Lord Mxypltk: Let's keep on editing... I'll make it so Rob's Boards really sucked for the past months.
Lord Mxypltk: Whoa! Check it out!
Lord Mxypltk: Now I'll make a great number of posters gay...
The Time Trust: Don't forget G-man
The Time Trust: Oh, wait -- you're way ahead of me
Lord Mxypltk: whoops, I accidentally deleted legendary super poster sfx337 completely!
Lord Mxypltk: No even I'm doubting his existance. Was I kidding just now or did I really delete a person?
The Time Trust: :'(
The Time Trust: That was my fucking brother, man!
Lord Mxypltk: now you're an only child! you should thank me!
The Time Trust: For what?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: for killing your cyclops twim
The Time Trust: Hey, stop editing my posts, Mxy. You know I don't have a brother.
Lord Mxypltk: now you don't.
The Time Trust: Pardon?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: he's dead ther for you don't
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: damn canuck
The Time Trust: I'm really confused now.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: "yuck yuck yuck...i live in an iglo...yuck yuck yuck..i like ketchup chips...yuck yuck yuck...i'm canadian..yuck yuck yuck"
The Time Trust: Ketchup chips are delicious.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yes yes they are
The Time Trust: I only live in an igloo for three months of the year.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ah, your lumberjack girlfriends place? no?
The Time Trust: Right, that one.
The Time Trust: Her name's Fred
The Time Trust: So...
The Time Trust: I figure I'm too nice at Rob's.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: fred? is she the one who makes that pickle dip
The Time Trust: Need to make some enemies.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ah yes you must
The Time Trust: Um...I think so. Strangely enough, I've never seen her naked. I hope she's not hiding anything from me.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i think i read in the toronto star that she's a eunick
The Time Trust: The stubble is a problem in the evenings, I must admit.
UltimateJaburg53: indeed
The Time Trust: GAH!
The Time Trust: Don't do that, man!
UltimateJaburg53: indeed
The Time Trust: Some warning next time.
idunapoo has entered the room.
idunapoo: Wank
idunapoo: wank
idunapoo: wank
idunapoo: wank
idunapoo: wank
idunapoo: wank
idunapoo: wank
idunapoo: ahhhhhhhhhh
Lord Mxypltk: cunt
TheElisaPrincess: whose iduna?
TheElisaPrincess: mxys true love?
idunapoo: I have no legs but I have got six feet
TheElisaPrincess: mrhm...........could bsams too
idunapoo: idunapoo
idunapoo: idunabigpoo
idunapoo: idunabigsmellypoo
TheElisaPrincess: idunoanidiot ;P
TheElisaPrincess: what happened with teh whole gman thing anyways?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: besides klinton hitting on mxy
TheElisaPrincess: LOL
TheElisaPrincess: thats funny
TheElisaPrincess: mxy deserrved it ;-)
The Time Trust: CUNT!
captainsammitch has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: woah trustys getting all pmsed up in here :P
captainsammitch: yo
idunapoo: You dun an idiot? You dirty thing!
TheElisaPrincess: yo you
captainsammitch: what's goin on everyone?
TheElisaPrincess: how goest church music?
The Time Trust: That's directed at the idunapoo
idunapoo: Sammitch smells like his filling died
captainsammitch: work in progress
captainsammitch: zuh?
TheElisaPrincess: mrhm trust......so you call him a derogatory girl name :P
TheElisaPrincess: makes sense ;p
The Time Trust: It's his favorite word
idunapoo: TTT is a gaylord Candian bum sniffer
The Time Trust: Just making him feel at home.
captainsammitch: so has anyone been here the WHOLE time?
TheElisaPrincess: lol trusty whatever
Glacier16: klinton has
TheElisaPrincess: naw sammys i went to the library
idunapoo: So,when is Bunny gettin nekkid.......promises were made to get me here
Glacier16: la biblioteca
TheElisaPrincess: glacy!!!!!! woah look who came back ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: yeah and nothing was where it SHOULD HAVE BEEN :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: y'all are weirdwha'?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: whose been pimping me out??
