PJPGYRO: I'm actually standing up right now
BooBerryFanatic: I never pictured you for one who would give in to such a demand, Peej...
PJPGYRO: it hurts toomuch to sit
klinton77: I got a series of creepy pms from him when I refused to answer the 'cut or uncut' thread
PJPGYRO: Jims a good guy
BooBerryFanatic: I still remember when he was a dick, though...
TheElisaPrincess: then he cant be accused of being gay :P
PJPGYRO: well he is gay
PJPGYRO: yeah Jim came off like a dick at first but so did I
PJPGYRO: I still do to some
klinton77: yup
PJPGYRO: I don't mean to
klinton77: yes you do
klinton77: dick
PJPGYRO: yes I do
BooBerryFanatic: There was a thread where he was lambasting me for not agreeing with his view of Freudian philosophy/psychology.
BooBerryFanatic: I think he's mellowed out since, though...
PJPGYRO: yeah he has
Glacier16: yeah
PJPGYRO: sometimes we all get passionate and irrational
PJPGYRO: you should have seen sneaky last night
BooBerryFanatic: I've done that... though usually only in Writer's Block...
PJPGYRO: you want to talk about passion
BooBerryFanatic: And even now, I pick my battles...
klinton77: what was sneaky up about?
PJPGYRO: my cock
Glacier16: wow
PJPGYRO: she loves my pet rooster
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: damn i drank that much?
Glacier16: lols
BooBerryFanatic: Heh!
klinton77: doesn't take much to get her worked up
PJPGYRO: nah I guess not
Glacier16: lol
klinton77: sorry...
Glacier16: whoa
BooBerryFanatic: Heh.
BooBerryFanatic: Glac... wtf?
TheElisaPrincess: bbls
Glacier16: see ya EP
PJPGYRO: we dont speak 3rd grade elisa
Glacier16: lol
BooBerryFanatic: Heh.
PJPGYRO: whats bbls
BooBerryFanatic: Be back later...s.
PJPGYRO: I just learned what lol is;-)
BooBerryFanatic: Heh!
Glacier16: see ys PE
Glacier16: EP
PJPGYRO: whats the s stand for....shits
BooBerryFanatic: I thought it was 'stupid'...
PJPGYRO: that would be me
BooBerryFanatic: But then, what do I know?
klinton77: sex-slaves
BooBerryFanatic: Heh.
Glacier16: right on
PJPGYRO: ah that fits her personality actually
klinton77: totally...she'S a frisky one
Glacier16: yup
Glacier16: web dings that is interesting
klinton77: you just know that if you ever got past her 'puritan' ideals...she'd be an animal
klinton77: all of that pent up energy needs a release
BooBerryFanatic: People have said the same of me...
BooBerryFanatic: O:-)
Glacier16: so true that
klinton77: enough with the pictograms
Glacier16: heh
BooBerryFanatic: Let's all commit to legible fonts, shall we?
Glacier16: I could read it, just have no clue what I was sayin
Glacier16: kinda like this
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: well ain't that nice
klinton77: I'm on the phone with an ex who's all embroiled in a three way drama....
Glacier16: ahhhhhhh, well. I've had my fun. I'm gonna go play some Mortal Kombat online. So i'll be away.
BooBerryFanatic: Have fun, G16!
klinton77: he'S fucking someone'S bf....and the bf just found out!
klinton77: LOL1
BooBerryFanatic: Some people's kids...
klinton77: .....
BooBerryFanatic: You said it, klints.
klinton77: He'S freaking out ...I jsut want t hang up
BooBerryFanatic: Why don't you?
klinton77: dunno...
klinton77: maybe I should?
BooBerryFanatic: That's not a good enough reason, methinks...
klinton77: he wants to move away from the
BooBerryFanatic: How likely is it that this bf is going to beat the ever-loving crap out of him?
klinton77: not so much...he's pretty mello
klinton77: then again, so is Chrisé
BooBerryFanatic: Then why's he freaking out?
klinton77: he jsut wants to avoid the confrontation
BooBerryFanatic: And he's willing to move away to do it?
klinton77: typical...he's a total pussy who can't take responsibility for his actions
BooBerryFanatic: Ah. Gotcha.
klinton77: this is why I dumped his ass
BooBerryFanatic: Any likelihood of him changing?
