rexstardust99: its funny
Lord Mxypltk: for something that he
Oz Baxter: did not do
Lord Mxypltk: dildee doo
rqbumbershoot: Stand back! There's a hurricane comin' through!
MtotheJLA: Someone hook JLA up with this mad video, yo!
Oz Baxter: Battlestar Galactica rocks
MtotheJLA: Jaburg lied. He's secretly monitoring us.
Pariah186: I felt my faith was restored
MtotheJLA: Like Ashcroft
rexstardust99: I like how JLA's name is pink. Its fitting.
MtotheJLA: Je
Pariah186: by that chance happening
MtotheJLA: he's watching, you kno
MtotheJLA: know
MtotheJLA: damnit
TheElisaPrincess: trust im houstsitting so they miss my parents and bug me every five minutes
captainsammitch: Hurricane Snarf - leaving a twisted trail of restraining orders in his wake!
Pariah186: just happening upon that verse
Pariah186: It occurred to me
Oz Baxter: LOL @ MtotheJLA: Like Ashcroft
Pariah186: that this book couldn't be a scam
Pariah186: Written by over a dozen different people
Lord Mxypltk: i wanna drum drum set :P so sad
Pariah186: in a span of 8000 years
rexstardust99: I'm now on beer number two.
Pariah186: With such consistency
rexstardust99: Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is good.
Oz Baxter: I'm on glass number four...
Pariah186: Each of those writers would have to be a combination of both Nietsche AND Christ
rexstardust99: I never get hung over.
The Time Trust: Dammit. The headache is returning...
The Time Trust: returning...
The Time Trust: returning...
Oz Baxter: Time has gone silent
The Time Trust: her4e
Pariah186: Do get this so on the money
Lord Mxypltk: one more cup of coffee for the road
Oz Baxter: Wait, never mind
Lord Mxypltk: to the money below
rqbumbershoot: And space has gone silent!
Lord Mxypltk: the money?
The Time Trust: More coffee, indeed.
Oz Baxter: Time AND space?
Lord Mxypltk: money goes to money heaven?
Pariah186: God wrote this book
The Time Trust: No. Just time.
Lord Mxypltk: Get behind me, Satan!
Oz Baxter: Oh. That's not cool
The Time Trust: Sorry, but sometimes it has to be that way.
Oz Baxter: I'm Mxy!
Oz Baxter: I'm Grimm
Lord Mxypltk: I'm not interested in oil wells
Lord Mxypltk: shipping
rqbumbershoot: Does Mxy want some backdoor action from Satan?!?
Lord Mxypltk: or real state?
rexstardust99: I'm jack the little death!
captainsammitch: heh
Lord Mxypltk: What would I like to have been?
Lord Mxypltk: Everything you HATE
The Time Trust: I've been waiting for my Space counterpart to show up.
The Time Trust: Never happens.
The Time Trust: I'm a lonely man.
Oz Baxter: I think Mxy and Pariah are having a 'Lyric-Off' to see who can ramble the most ambiguously....
Lord Mxypltk: Sure, I'm Charles Foster Kane... but you gotta love me!
rqbumbershoot: Would that be the Space Trust?
The Time Trust: Hmm... I don't know.
captainsammitch: back when I was an RKMBs n00b Chewy almost convinced me that was JtLD's site :-[
Glacier16: Mxy is winning
Pariah186: The moral here is
Lord Mxypltk: The cost, no man can say... but you gotta love me!
Lord Mxypltk: You said the union forever
Lord Mxypltk: You CRIED the union forever
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
Lord Mxypltk: But that was untrue girl
rexstardust99: Hey mxy, where has your son been?
Lord Mxypltk: For it can't
TheElisaPrincess: oh no not the hotel california raggae style
Lord Mxypltk: Be love
Oz Baxter: Mxy always wins
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrrrr
Lord Mxypltk: Cause there is
Lord Mxypltk: No true love
rexstardust99: Heshe's never on AIM anymore.
Lord Mxypltk: It cant
Lord Mxypltk: Be love
Oz Baxter: MXY!
Lord Mxypltk: Cause there is
Lord Mxypltk: No tr
The Time Trust: If time is male, is space female?
Lord Mxypltk: yes, prost?
Oz Baxter: Someone slap him...he's in his shamanic trance again
Oz Baxter: Ah. Someone was asking....where's your son been?
Pariah186: If one was to learn of a Biblical lesson, which is, in reality, alife lesson, without even reading the Bible--Or I should say BEFOREreading the Bible, there's a good chance, you'll become a believer.
The Time Trust: Someone chain him to his computer until he produces more Bobo Comics.