TheElisaPrincess: yeah dtec........duna's gotta be an alt
Glacier16: a la chingada
captainsammitch: waitasec - who's idunapoo - I may have missed something
TheElisaPrincess: lol sneaks........rex :P
TheElisaPrincess: no clue sams
TheElisaPrincess: i have no clue either
captainsammitch: feh
idunapoo: I aint no alt,I'm me!
TheElisaPrincess: ala chingada........yeah my spanish sucks and im supposed to be an esl teacher ;p
TheElisaPrincess: mrhm duna.....suuuuuuuuure!
idunapoo: I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
The Time Trust: He's idunapoo! Can't you read?
TheElisaPrincess: de dila de
idunapoo: yeah thats right candadian boy
TheElisaPrincess: trust and what class am I takin?
TheElisaPrincess: LITERACY :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: your one to talk limey
idunapoo: I aint Canadian
captainsammitch: :-):-D:-):-):-):-):-D:-D:-D:-):-):-D:-D:-):-):-):-D:-D:-):-):-Dsmile:-):-):-D:-D:-):-D:-):-):-D:-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-D:-):-D:-D
Glacier16: its art!
idunapoo: thats sooooooo gay
The Time Trust: But if you must know, idunapoo is.....
The Time Trust: .....backwards7
captainsammitch: I'm a friggin machine
rexstardust99: GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
idunapoo: backwards7...........yeah right
Glacier16: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
captainsammitch: no, sorry
TheElisaPrincess: LOL Rex
TheElisaPrincess: that was awesome
TheElisaPrincess: BACKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: OH MY GOSH
TheElisaPrincess: where have you been?
TheElisaPrincess: mr. not posting
idunapoo: Is Elisa on drugs or something?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: wow she beleived it
rexstardust99: Thats how she always is.
TheElisaPrincess: backy..........its how i always am
TheElisaPrincess: thanks rexy!
TheElisaPrincess: hes not backs?
Glacier16: lols
TheElisaPrincess: but i got all excited....so much for reunions :P
rexstardust99: Maybe if she started drinking she'd be mormal.
The Time Trust: Don't trust the Trust, baby.
idunapoo: I am not Backy.........or any other cigarette product
TheElisaPrincess: so i figured hun ;-)
captainsammitch: she brings a child's innocence, like Chewy brings us a child's laughter... and Jubarg brings us a child sacrifice
lol@child sacrificre
rexstardust99: heh
TheElisaPrincess: that should so wind up in someone's sig ;P
idunapoo: & Rob brings us a child
captainsammitch: yours PE
captainsammitch: every so often
captainsammitch: G-Man has been known to do that too I'm told
idunapoo: Pete Townshend wrote a song called "The kids are alright"........I think that says it all
TheElisaPrincess: mk sams ill see what i can do
captainsammitch: Steve, have you EVER known Dan to do dishes? >:o I end up doing them EVERY time
TheElisaPrincess: where is steve?
TheElisaPrincess: darn it
TheElisaPrincess: duna is sams roomate?
captainsammitch: STEPHEN
TheElisaPrincess: ex roomie........something like hat?
captainsammitch: NO
idunapoo: No I am not
captainsammitch: Chewy used to be my roomie
TheElisaPrincess: i had a kid named stephen who insisted on being called STEVE-O :P
captainsammitch: Chewy/Steve/BooBerryFanatic
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhhhhhh see i dont know people by their real names at all rkmbs anyways
idunapoo: How many children have you had?
TheElisaPrincess: steve, gotcha
TheElisaPrincess: my bad
TheElisaPrincess: zero duna.....i teach so bout 130 something plus the kids i volunteered with over six years so 500
TheElisaPrincess: there bouts
idunapoo: And I thought it was rabbits that banged that much
idunapoo: I like children,but I couldnt eat a whole one
TheElisaPrincess: yeah.........that was so funny
TheElisaPrincess: everybody was so bored yesterday.........
TheElisaPrincess: towards the end anyways
idunapoo: I'm bored already
idunapoo: Wheres the boobiage?
captainsammitch: simmah down now!
idunapoo: *burp*
TheElisaPrincess: no web cam......sorry duna ;P
TheElisaPrincess: it could be rexy.........duna anyways :P
The Time Trust: The Time Trust: LLance would have marvelous tits if he shaved them a little.