BooBerryFanatic: Heh!
klinton77: naw...he's always been like this
klinton77: k...he's gone
PJPGYRO: I love that you know someone name Chrise
klinton77: Chris...that was a typo
BooBerryFanatic: Chrise... sounds French...
PJPGYRO: with you candians you never know
klinton77: shut up
BooBerryFanatic: Especially being so close to Quebec...
klinton77: Piere
PJPGYRO: was my name in french class
klinton77: so close? I live in Quebec
PJPGYRO: 7th and 8th grade
BooBerryFanatic: HAH!
PJPGYRO: then I switched to spanish and became pedro
BooBerryFanatic: Boy, is my face red!
klinton77: and black, and blue!
BooBerryFanatic: I always took Spanish... except for the week in 4th grade where they taught us German.
BooBerryFanatic: Heh!
PJPGYRO: I think its hilarious that the Nordiques were in canada for so long and didnt win shit
PJPGYRO: then they go to colorado and woan alot
klinton77: shut itÙ
BooBerryFanatic: :-)
klinton77: I always look german
klinton77: or dutch
klinton77: it's the pale skin and the blue eyes
BooBerryFanatic: I don't look like anything... but then again, my anscestors were Irish, Scottish, and American Indian...
klinton77: hienz 57!
klinton77: I think it's time for beer...
PJPGYRO: hell yeah
klinton77: yup...Blue Dry...delicious!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: damn straight!
klinton77: that was the fastest I think I've ever downed a beer at home....
BooBerryFanatic: I've never been one for alcohol... but knowing how I chug down sodas, I'm not sure I'd be able to 'savor' it as I probably should...
klinton77: why not?
klinton77: How can you live without beer?
klinton77: How?
BooBerryFanatic: I don't like the taste of it
klinton77: That's just not possible
klinton77: It'S like not liking air
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: its just not right!!
BooBerryFanatic: I think it tastes like dog piss and liquefied cardboard...
klinton77: is there an ignore feature in here?
BooBerryFanatic: ...sorry...
BooBerryFanatic: To each his own... it's just not my preference.
klinton77: beer...
klinton77: It'S your freind
klinton77: really....
klinton77: It's the reason you were born
klinton77: the reason the sun shines in the summer
BooBerryFanatic: I've done well without it so far...
BooBerryFanatic: Nothing... but it never did anything for me, either.
klinton77: Have you really? well, you say?
klinton77: when was the last time you gotr laid?
klinton77: beer can help that!
UltimateJaburg53: Beer!
klinton77: beer!@
BooBerryFanatic: Meh.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: he's a lost cause, just leave him to the shitty tequila
klinton77: can save this child....we can'T just leave him....
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i have some extra sleemans..i'll ship it out
klinton77: send some beer with that....
PJPGYRO: Im going out to dinner in alittle bit....will be drinkin wine.
UltimateJaburg53: Wine!
PJPGYRO: you guys like merlot or cab
klinton77: wine is good too
PJPGYRO: I make my own
klinton77: merlot
PJPGYRO: well my friend does all the work
PJPGYRO: I say I make it
BooBerryFanatic: Zinfandel isn't bad... but I doubt I'd drink too much of it.
klinton77: fag
UltimateJaburg53: I like it in a box
PJPGYRO: red wine is good for your heart
UltimateJaburg53: with a fox
PJPGYRO: I tell myself when my liver crys to me
klinton77: I want a bottle of wine now
klinton77: damn you PJP!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: damn you!!

klinton77: have you tried Liberty School, PJP?
rexstardust99: FUCK
rexstardust99: Fuck
rexstardust99: fcuk
rexstardust99: fuck
klinton77: what?
UltimateJaburg53: Problem rex?