Oz Baxter: Pariah = Ignore
Lord Mxypltk: At Dave's
MtotheJLA: Who would in a fight: Jaburgs' Cat, or Dakota the bunny?
Oz Baxter: That latest issue is one of your finest, Mxy
Pariah186: I have this odd placement ideal
Pariah186: I'm a big believer
Pariah186: in
Glacier16: mm tough call
TheElisaPrincess: really parys?
Pariah186: roles
TheElisaPrincess: A believer in Christ or the bible in general?
Pariah186: To every story
Lord Mxypltk: Thanks, Prost
Pariah186: Christ, God, Bible
Oz Baxter: Oh we go....
Pariah186: There must be
Pariah186: a good
Pariah186: and a bad
Pariah186: a type of balance
Pariah186: I first realized my complez
Pariah186: *complex
MtotheJLA: Dakota has a mean uppercat, but Buddy Jaburg is tough, too
Oz Baxter: Okay Mxy...slip back into your netherworld. Thank you for popping your conscience by....
Glacier16: rabbit punches
Pariah186: when I figured out my own predisposition to the more empowering emotions
MtotheJLA: Nicely done
TheElisaPrincess: just curious parys cuz they go hand in hand sorta ;P
rexstardust99: Cats are weak, dakota will win.
rqbumbershoot: badger headlocks
MtotheJLA: Bunnies are passive though, aren't they?
TheElisaPrincess: emotions and not logic govern parys mind? Im so surprised!
Lord Mxypltk: There is a man
Pariah186: Depression, angst
Pariah186: anger
Lord Mxypltk: A certain man
Lord Mxypltk: And for the poor you may be sure
rexstardust99: Cats don't live on their own in the wild.
Lord Mxypltk: that he'll do all he can
Lord Mxypltk: Who is this one?
The Time Trust: A man whose name is know across the land
Lord Mxypltk: who's favorite son?
rqbumbershoot: Me!
MtotheJLA: OK, then. Jaburg's Cat on steroids vs Dakota in a streetfight.
Lord Mxypltk: Just by his action has the traction, magnets on the run
Oz Baxter: It's Mr. Burns
Lord Mxypltk: Who likes to smoke
Pariah186: before I was emersed in the dark side of the emotional specturm
Lord Mxypltk: enjoys a joke
The Time Trust: You know his name...
rexstardust99: stop changing the rules.
The Time Trust: It's Mr. Burns
Oz Baxter: ha! ha! ha!
Pariah186: I was a staunch believer
The Time Trust: er...
The Time Trust: It's Monty Burns
Lord Mxypltk: And wouldn't get a bit upset if he were really broke
The Time Trust: That's MISTER Burns
Lord Mxypltk: with wealth and fame
Pariah186: A MORE devout Catholic than I am
Lord Mxypltk: he's still the same
Pariah186: then I hit a ditch
MtotheJLA: Mike Ditka vs The 86 NY Giants. What's the point spread?
Lord Mxypltk: I'll bet you FIVE you're not ALIVE if you don't know his name
The Time Trust: His friends can call him Monty but to you it's Mister Burns...
Pariah186: I wanted to let go
Pariah186: but I couldn't shake my beliefs
Pariah186: cuz' deep down
Pariah186: I really believed in God
TheElisaPrincess: a ditch like why do bad things happen to godo people
Oz Baxter: Rack TTT...I was trying to pull that last line out....couldn't remember it
Pariah186: I BELIEVE in God
TheElisaPrincess: good oopsy
rqbumbershoot: brb
Pariah186: This perspective
rqbumbershoot has left the room.
MtotheJLA: Your disposition I'll remember, when I'm letting go...
Pariah186: along with
Oz Baxter: Bye Snarf
The Time Trust: Heh
TheElisaPrincess: so you knwo that God works everything for good tho thos ethat Love hIm right :P
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
Pariah186: my tendency to place roles
TheElisaPrincess: even stupid army letters!
Pariah186: gave me a unique outlook
rexstardust99: bye king snarf of the desperate virgins!
TheElisaPrincess: its snarfy snarf jla
Lord Mxypltk: whoa, we're getting all sunday mornin here dudes!
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
The Time Trust: Is this the "Christian Singles" room?
Oz Baxter: Okay, so, now I'm ignoring Elisa and Pariah...
captainsammitch: I'm taken
captainsammitch: simmah down Pro :-P
Pariah186: Even though I felt and still feel evil
Oz Baxter: Am I up, Phil?