TheElisaPrincess: yall have issues ;P
Lord Mxypltk: idunapoo just farted
Lord Mxypltk: you sneaky fuck.
idunapoo: The word Little & LLance do not often appear in the same sentence
Lord Mxypltk: oh, heh.
Glacier16: I am all, but what am I? Another number that isn't equal to any of you. I control, but I comply. Pick me apart, then pick up the pieces.
TheElisaPrincess: what song is that from?
idunapoo: I used to be a sneaky fuck.......I'd sneak in,fuck em,and sneak out
TheElisaPrincess: dont you wish duna
idunapoo: I am now too old to sneak
TheElisaPrincess: define old
TheElisaPrincess: hey im old....almost 26 in July
idunapoo: 2
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: nose hairs
TheElisaPrincess: and i Have tow ork on my bday how sad
TheElisaPrincess: lol sneaks
idunapoo: Lets just say I am the oldest person in this current chat
The Time Trust: Don't speak to me about nose hairs...
rexstardust99: I'm older than you elisa.
The Time Trust: I'm older than you rex
TheElisaPrincess: no way rexy?
rexstardust99: I'm 27.
Glacier16: Whoa
idunapoo: How many of you are older than 30?
Lord Mxypltk: I'm ol... no, wait
The Time Trust: Only me and you
TheElisaPrincess: cool i thought glac was 25 too
Glacier16: 24
Glacier16: 25 in Aug
TheElisaPrincess: ujays like 30 something
captainsammitch: idunapoo: Lets just say I am the oldest person in this current chat
TheElisaPrincess: YOURE SO YOUNG GLAC.............wow
captainsammitch: LLANCE!
TheElisaPrincess: alright sammys
TheElisaPrincess: i feel good
Lord Mxypltk: twenty five? FUCK THAT'S OLD!
captainsammitch: I'm 22
TheElisaPrincess: how are you oldest sams?
rexstardust99: jaburgs 27
idunapoo: LLance? I said old,not ancient
captainsammitch: *sigh* PE, read that quotation and my subsequent entry
Glacier16: heh
The Time Trust: Elisa, are you sure you're not blonde?
TheElisaPrincess: shutup trusty
idunapoo: mxy lives in my sock draw
captainsammitch: Llance - 3/2 Creature - Ancient Behemoth
TheElisaPrincess: sorry sams...........
TheElisaPrincess: i scanne dit
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrr scanned
Glacier16: nice
The Time Trust: you call it your cock drawer 'cause socks are the only action happening in your pants!
TheElisaPrincess: nice at?
Glacier16: whoa you read that?
TheElisaPrincess: and i was thinking trusty was the nice, sweet ocllege kid :P
idunapoo: Theres lotsa action in my pants,cause I dont always take Mxy out of my socks
The Time Trust: idunapoo brings out the worst in me.
TheElisaPrincess: crap i gotta lot of stuff to do this weekend :P
captainsammitch: in your socks?
TheElisaPrincess: so sad.........
idunapoo: Yes SOCKS
TheElisaPrincess: naw four articles to read and writ reports on, a chapter too read, download two manuals :P
Glacier16: woo
captainsammitch: hey guys?
idunapoo: What
idunapoo: You poof
Glacier16: que?
captainsammitch: if, very hypothetically, I were elected as a DT mod
The Time Trust: no
idunapoo: no
captainsammitch: would anyone object to more historically-oriented material?
idunapoo: Yes
Glacier16: like?
TheElisaPrincess: my comp is about to freeze just fyi :P
captainsammitch: 'This Week in History...'
rexstardust99: As opposed to the political flame wars? Hell yes.
captainsammitch: things like that
captainsammitch: features
Glacier16: hmm
rexstardust99: Sounds good.