BooBerryFanatic: Be back at some points, gents (and Sneaky). Later, all.
rexstardust99: I just tried to get uschi to get AIM, but she said no.
klinton77: bye
UltimateJaburg53: She had aim
PJPGYRO: see ya chewy
rexstardust99: Then my crazy rich and racist aunt called.
rexstardust99: I fucking hate dealing with her.
PJPGYRO: she had aim and now she shoots horribly
klinton77: tell the bitch to fuck off
PJPGYRO: if she srich be nice
rexstardust99: I wanted to.
PJPGYRO: you might get in the will
klinton77: who cares if she'S rich
rexstardust99: Thats why I'm nice to her.
PJPGYRO: just kiddin klints
PJPGYRO: sheesh
klinton77: I have little patience for people who 'expect' certain treatment
PJPGYRO: I agree
PJPGYRO: g-man is like that
PJPGYRO: he thinks he is above people
klinton77: g-man's just an ass
rexstardust99: Yes
PJPGYRO: lets get are pitchforks and burn his house down
klinton77: a stupid, ignorant ass
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
klinton77: he's a breathing example of what I hate in Americans
PJPGYRO: I have sent PMs to soooo many people today
PJPGYRO: I m pretty proud no matter what happens
PJPGYRO: Rob I think is taken aback by how many people responded
PJPGYRO: douche g-man
klinton77: I hope this chat gets posted...
PJPGYRO: He is actually going to make me not vote again
PJPGYRO: me too
UltimateJaburg53: Wow people really hate the G-Man.
klinton77: not vote?
klinton77: why?
rexstardust99: He's a fascist ass hole.
klinton77: how?
PJPGYRO: I might go libertarian next time.=-O
PJPGYRO: just kiddin
UltimateJaburg53: I just stat out of that forum
UltimateJaburg53: Mostly
PJPGYRO: me too
PJPGYRO: but Id like to have the choice of posting in there
rexstardust99: I stay out now, I'm sick of everything becoming a liberal-conservative flame war.
klinton77: I try...but I prefer political debates over comic book discussions
PJPGYRO: everything I post automatically gets tossed
rexstardust99: I think if we got g-man out, it would be better.
UltimateJaburg53: Who knows
PJPGYRO: we'll see
klinton77: I want to be mod of the DT forum
klinton77: I want to have the power to move 'offending' posts by the G
PJPGYRO: rob sent me a pm weeks back askingme to be more respectful and less stupid in deep thoughts
UltimateJaburg53: But your canadien
PJPGYRO: I had no problem doing it
PJPGYRO: I would vote for you klint
klinton77: I know...Canadians can't be mods...
UltimateJaburg53: I hate being serious and respectful
PJPGYRO: its hard for me
UltimateJaburg53: especially when asked
PJPGYRO: Im even more of an ass in real life
klinton77: Me too
klinton77: you have no idea
PJPGYRO: lols me too
PJPGYRO: wed get along good
klinton77: I think so
PJPGYRO: I can't wait to party with rex and jake!
klinton77: when?
UltimateJaburg53: When I win Lotto!
UltimateJaburg53: I'll hold a big thingy
UltimateJaburg53: Then we will gather and party
rexstardust99: heh
klinton77: That'd be a blast
rexstardust99: We should try to plan a get together sometime.
PJPGYRO: one of the cons
klinton77: in Canada
rexstardust99: Maybe in a year or so, give everyone a chance to save some money up.
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
rexstardust99: Somewhere on the east coast, since thats where most everyone lives.
UltimateJaburg53: Rob's apartment?
klinton77: Montreal?
rexstardust99: No canada.
UltimateJaburg53: We'll just surprise him
klinton77: Actually...New York would be ok too
rexstardust99: Just show up with a ton of beer.