Lord Mxypltk: I usually just turn up the volume
MtotheJLA: Promethus = Oz Baxter
Pariah186: I feel I should lose
captainsammitch: I dunno - just sounded cool
Lord Mxypltk: GIRL!
Pariah186: ever story I think of
captainsammitch: I'm actually not paying muc h attention
Pariah186: the bad guy loses
MtotheJLA: It only took my 30 minutes to figure that mystery out
Pariah186: I put myself in his shoes
Lord Mxypltk: OH GIRL!
Pariah186: and I lose
captainsammitch: working on stuff for Sunday
TheElisaPrincess: PROMYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!its about freakin time
Oz Baxter: very good JLA, You may join my cadre of villianous ho's...
Pariah186: and its fine with me
TheElisaPrincess: i thought you were oakley man
TheElisaPrincess: darn it
MtotheJLA: hooray!
TheElisaPrincess: you shoulda told me
Lord Mxypltk: OH GIRL
The Time Trust: HAHAHAHAHA!
Pariah186: Because that's the way it's supposed to be
Pariah186: That's the way it's GOING to be
The Time Trust: That's funny.
Pariah186: Then I looked to my favorite books
Oz Baxter: Okay, so, now I hate Elisa..... ;-)
The Time Trust: Headache receding...
TheElisaPrincess: Time Trust: receding...
The Time Trust: receding...
The Time Trust: gone
Pariah186: and truly analyzed my favorite characters
TheElisaPrincess: for sthose of you that havent seen it
Pariah186: naturally
MtotheJLA: Oz Baxter vs Prometheus in a Hell in a Cell: who wins?
Lord Mxypltk: Is there a cure for this implanted in a pill?
rexstardust99: the fans.
Pariah186: they were all dark characters
TheElisaPrincess: I had no clue promys!you have to tell me the obvious alright
MtotheJLA: LOL
Lord Mxypltk: Is it just the name upon a bottle that determines it will?
MtotheJLA: :P
TheElisaPrincess: and then lookd back to the dark characters of the Bible?
Pariah186: And I noticed a pattern
The Time Trust: Yesterday Elisa thought Glacier16 was a girl.
Lord Mxypltk: Is the problem you're allergic to a well familiar name?
MtotheJLA: I miss r3xyza, the punk
rexstardust99: ha!
TheElisaPrincess: Trust I always thought he was a girl
TheElisaPrincess: cuz of his avatar
The Time Trust: That was funny.
TheElisaPrincess: how would I know?!?
Oz Baxter: Ozzy Baxter is invulnerable. Pro's just got a smokig habit. I give five-to-one on Oz Baxter
Lord Mxypltk: Do you have a problem with his one if the result's the same?
TheElisaPrincess: i never saw his picture
Pariah186: In any scenario they fight
TheElisaPrincess: my lack of sleep has to be it

Pariah186: In every scenario they conflict
The Time Trust: Sorry, but it was still funny.
Pariah186: They lose that conflict
rexstardust99: Joe Mama thought pixiep was a girl. That was some funny shit.
MtotheJLA: Oz Baxter wins with a rabbit punch
Lord Mxypltk: OH GIRL!
Glacier16: from my avatar?
Pariah186: no matter what the viewpoint my be
Glacier16: black dragon?
Pariah186: *may
TheElisaPrincess: yeah the weird little girly dragon one
Lord Mxypltk: Well strip the bark right off a tree
spookyadler has entered the room.
Lord Mxypltk: And just hand it this way
Glacier16: what the phunk?
MtotheJLA: I was just talking about you, r3x bitch!
rexstardust99: no
Pariah186: Batman = Loses
captainsammitch: uh oh r3x and JLA are in the chat at the same time :-[
The Time Trust: I remember when people thought Butterican was a girl.
Pariah186: Guts = Loses
Lord Mxypltk: Don't even need a drink of water to make the headache go away
spookyadler: fuck that noise
Pariah186: Narrator = Loses
spookyadler: mofo
TheElisaPrincess: Come on JLA he's nice!
The Time Trust: Back before she was a Nature Girl.
Oz Baxter: Rabbit punch all the way, JLA
Pariah186: Ryouga = Loses
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwwww sorry mxy
TheElisaPrincess: i hate headaches
MtotheJLA: It now smells like carp in the room! Thanks adler!
Lord Mxypltk: Give me sugar pill and watch the rattle down the street
TheElisaPrincess: She is a girl trust :P
TheElisaPrincess: I know thats true
The Time Trust: I mean, people thought she was a guy.
Lord Mxypltk: OH GIRL
The Time Trust: I'm slow tonight.
Pariah186: Even if they carry our their primary objectives
rexstardust99: tonight?