TheElisaPrincess: stupid manuals that freeze computers
idunapoo: Flaming gay wars
Glacier16: indeed
captainsammitch: you can't appreciate what's going on now without looking back at what's behind us
captainsammitch: or at least that's what Jim Jackson said :-P
idunapoo: I should be the only mod of deep thoughts cause I dont post there
The Time Trust: Are you a control-freak, Sammitch?
captainsammitch: not at all
Glacier16: nowhereman?
idunapoo: Where?
captainsammitch: I just like for everyone to be cool
TheElisaPrincess: hes not here
idunapoo: Oh yeah......here
TheElisaPrincess: glac is trying to get me to freak out again :P
The Time Trust: Nowhereman dun a poo!
captainsammitch: I would only really flex my mod muscles against genuine trolls
captainsammitch: not just spamming the thing - people will always do that
idunapoo: I dun a poo in TTTs mouth
rexstardust99: I would move all the alt id posts.
Glacier16: lols
The Time Trust: ....
captainsammitch: I'm talking about posts and threads that exist for no other reason than to piss people off
idunapoo: see he cant speak
The Time Trust: lol
idunapoo: his mouth is full
TheElisaPrincess: yeah it might work
captainsammitch: as long as everyone's cool I'd just be one of you guys
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* o where is aobe
captainsammitch: who happens to help keep the forum tidy
idunapoo: I am not cool about it
idunapoo: I hate people
idunapoo: They hate me
rexstardust99: I hate everyone.
captainsammitch: that's a deep thought right there see?
idunapoo: Anti-Nowhere League rawk
captainsammitch: now I'm not as universally over-the-top nice as Elisa - that's a tough act to follow
captainsammitch: but I am generally pretty cool with everyone
TheElisaPrincess: IT DOWNLOADED!!!!!!!!!!!!YEAH
TheElisaPrincess: *Sings* love one another, love one another (to rexy)
idunapoo: You hate me Sammitch,admit it
TheElisaPrincess: this is the happy way we love one another
captainsammitch: who are you??? :-P
TheElisaPrincess: nice as elisa??? Woah im a metaphor :P
captainsammitch: I don't hate anyone
TheElisaPrincess: why dont you read my post sammys :P
TheElisaPrincess: to quote another rkmber :P
TheElisaPrincess: to rexers silly
TheElisaPrincess: wait darn it..........you werent talkin to me
captainsammitch: some people are difficult but it's definitely possible
idunapoo: Christ,its like posting with monkeys......Glac guessed,and TTT told everyone who I am
captainsammitch: it's possible to be likable in a very Nowhereman way too - it's just not everyone's thing necessarily
Glacier16: heh
Glacier16: U said same thing here as in post
Glacier16: I'm a detective!
The Time Trust: I said nothing
rexstardust99: I'm mxy!
idunapoo: Thats cause of the poo
TheElisaPrincess: uschi????? where has she been speaking of which
TheElisaPrincess: please dont let someone be at the door
TheElisaPrincess: one sec
idunapoo: I farted again
The Time Trust: false advertising
klinton77: look there's some shit in the room!
TheElisaPrincess: *sighs* i dont know who to believe: nowhereman, backwards, now uschi?
klinton77: how you doing poo
TheElisaPrincess: not even any questiosn grrrrrrrrrr
idunapoo: Who said I was Uschi?
TheElisaPrincess: thats just wrong........downlaod stuff and NO questions to review with........someone should be shot
idunapoo: Klinton is being nice to me.......he obviously doesnt know who I am either
klinton77: when did you get in here Prinvess?
TheElisaPrincess: klints bout fifteen minutes ago
captainsammitch has left the room.
klinton77: I'm nice to everyone...
klinton77: Even you Pariah
Glacier16: lol
captainsammitch has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: is it really parys?
TheElisaPrincess: PARYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: i was just about to im you
Glacier16: hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha
Lord Mxypltk: holy shit
TheElisaPrincess: its not him
captainsammitch: one side of my computer case is actually warped inward from the number of savage beatings it's received
idunapoo: NO!!!!!! FER FUCKSAKE!
TheElisaPrincess: darn it thats twice
Lord Mxypltk: holy shit she's so stupid
Lord Mxypltk: oh my god
Glacier16: It's nowhere, man.
Lord Mxypltk: oh my god how is it possible
Lord Mxypltk: how do you survive?