PJPGYRO: he 'dlove that
rexstardust99: I always wanter to visit New York.
rexstardust99: wanted
klinton77: I think he'd close the boards shortly after though
rexstardust99: heh
UltimateJaburg53: Not if we know where he lives
UltimateJaburg53: God
UltimateJaburg53: the pollen is disgusting this year
klinton77: Not here
klinton77: here it'S just humid as hell
rexstardust99: Here to, thats whats been killing me.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yeah its like an armpit here
PJPGYRO: humid here too....real bad pollen
rexstardust99: I think Oregon produces most of America's grass seeds, so its always bad here.
klinton77: about that cyber?
klinton77: right here...right now!
UltimateJaburg53: Ooop Ozzy's daugther back in rehab
PJPGYRO: you need to ask her
PJPGYRO: rex you can come visit me
PJPGYRO: I'll show you around NY
klinton77: you should come here PJ
PJPGYRO: we'll go surprise balloonknot and jaburg wearing tiarras
klinton77: it's not so far
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: sorry only on the second beer klinton
klinton77: drink more, woman!
PJPGYRO: I almost went to montreal last year for the bachelor party
rexstardust99: heh
PJPGYRO: lost of goos strip clubs there
klinton77: shit yeah!
klinton77: there'S one on eery corner
rexstardust99: I'm actually considering moving to the east coast eventually.
rexstardust99: I'm sick of the west coast.
PJPGYRO: french candian women are mucho fine
klinton77: unlike most of the men.,,,
UltimateJaburg53: EAst Coast!
PJPGYRO: heh change back;-)
klinton77: I got me the only one worth a secnd look
PJPGYRO: atta boy
PJPGYRO: free booze too
PJPGYRO: you still get the free stuff
PJPGYRO: schnapps was it
klinton77: no...
PJPGYRO: smirnoff
klinton77: the roomate moved out
klinton77: ah well
klinton77: it was sick shit any way
klinton77: beer is better
PJPGYRO: yeah strong stuff
PJPGYRO: stronger than beer
PJPGYRO: but not molson
klinton77: yeah...stronger than molson
rexstardust99: I was pretty drunk last night PJP, you missed it.
PJPGYRO: im sorry i missed it
PJPGYRO: had to be up early today
rexstardust99: sucker
PJPGYRO: I gotta run guys off to dinner with the family..its the parents 44th anniversary
klinton77: bye
rexstardust99: see ya.
PJPGYRO: Ill be on for a little while tonight from 1030 to 11
PJPGYRO has left the room.
klinton77: so...sneaky...back to the cyber
klinton77: (I'm on a mission today)
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: haha, okay i'll go buy another case
klinton77: that
rexstardust99: Sadly I'm going to be sober all day.
klinton77: why?
rexstardust99: I gotta babysit at eight.
rexstardust99: Same with tomorrow night.
klinton77: give the little shits some too....
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: or at least some night quil crap
rexstardust99: No, their parents already fucked them up enough.
rexstardust99: Fucking hippies.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has left the room.
klinton77: do you ever get tempted to lock the kids in a room?
rexstardust99: I give them timeouts, but they are usually really good around me.
klinton77: cool
klinton77: I don
klinton77: don't know how you do it...I hate little kids
rexstardust99: I hate them if I'm not related.
rexstardust99: If their family its cool, but I hate other peoples kids.
klinton77: I don't know any of my relatives kids...
klinton77: so I can safely say that I hate them all
rexstardust99: So whose still posting here?
rexstardust99: I think I'm going to take a break and watch some TV.
rexstardust99: I have the complete chat saved up to this point.
UltimateJaburg53 has left the room.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
The Time Trust: Hey.
The Time Trust: I'm back.
The Time Trust: Just dropped all my comics.
klinton77: Welcome...
klinton77: are you sad
The Time Trust: Not really.
The Time Trust: No, it's a relief, actually.
klinton77: in withdrawl?
The Time Trust: Not yet.
The Time Trust: That comes later, I'm sure.
The Time Trust: As a habit it's worse than crack.
klinton77: they give out free methadone out there, no?
The Time Trust: I think so, yeah.
The Time Trust: Experimental program or something.
klinton77: I thought I'd miss comics...but I haven't yet
rexstardust99: The two canadians are chatting? This can't be good.
