TheElisaPrincess: you are twisted
Lord Mxypltk has left the room.
Glacier16: art!
captainsammitch: I an do it on here too!
captainsammitch: 8-)
Oz Baxter: Goodbye Mxy
spookyadler: lols ;P
rexstardust99: By mxy!
TheElisaPrincess: he left?
captainsammitch: he finished recitind
TheElisaPrincess: wow
captainsammitch: reciting*
captainsammitch: and passed out
Oz Baxter: I'm leaving now. Farewell my children
captainsammitch: poice
Pariah186: I got me a sammitch
TheElisaPrincess: you boys bail at one?
rexstardust99: later oz
MtotheJLA: Bye Oz
Oz Baxter: Hello rex
TheElisaPrincess: if yall are bed sounds awful nice
The Time Trust: Drink one for me.
TheElisaPrincess: night promys!
Oz Baxter: Hello UJ
Pariah186: Turkey and Provolone
rexstardust99: hello oz
Oz Baxter: Hello Glacier
TheElisaPrincess: good luck with the proposal btw
Glacier16: sounds nice indeed
Oz Baxter: Hello Sneaky
The Time Trust: Hello, Superman. Hello.
The Time Trust: *
Oz Baxter: Hello TTT
TheElisaPrincess: sweet dreams!
rexstardust99: I think sneaky left us.
Glacier16: Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooo Prometheus
Oz Baxter: Hello Preacher
TheElisaPrincess: don't let the bed bugs bite!
Oz Baxter: Hello CJ
Oz Baxter: Hello Phil
The Time Trust: Jesse Custer?
Oz Baxter: Hello JLA
Oz Baxter: Hello Rx3
Oz Baxter: Hello Elisa
Glacier16: its bizzaro
The Time Trust: Pariah is Jesse Custer?
Oz Baxter: Goodbye
The Time Trust: Fo' real?
TheElisaPrincess: night!
TheElisaPrincess: trust you are tird ;-)
rexstardust99: fo'shiuzzle?
rexstardust99: I'm sorry for saying that.
Oz Baxter has left the room.
The Time Trust: You should be
TheElisaPrincess: must sleep in a lil bit
Glacier16: apology accepted
TheElisaPrincess: SO glacy, when do i get to see your picture?
rexstardust99: Time for beer number three.
Glacier16: hmm, lemme go find it
TheElisaPrincess: that was quick rexy
MtotheJLA: Is E's wedding video anything like the Tonya Harding wedding video?
The Time Trust: Hey were you wasted enough for that job interview?
The Time Trust: Rex?
TheElisaPrincess: it was the day after so maybe not
The Time Trust: It's a sure-fire strategy.
TheElisaPrincess: only funnier jla ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: that vid is funny
Pariah186: Well. I finished up all my beer
Pariah186: .....Now what
TheElisaPrincess: go to bed parys and forget everything,
Pariah186: I sure as hell don't feel drunk
rexstardust99: I was fine at the interview, it wasn't until 2pm.
TheElisaPrincess: remember when things were happy
TheElisaPrincess: and all was great with teh world
The Time Trust: If you act like you don't really need the job, they'll think, "Hey, this guy doesn't need us, but maybe we need him!"
The Time Trust: It's like the rules of attraction.
rexstardust99: I think I got it, I'll know by wednesday (not the poster, the day).
TheElisaPrincess: dont tell me this works with datin gtoo trusty
MtotheJLA: I think Cowgirl fell asleep
Pariah186: On my lap
MtotheJLA: either that or she hates my guts
rexstardust99: She's still on.
Glacier16: lol
The Time Trust: No. just with the first stages of attraction.
Glacier16: nice Pariah
rexstardust99: She's talking to her real life friends.
Pariah186: Yes, well
TheElisaPrincess: shes on the phone jla
MtotheJLA: ah
Pariah186: So Back to Batman
Pariah186: It would be cool
The Time Trust: Real life friends are cool.
MtotheJLA: she's probably telling her friends what an asshole I am
Pariah186: if they devoted and entire maxisereis
rexstardust99: yes
MtotheJLA: Yeah
rexstardust99: JLA
Pariah186: to him drilling the fine bitches of DC
Glacier16: Whoa!
Pariah186: Seriously, his technique has gotta be flawles
rexstardust99: CJ thinks she's too good for us.
The Time Trust: You know who would've liked this chat?
MtotheJLA: PJP
The Time Trust: Cowgirl Jack.
rexstardust99: We should invite her.