TheElisaPrincess: i give up..........
idunapoo: I give up
Lord Mxypltk: oh my fucking god
Lord Mxypltk: holy fucking shit
Lord Mxypltk: holy fucking crap
captainsammitch: what'd I miss while my computer was being a cast-iron clusterfuck
Lord Mxypltk: crapping fucking holy
Lord Mxypltk: oh oh, I look just like buddy holly
captainsammitch: but as I said a moment ago Nowhereman I don't hate you
idunapoo: Well you sshould
captainsammitch: granted you may be difficult sometimes but overall you're not a bad guy
idunapoo: yes i am
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* o where is glacy
captainsammitch: well you are a bad guy but not a bad - aw hell never mind
The Time Trust: Sammitch, the reason you're wrong for the job is because you want it.
Glacier16: ha!
Lord Mxypltk: everyone hates nowhereman!
Lord Mxypltk: he's cunt.
captainsammitch: pffffffffft
Lord Mxypltk: right?
Glacier16: yeah, fuck that wanker
captainsammitch: I see your point TTT
idunapoo: Sammitch doesnt know me very well
Lord Mxypltk: plus he keeps farting...
captainsammitch: I'll be back in a moment
Glacier16: t (-.-) t
The Time Trust: Well, as long as it's just farting...
klinton77: I can't believe this 'Sue Thomas' shit is on the air....
klinton77: dumbest show ever
TheElisaPrincess: yeah almost finished it
TheElisaPrincess: sue thomas?
idunapoo: I am a cunt.......its true
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* im addicted to you
Glacier16: ManoftheAtom
idunapoo: Wheres Speedy when you need him?
idunapoo: & Jack
klinton77: Yeah...some deaf detective show princess
TheElisaPrincess: simpleplan but nice try glacy
TheElisaPrincess: thats so stupid klint
Glacier16: I knew that, was something else
TheElisaPrincess: i saw the pilot and turned it about thirty minutes through
TheElisaPrincess: its on teh family channel too :P
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhh gotcha glacs
The Time Trust: Speedy needs it bookmarked
idunapoo: oh yeah
idunapoo: Shit,someone just threw a car at me
Glacier16: oh shit!
idunapoo: Jacks back
TheElisaPrincess: guess whose back? back again

TheElisaPrincess: *sings* this is the first day of my life
rexstardust99: SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: i did a big huge freakin clip......hrm.......
The Time Trust: So... did Pariah finally end it all? I'm surprised he hasn't shown up again.
Glacier16: heh
Glacier16: he was on earlier, just not in chat
TheElisaPrincess: trust hes probably horribly hungover and mad today
Glacier16: and back to Canadian politics........
TheElisaPrincess: are you sure you and klint arent twins

TheElisaPrincess: didnt he say that earlie?
The Time Trust: It's today's non-theme
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhhhhhhh
TheElisaPrincess: a sign ya'll are bored
The Time Trust: I'm too busy eating to type.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah i get to call zars!
TheElisaPrincess: yeah........need to figure out what to eat for dinner.....and which crappy thing iw anna read first ;p
TheElisaPrincess: i need a clip darn it....a hug eone
The Time Trust: Thai food
TheElisaPrincess: yums
TheElisaPrincess: brb*gotta find purple pen*
The Time Trust: Plus, Nowhereman took a dump in my mouth earlier, so I had to wash it down with something.
TheElisaPrincess: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
The Time Trust: Why did I say that?
Glacier16: I made Bowtie pasta with italitan sausage, diced tomatos, cilantro, olive oil, and Dickerson's Sweet & Hot Peppers.
The Time Trust: I can't be held responsible for my words. I've been up since yesterday.
Lord Mxypltk: took viagra?