The Time Trust: I'll have more money in my bank account each month.
klinton77: yup
klinton77: We're going to take over the world Rex!
The Time Trust: I'm surprised it's taken this long to happen.
klinton77: dropping comics?
The Time Trust: Nah. Chatting with the other infamous Canadian at the RKMBs.
klinton77: I guess eh,
klinton77: It's just that you post more in the comics area
The Time Trust: ...if at all
klinton77: I'm usually only in the DT and random area...
klinton77: yeah, you don't post so much anymore
The Time Trust: I'm very picky about which threads I read nowadays.
The Time Trust: I used to post a lot more.
klinton77: really? I just set out to start some shit...
klinton77: it'S like an interactive video game most of the time
The Time Trust: Especially if you know which buttons to push, eh? ;-)
klinton77: hell yeah...I'm an attentive listener
klinton77: I've worked Rex into a foaming frenzy
klinton77: Batwhore...I just hate the living shit out of her
The Time Trust: I stay away from her. She's got some strange ideas.
klinton77: she'S the definition of the 'crazy cat lady'
klinton77: I jsut realized that you can't put MODs on ignore...
klinton77: I tried to ignore G man
The Time Trust: Yeah, I know someone else who wanted to ignore G-man, too, but couldn't. Don't know why it's set up like that.
The Time Trust: Since Rob is a more-or-less laissez-faire moderator, it's strange that he would appoint a law-n-order type like G-man. Doesn't really reflect the spirit of the boards, IMO.
klinton77: I think G-man just gives good head...
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: thanks for sharing
klinton77: all things are forgiven for good sex
The Time Trust: That is the rumor.
klinton77: Bunny's gonna puke!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: not this early
klinton77: no? after the cyber?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: haha, only if i see llances tits
klinton77:'re a dirty girl...I like that
The Time Trust: LLance would have marvelous tits if he shaved them a little.
The Time Trust: I hope nobody quotes me on that.
UltimateJaburg53 has entered the room.
klinton77: Llance...what is there to say about him...
klinton77: TTT said: 'Llance would have nice tits if he shaved them a little.'
The Time Trust: Salaam, Jaburg-ali-Muhammad
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh, that you wished you lived in kentucky?
klinton77: yeah...that too
The Time Trust: My internet connection is finally back up to speed. That was pissing me off all morning.
klinton77: who do you use?
The Time Trust: Shaw
The Time Trust: cable
klinton77: I liked them
The Time Trust: It's usually good.
klinton77: I use fucking Bell now...I hate Bell
The Time Trust: It's when the connection is poor that I curse their names to the four winds. But they're generally reliable.
klinton77: Back to Canadian politics
klinton77: my chicken was good, by the way
The Time Trust: The tech-guy I talked with this morning knew absolutely nothing about newsgroups. I was horrified.
klinton77: LOL
klinton77: that'S a man dedicated to his job
The Time Trust: How do you prepare your chicken?
klinton77: I marinated it in olive oil, garlic and chives over night...and then roasted it stuffed with potatoes
The Time Trust: Wow. That takes dedication.
The Time Trust: Must be worth the effort
klinton77: I always cook like that
klinton77: last thing in the evening I plan out tomorows meals
klinton77: sad, no?
The Time Trust: Not at all.
klinton77: If I didn't...Dan might get some ideas...and we don't want him cooking...ever
The Time Trust: I'm extremely disorganized when it comes to food.
The Time Trust: I hope he appreciates the effort, then.
UltimateJaburg53: (This Is Balloon KNot Speaking Not Jaburg) Hey Cunts!!
klinton77: hey, cunt!
klinton77: I think he of the first things he does when he meets someone new is insist they come over for my cooking
klinton77: so I just found out that the beer festival is on right now...and I'm sitting here....fuck....
The Time Trust: Sitting here and sober.
The Time Trust: Sad.
klinton77: why sober?
klinton77: what the fuck is the point of that?
The Time Trust: I need to stay up for awhile.
klinton77: beer doesn't perk you up?