Glacier16: heh, yeah
TheElisaPrincess: uawms
MtotheJLA: dude gets it
TheElisaPrincess: cant spell
rexstardust99: yes
TheElisaPrincess: is getting slllllllleeeeeeeeeeepppppppy
TheElisaPrincess: i thought she was here rex?
MtotheJLA: she is
Pariah186: He could prolly use the "hurting inside" routine with most of the superpowered hereos
rexstardust99: She is, she just isn't posting.
MtotheJLA: she's talking trash about me to her friends
Pariah186: *heroines
rexstardust99: SNEAKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: JLA what is it with you and trash talking :P
TheElisaPrincess: wb sneaks
The Time Trust: SNEAKS!
TheElisaPrincess: how goest everything work related:
Pariah186: But he could impress the Amazons with his ighting prowess
rexstardust99: We need PJP and Harley here
MtotheJLA: I got it from ray, your big bad hero
TheElisaPrincess: see now you could start your own boards :P
Pariah186: and get them in an orgy
Glacier16: wtf
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: weeet orgy!
Pariah186: Zatanna
The Time Trust: She's into it.
Pariah186: .....That's obvious.
TheElisaPrincess: I loved her comic character pars
rexstardust99: God damn you half japanese girls, do it to me every time.
Pariah186: For Talia.....Well let's make this intersting
TheElisaPrincess: hey at least indian guys dont pm you ever five seconds going so....hows life

Glacier16: Bane hit that!
TheElisaPrincess: Talias awesome
TheElisaPrincess: did bane really sleep with her?
TheElisaPrincess: i thought it was just a bat elseworlds thing
Pariah186: Lets go by Rucka's bullshit current continuity
MtotheJLA: no, he just fucked her
Pariah186: yes he did
TheElisaPrincess: Wow...........before or after the bat?
Pariah186: and assume that Talia hates bAts right now
rexstardust99: I'm waiting, I think I'd be good for you, and you'd be good for me
TheElisaPrincess: and her were married?
Pariah186: That story was retconned
TheElisaPrincess: so i heard
rexstardust99: I think its crazy drunk reax time.
TheElisaPrincess: but the one with bane and talia wasnt? wow............
TheElisaPrincess: i would agree rex ;p
captainsammitch: I wanna hear what CDR has to say about my art
MtotheJLA: I don't think Talia took it in the mouth, but Bane did fuck her something proper
Pariah186: I'm thinkin' he would win her back by slamming her sister
Pariah186: and getting her all jealous and shit
Glacier16: aweshome
rexstardust99: 12 days until Batman begins.
captainsammitch: :-):-(;-):-P=-O:-*>:o8-):-$:-!:-[O:-):-\:'(:-X:-D8-)>:o:-*=-O:-P;-):-(:-):-D:-X:'(:-\O:-):-[:-!:-$:-):-(;-):-P=-O:-*>:o8-):-D:-X:'(:-\O:-):-[:-!:-$:-$:-!:-[O:-):-\:'(:-X:-D8-)>:o
Pariah186: indeed he did
rexstardust99: Stop spamming sammitch
captainsammitch: O:-)
captainsammitch: I'm not spamming
captainsammitch: I'm painting
captainsammitch: this chat is my canvas
rexstardust99: I'm drinking.
rexstardust99: A lot.
captainsammitch: unimaginative bastard
The Time Trust: This is Sammitch's room. The rest of us just chat in it.
rexstardust99: HOORAY for drunk people.
captainsammitch: w3rD
MtotheJLA: w00t
rexstardust99: Its my room, I started it.
MtotheJLA: LOL
captainsammitch: not anymore
MtotheJLA: ;P
captainsammitch: I took over
captainsammitch: I'm a squatter on your chat
captainsammitch: you DID invite me
rexstardust99: I challenge you to a duel.
captainsammitch: ok ok ok I quit!
Glacier16: ahhh, there I am- captainsammitch: I'm in no position to wage a contest of flatulence!
rexstardust99: I had Taco Bell today, I would win easily.
The Time Trust: There's no pictures on that link.
MtotheJLA: yeah
Glacier16: really?
MtotheJLA: no images, either
Glacier16: oh well
rexstardust99: heh
TheElisaPrincess: slamming her siste rpary?
TheElisaPrincess: oh yeah thats how to win a girls heart back ;P
TheElisaPrincess: sleep with her sister :P
MtotheJLA: LOL
MtotheJLA: ;P
Pariah186: To get her jealous
The Time Trust: Sure-fire cure for the blues, at any rate.
Pariah186: Dudn't matter anyway
Pariah186: I don't consider that apart of continuity
Pariah186: matter of fact
Pariah186: I've pretty given up on current mainstream comic stories
rexstardust99: So this job I might get, I hear I'll be working alone with a hot chick.