The Time Trust: No, but I like that idea
idunapoo: SO does Rob
idunapoo: & G-Man
Glacier16: heh
TheElisaPrincess: i wanna call someone grrrrrrrrrrr
The Time Trust: hurm
TheElisaPrincess: ok its not gentelmanly to make a girls mouth water :P
idunapoo: Why do you wanna call them Grrrrrrrrrrr.......thats a stupid name
TheElisaPrincess: duna its from a fox news article
TheElisaPrincess: theres a guy whose stuff always titled GRRRRRRRRRR at something
TheElisaPrincess: anyways thats where i got it from :P
Glacier16: JLU is on, ill be back later
TheElisaPrincess: bye glacy have fun with jlu ;-)
The Time Trust: Geek!
idunapoo: azchery
idunapoo: zachery
idunapoo: Bollocks to this,I got a race to go to tomorrow so I'm gonna piss off to bed
The Time Trust: I'm off to the pub soon.
idunapoo: No having dirty thoughts about me Elisa
idunapoo: I know what you are like
TheElisaPrincess: sorry i was reading about crap due next week
TheElisaPrincess: dirty thoughts didnt come up :P
idunapoo: I will leave you with this one thought......................
idunapoo: Mull it over
idunapoo has left the room.
The Time Trust: Deep.
TheElisaPrincess: brb getting a coke.....gonna be a looong night
Lord Mxypltk: heh!
rexstardust99: HA!
Lord Mxypltk: she's doing coke to stay put
captainsammitch: hellz yeah I rule
captainsammitch: those damn umber hulks are no joke
TheElisaPrincess: *Sings* better watch yourself
TheElisaPrincess: coca cola mxy
TheElisaPrincess: come on ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: think i woulda been hired on a district if i was into drugs :P]
captainsammitch: which district?
captainsammitch: I'm from cleveland
The Time Trust: kuhb
TheElisaPrincess: texas sammys remember :P
TheElisaPrincess: your from ohio ;P
TheElisaPrincess: Dallas
TheElisaPrincess: I LOVE BREATHE.....awesome song
TheElisaPrincess: yeah.......my parents are up in michigan now though
rexstardust99: Ohio sucks.
TheElisaPrincess: hows all your work stuff going sneaks?
TheElisaPrincess: i thougth you live in oregon rex :P
rexstardust99: I lived there for ten years.
captainsammitch: wher at?
captainsammitch: where*
rexstardust99: Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
captainsammitch: meh
captainsammitch: it's not that bad is it?
rexstardust99: Near Dayton.
captainsammitch: I only go for the museum :-P
captainsammitch: I've been there
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: works going all right, looks like everythings cleared up with the lawyer too
captainsammitch: my dad got me into some other areas - even though he retired from the USAF before I was born they still let him sometimes because he had a pretty high security clearance
TheElisaPrincess: cool sneaks! Congrats!
captainsammitch: he worked on the SR-71
The Time Trust: My dad was RCAF
rexstardust99: Cool.
captainsammitch: lol all he did was handle boxes but those boxes contained some top-secret stuff
captainsammitch: hence the higher clearance
rexstardust99: My dad worked on titan missiles for most the time.
TheElisaPrincess: please let my password work
captainsammitch: so yeah sometimes they let him onto non-civilian areas
TheElisaPrincess: cool rexy!
captainsammitch: that's cool
TheElisaPrincess: my dad was in the army....airborne ranger but he didnt do anything cool like that
captainsammitch: Airborne's not cool enough for you!??
rexstardust99: He was on the launch team when we lived at Vandenberg AFB.
captainsammitch: heh Vandenburg - you know they wanted to launch the shuttle from there as often as the Cape?
captainsammitch: it was supposed to be the 'second spaceport'
rexstardust99: Yes.
captainsammitch: I guess it makes it easier to get into a north-south orbit
UltimateJaburg53 has left the room.
captainsammitch: because of the latitude or something
The Time Trust: My dad's eyesight wasn't good enough to make pilot.
captainsammitch: mine either - otherwise I might've tried to get in
rexstardust99: Yeah, its one of the few places in America where you can launch things safely from.