The Time Trust: Not really.
The Time Trust: Going to someone birthday party at a pub later on tonight.
The Time Trust: Probably.
The Time Trust: Maybe.
klinton77: cool.
The Time Trust: Havent' decided yet.
klinton77: I think I'm just up to the usual...Le Drugstore
UltimateJaburg53: buttocks
The Time Trust: Hooray for buttocks!
klinton77: wouldn't be the same without them
klinton77: so...yeah...back to Canadian politics...and my hot cyber with Bunny
Lord Mxypltk has entered the room.
The Time Trust: Mxy?
Lord Mxypltk: Mxy?
The Time Trust: MxY?
klinton77: mXy?
The Time Trust: :-*mXXXy!:-*
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uhh..kay...
klinton77: he was alone in the room with me too long
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: suuuuure he was
The Time Trust: I'm always gay for Mxy.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: arent we all?
klinton77: oddly...I am not...
kristogarvelo has entered the room.
Lord Mxypltk: he is
kristogarvelo: really truly really?
Lord Mxypltk: big time!
Lord Mxypltk: you said it.
The Time Trust: Yes
kristogarvelo: Wow, this is some chat.
kristogarvelo: People are really, really chatting.
The Time Trust: Strangely enough, this makes sense after being awake all night and all afternoon.
The Time Trust: We're all stoned in here.
klinton77: do yo have tracers yet ttt?
The Time Trust: If I did I'd know what you mean
kristogarvelo: Gotta go watch football.
kristogarvelo: 5,001,659
kristogarvelo has left the room.
klinton77: tracers...when you gte little coloured hues on things
klinton77: spots in the corner of your eye
The Time Trust: I'm afraid to check.
klinton77: it happens when you stay up all night
klinton77: not that I do that very often...
The Time Trust: There's a lot of people not chatting in here.
The Time Trust: Just an observation
klinton77: sorry...just PMing back and forth with Rob
The Time Trust: Hey Mxy -- mind if I like your bizarre webcomic on my page?
Lord Mxypltk: sure!
Lord Mxypltk: so aheed.
The Time Trust: How much of the cut should I send your way?
The Time Trust: I should warn you, though -- it's not much.
Lord Mxypltk: what cut?
The Time Trust: The profits from my webpage.
Lord Mxypltk: you have profits? whoa
Lord Mxypltk: well, if you get rich posting my comic, definetely send me something
The Time Trust: Potential profits, yeah.
The Time Trust: Will do.
Lord Mxypltk: otherwise, use the money to tempt bums and take them to your place to dissect
The Time Trust: I promise.
Lord Mxypltk: excellent,
Lord Mxypltk: master will be pleased.
Lord Mxypltk: I think I haven't seen your site for years. what's the url?
The Time Trust: Time Trust: It's fairly static. I removed the blog. Just a links page now.
The Time Trust: I expect the cash to be rolling in any day now.
The Time Trust: I even quit my job.
The Time Trust: My girlfriend quit her job, too.
Lord Mxypltk: you mean you're not Blue Beetle anymore?
The Time Trust: Shh!
Lord Mxypltk: oh!
The Time Trust: We'll have to edit out that part before posting the chat.
The Time Trust: Can't be too careful.
Lord Mxypltk: Just change the name I said with Blue Beetle. In fact, let's retroactively edit it now.
Lord Mxypltk: Done.
The Time Trust: Now no one will ever know.
The Time Trust: Except for the terribly confused people reading this.
Lord Mxypltk: I've edited their collective memories as well.
Lord Mxypltk: Now they think I always said Beetle. HA!
klinton77: it took me a second to figure out what the fuck you were doing there...
Lord Mxypltk: To live in ignorance...
klinton77: I need another beer
The Time Trust: I'm going to edit the thread again and have me say, "I'm always gay for Mxy" just to fuck with everybody.
The Time Trust: Done.
The Time Trust: Oh, shit. I should've had someone else say that.
Lord Mxypltk: D'oh