Pi : The Chat
rexstardust99: I'm not clever enough to be ZOD. I'm not even good at being god.
The Time Trust: Heh
jaclynangelo: who is rq?
rexstardust99: snarf
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
Glacier16: hehe
captainsammitch: and JQ is unrestrained alt
The Time Trust: snarf snarf snarf
rexstardust99: I'm mxy!
Glacier16: I'm mxy!
MtotheJLA: I miss Bobo
MtotheJLA: :-(
captainsammitch: !yxm m'I
rexstardust99: GAY!
MtotheJLA: Whoa!
rqbumbershoot: What, is Kampy here?
MtotheJLA: Boy, do I wish!
rexstardust99: no. He logged off right when we started.
MtotheJLA: :love
TheElisaPrincess: naw kampy has a life snarfs
TheElisaPrincess: :P
MtotheJLA: LOL
rexstardust99: whats a life?
MtotheJLA: ;P
TheElisaPrincess: rack rex
TheElisaPrincess: that was awesome!
MtotheJLA: aweshome
MtotheJLA: with a "h"
MtotheJLA: I just killed the chat
The Time Trust: Dectective Aweshome.
rexstardust99: yes
TheElisaPrincess: no you didnt jla
MtotheJLA: cool
Oz Baxter: Aweshole
TheElisaPrincess: ray just immed me so i missed it
TheElisaPrincess: you robbyizers :P
MtotheJLA: Who is Oz Baxter?
rexstardust99: Dude, beer and allergies are a strange combination.
The Time Trust: It's Dave.
MtotheJLA: Typhoid?
The Time Trust: Dave-Dave.
UltimateJaburg53: Dave's not here, man.
TheElisaPrincess: JLA did you see my wedding vid yet?
TheElisaPrincess: yeah daves in bed
MtotheJLA: Steve-Dave?
TheElisaPrincess: i think hes' married and has kids
Oz Baxter: I'm Mxy!
The Time Trust: Of the St. Davidsons' Daves? You know?
MtotheJLA: You tell 'em, Oz Baxter!
Oz Baxter: Rack me forever
TheElisaPrincess: just firstamong daves
TheElisaPrincess: lol oxxy
TheElisaPrincess: so who is ozzy again?
MtotheJLA: Really, who is Ox baxter?
The Time Trust: My headache is dissipating.
The Time Trust: dissipating
The Time Trust: dissipating
The Time Trust: gone!
UltimateJaburg53: Later guys I have an early meeting tomorrow
Oz Baxter: I'm Mr.JLA
TheElisaPrincess: night uj
rqbumbershoot: Who care's if Dave's in bed? I wanna hear about Ceej in bed!
Oz Baxter: Later Jaburg
captainsammitch: poice jubarg
TheElisaPrincess: on a sautrday?????? poor baby
MtotheJLA: Bye Burg dude!
Glacier16: see ya jaburg
rexstardust99: bye jaburg
TheElisaPrincess: aint workin snarfs shes on the phone, give it up!
Lord Mxypltk: buy bread.
rqbumbershoot: :-(
The Time Trust: Urinal cake disintegrating...
The Time Trust: disintegrating...
The Time Trust: disintegrating...
The Time Trust: gone!
rqbumbershoot: :-(:-(:-(
rexstardust99: Was it good?
MtotheJLA: First Amongst Ox Baxters
captainsammitch: goodness Snarf, you're relentless
MtotheJLA: Oz
Lord Mxypltk: goodness gracious
Lord Mxypltk: GREAT balls of fire
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrrrrrrrr ihate dogs
Lord Mxypltk: HERE THEY COME!
MtotheJLA: So what's up with the video?
rexstardust99: I'm sure they hate you to.
Oz Baxter: Walking down the street
Glacier16: video?
Lord Mxypltk: video crime
The Time Trust: What's wrong with dogs?
MtotheJLA: Video wedding
rqbumbershoot: Sammitch, I am like a hurricane!
rqbumbershoot: Hurricane Snarf!
Lord Mxypltk: this is the story of the
Oz Baxter: Craziest little monkeys
MtotheJLA: Is the video tastefully done?
Oz Baxter: you'll ever meeeeeeeet
Lord Mxypltk: the man the authorites came to
Glacier16: heh

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.