The Time Trust: I'm glad I didn't inherit those eyes.
captainsammitch: nothing to hit really
captainsammitch: but I don't understand all the factors behind it
captainsammitch: I mean what would their abort contingency have been? at least from Florida if you abort mid-launch you can get across the Arlantic in 45 minutes or so and land in Spain
captainsammitch: Atlantic*
rexstardust99: They had none, thats why they would only launch unmanned rockets.
captainsammitch: what was the backup plan if, say, an SRB malfunction forced them to jettison them early and you couldn't get into orbit?
captainsammitch: I mean from Vandy
captainsammitch: but yeah I see your point
captainsammitch: maybe that was the reason? or maybe the shuttle just proved too damn expensive
rexstardust99: I think the first shuttle disaster stopped them from launching there.
captainsammitch: safety reasons or economic reasons
captainsammitch: ?
rexstardust99: Thats really halted just about everything NASA was doing.
captainsammitch: yeah
captainsammitch: finished killing off SDI for Ronnie
captainsammitch: or did it???
captainsammitch: dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn
The Time Trust: Didn't the KGBeast do that?
captainsammitch: glasnost did that
rexstardust99: They're planning to launch private rockets soon.
captainsammitch: the Cold War thawed too quickly
The Time Trust: (A little '80s Batman reference, there)
rexstardust99: I posted an article about in the deep thoughts forum.
captainsammitch: from Vandenburg?
The Time Trust: (Dumbass)
rexstardust99: yes
captainsammitch: :-P
captainsammitch: shut your pipe Time Turd :-P
The Time Trust: Can't.
The Time Trust: Full of poo.
captainsammitch: I must confess I'm not as well versed with the Bat
The Time Trust: I keep forgetting how young all of you are.
captainsammitch: 'Get off my lawn!'
captainsammitch: you damn kids!
The Time Trust: Dang young whippersnappers!
The Time Trust: My dad loved saying that.
The Time Trust: Well, not the "dang" part.
http://www.rkmbs.com/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/532112/an/0/page/0#532112captainsammitch: Aldrin saw it coming a while ago
captainsammitch: the privatization of space
rexstardust99: I think its great.
captainsammitch: Bobo PMed me back
captainsammitch: doesnt' sound like he's all about the mod change
The Time Trust: I have 34 people on my "buddy" list. Most of them never come online at all.
rexstardust99: I have 27 now, mostly from these chats.
The Time Trust: Mine are all RKMBs, including the Writer's Block people.
rexstardust99: Mine to.
rexstardust99: Plus people like disco that never post there anymore.
The Time Trust: I don't even remember who "thesunhaven" is any longer.
The Time Trust: Probbaly one of Grimm's grubby friends.
TheElisaPrincess: sorry guys lookin up something
TheElisaPrincess: my dad liked saying dad gum it ;P
The Time Trust: That's ironic
Lord Mxypltk: sunhaven is that angel guy
Lord Mxypltk has left the room.
The Time Trust: Oh, right. Tayden
The Time Trust: If I can stay up for another 2 and a half hours, I can go to the pub.
captainsammitch: I gotta throw something together to post
The Time Trust: I just don't know if I'll be able to crawl back home.
The Time Trust: It's over 30 hours now.
TheElisaPrincess: trust take a nap and then go
The Time Trust: Since I've been up.
The Time Trust: Shit. I was supposed to bring a gift.
The Time Trust: What makes a good, last minute birthday gift?
rexstardust99: money
The Time Trust: I need that. Next
rexstardust99: heh
TheElisaPrincess: my bad
TheElisaPrincess: whose bday?
The Time Trust: A friend's.
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhhhh sweet what did you get for their present?
The Time Trust: I got nothing. Forgot.
TheElisaPrincess: TRUSTY! you still have time
TheElisaPrincess: you could writ them a poem, iou something :P'
The Time Trust: That's what I'm trying to think of.
The Time Trust: That's it! I'll buy Margarita a margarita.
TheElisaPrincess: trusty
TheElisaPrincess: use your writing ability :P
The Time Trust: I don't think that would be appropriate.
TheElisaPrincess: um................card?
TheElisaPrincess: with money?
TheElisaPrincess: sneaks im trying to get trust to get his friend SOMETHING for his bday ;-)
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: tshirthell gift certificate, uh, best buy card, uhhhhhh
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: beer store gift certificate?
The Time Trust: I dunno. I'll think on it.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: oh come on now all y'all canucks love the beer store!
The Time Trust: True
TheElisaPrincess: i think trsut is lazy and isnt gonna do a darn thing
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: hey now i'm lazy too!