TheElisaPrincess: which page glacers?
Pariah186: their all bullshit
MtotheJLA: That Batman Begins game looks like it kicks FUCKING ASS!
Pariah186: I don't care anymore
MtotheJLA: So you know it will suck
TheElisaPrincess: personally parys id be pissed off and try to kill the guy if he did tha tto me
MtotheJLA: maybe
Glacier16: dunno, mine is set for 99 posts a page so I don't have many pages
TheElisaPrincess: mk
Pariah186: Yeah, well that's you
The Time Trust: WTF? I clicked on page 7 on that RKMBs thread, and I got a password-protected pop-up that says: Connect to I invited balloonknot.
Glacier16: me too!
Balloonknot666 has left the room.
Glacier16: I was like what the fuck?
Pariah186: That game looks the suckage
The Time Trust: Huh.
captainsammitch: he wasn't game
MtotheJLA: Why do you say, that parys?
TheElisaPrincess: thats any girl pary
Pariah186: Only Rockstar can get away with those kinda graphics.
MtotheJLA: New video looks sweet ass sweet
Glacier16: If you go by dates E, it is around August 20, 2004
Pariah186: If you really want to make a successful videgame movie
MtotheJLA: yeah
Pariah186: movie videogame...wahtever
MtotheJLA: yeah
Pariah186: they have to be.....Perfect
Pariah186: I mean like Chronicle of Riddick perfect
MtotheJLA: Perfection does not exist
rexstardust99: Holy cow I think I got one here, now just what the hell am I supposed to do, I got a number of irrational fears, that I'd like to share with you.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah math groups called irrational radicals ;p
Pariah186: In the case of graphical excellence
MtotheJLA: Chronicle of Riddick is a perfect game?
rexstardust99: I'm shaking at your touch, I like you way too much,
Pariah186: they just need to strive for something better than a-cemetrical curves
Pariah186: which is exactly what this new game is
Pariah186: No
Pariah186: its not perfect
Pariah186: like you
Pariah186: said no such thing
Pariah186: but its the best adaptation around
Pariah186: bar none
MtotheJLA: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Choas Theory was the closest to graphical perfection that I ever saw
Glacier16: really?
MtotheJLA: yeah
Pariah186: And I don't feel that's comparitively similar to the Batman Begins game either
Pariah186: Splinter Cell I mean
spookyadler has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: yawns yet again
rexstardust99: Bye dumdass.
rexstardust99: heh
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* i need a sign to let me know you're here
rexstardust99: Hi elisa!
TheElisaPrincess: hiya rex
MtotheJLA: so you think Riddick has better graphics than Splinter Cell?
TheElisaPrincess: you buzzin yet :P
Pariah186: Jaburg's still on!?
rexstardust99: I'm drunk.
TheElisaPrincess: probably asleep pars
Pariah186: Personally yes I do
MtotheJLA: Jaburg's Cat is watching over things
Pariah186: but I was comparing those two
Pariah186: heh
MtotheJLA: I'll have to check that game out then
Glacier16: *sings* bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy
MtotheJLA: Never even looked at it
Pariah186: I was just comparing Splinter Cell to Batman and Riddick to Batman individually
Pariah186: you won't regret it
Pariah186: however
Pariah186: considering your computer
MtotheJLA: ahhhh
MtotheJLA: no need to finish the sentence
Pariah186: I suggest that you get it on X-BOX--If you have one of course
MtotheJLA: my POS computer would probably spit the game back out
Glacier16: heh
Pariah186: or if you don't.....Well your shit outta luck son
Pariah186: yeah, pretty much
TheElisaPrincess: scrolling down takes forever
rexstardust99: When I get a job, the first thing I'm going to do is get a new computer. I want to be able to play the new civilization gaem.
rexstardust99: game
Glacier16: city of villains
MtotheJLA: Riddick is for X Box?
Pariah186: I thought that original game economy game you posted looked better
Pariah186: and PC
Pariah186: yes
MtotheJLA: Cool
rexstardust99: capitalism?
Pariah186: Er, *economy game*
MtotheJLA: To be honest, I never even saw or heard of Riddick for X Box
Pariah186: well, it had some insane overhead graphic
The Time Trust: BRUCE CAMPBELL!!!
Glacier16: heh
Pariah186: Your ignorant then
The Time Trust: Holy shit!
Glacier16: hail to the king, baby!
The Time Trust: The resemblance is uncanny.
Pariah186: I'll try to find the thread
MtotheJLA: I am ignorant, but that's not the point
MtotheJLA: LOL
MtotheJLA: ;P