The Time Trust: The only reason I'm considering going is that she has some cute single friends.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ooh well than
TheElisaPrincess: thast just wrong trusty
The Time Trust: I see nothing wrong with meeting women.
TheElisaPrincess: using them to get at their friends though :P
The Time Trust: Sounds worse than it is
The Time Trust: Whoa. There's a bird at my back window
TheElisaPrincess: what kind?
TheElisaPrincess: i always liked bluebirds
The Time Trust: It's like a bluebird, but it's a Jay, I think.
TheElisaPrincess: sounds somewhat plausible ;p
The Time Trust: I used to know the names, but I've forgotten.
The Time Trust: Aha. Looked it up. Stellar's Jay.
TheElisaPrincess: you foudn it that quick
The Time Trust: Wikipedia
The Time Trust: I knew the name -- just needed to see it to remember.
The Time Trust: OK, I'm gone.
TheElisaPrincess: bye trust
TheElisaPrincess: good luck and ahve fun
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i'm so hungry
TheElisaPrincess: so am i.....but too lazy to make anything
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: decided to order a pizza while i get motivated to go grill
TheElisaPrincess: hey i ordered a pizza earlie :P
TheElisaPrincess: grilling? wow..........ive always burnt whatever i tried to grill
TheElisaPrincess: way to go sneaks
klinton77: What's up Princess
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh she's a nymho, she cant grill and she's a lazy ass
klinton77: I knew all that...I wanted news
TheElisaPrincess: hiya klint
TheElisaPrincess: yeah lazy.........so sad
TheElisaPrincess: news about what klint?o
TheElisaPrincess: gmans staying mod did ya here ;-)
klinton77: I'm getting mighty drunk
TheElisaPrincess: hear oopsy
TheElisaPrincess: awwwww klints is bored!
klinton77: Yeah...Rob told me
klinton77: I think one of the other MODs needs to hold an 'unoffical' poll...
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
TheElisaPrincess: did he message you or something?
klinton77: something concrete we can show Rob
klinton77: yup
TheElisaPrincess: gotcha
TheElisaPrincess: hes been a busy boy today
TheElisaPrincess: going through all of pjs ims :P
klinton77: I think he was trying to be fair about the whole 'uprising'
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhh that would suck........glad im not in his position
TheElisaPrincess: waking up after a night out on the town, slightly hungover, going to the good ol' mbs and finding DRAMA :P
klinton77: I think he gets off on that shit...
TheElisaPrincess: no way
klinton77: thatS' why he keeps the boards up
klinton77: it's a vantity project
TheElisaPrincess: I dont think so.......it could be he just likes seeing screwed up people post :P
klinton77: I guess...
klinton77: ans so we all dance for him
klinton77: same shit really
captainsammitch: I gotta bail from this for now - my computer's slowing down
captainsammitch: I'll be back
TheElisaPrincess: i dont know.........they should seiously make ar eality show abou tthe rkmbs
TheElisaPrincess: night sams
captainsammitch: oh I'll be back
captainsammitch: mwhahahahahaaaaaaaa
captainsammitch has left the room.
klinton77: bye
TheElisaPrincess: and so must i leave.......the days of our lives, gotta read and stuff!!!!!!!! Yall have fun!
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
klinton77: so...Sneaks...it's just you and me now...lol
The Time Trust: Holy shit, I am tired.
klinton77: shit!
The Time Trust: oops.
klinton77: damn you Canada boy...all crushing my mojo
The Time Trust: Did I walk into somethign?
klinton77: no
The Time Trust: I'm always doig that.
klinton77: one of these days...
The Time Trust: Bang! Zoom!
klinton77: I will have hot cyber sex with the bunny
rexstardust99: I'm going now, I'll be back later under a different screen name, that way I can keep this open here.
klinton77: koolà
The Time Trust: He'll be back... as idunapoo
klinton77: Sneaks should be naked by the time he gets back
The Time Trust: Don't let me interrupt you
The Time Trust: Just need to set up some funky 70s porno music
klinton77: you play...
The Time Trust: Bwa-wa-wa-cha-cha
klinton77: there we go...
The Time Trust: Bwa-wa-wa-cha-cha...
klinton77: Miss Bunny, did you order this pizza?