klinton77: I know you don't have a lot of money...perhaps you can pay....some other way?
klinton77: Hmmmm...subject is not responsive....
The Time Trust: perhaps a change of music
klinton77: yes...I blame you!
The Time Trust: oooo-wee-ooooo-we-oo-we-oo-we-oooooo
The Time Trust: DUN DUN
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: ooooh okkkkk
klinton77: Sheyeah...
klinton77: k...that was...boring...
klinton77: I don't get this cyber shit
The Time Trust: I think you're supposed to say things like:
The Time Trust: I'm taking my clothes off now.
The Time Trust: Oooh, that's good.
klinton77: k...now you're cybering with me...
The Time Trust: I am handling your buttocks.
klinton77: not a good scene
The Time Trust: eep.
The Time Trust: LOL
klinton77: yeah
The Time Trust: I can't take cybering seriously enough for it to work.
klinton77: me either
The Time Trust: How do people keep from it turning into a joke?
The Time Trust: It's pure corn.
klinton77: desperation?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: okay that thats gross
The Time Trust: what?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: you two going at it
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i'll uh go promptly
PJPGYRO has entered the room.
rexstardust99: PJP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
klinton77: LOL!
The Time Trust: Heheheh
rexstardust99: I'm about to leave.
PJPGYRO: what did I miss
rexstardust99: I'll be back on later.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: well hellooo there sailor
PJPGYRO: hey sneaky
klinton77: hey PJP
klinton77: you missed nothing
PJPGYRO: yo klints....did you get any wine yet
klinton77: yup
PJPGYRO: me too
klinton77: Liberty SChool!
PJPGYRO: who is gooz
klinton77: it'S not so much a 'who' as a 'what'....
The Time Trust: Gooz is Gooz, of course!
PJPGYRO: Its like deja vu
klinton77: I'm thinking monkey sperm
PJPGYRO: whatever it is it doesnt talk
The Time Trust: It makes zombie flicks
klinton77: not so much, eh?
klinton77: perhaps it'S Rob incognito?
The Time Trust: Well, teen zombie flicks, anyway
PJPGYRO: rex didn't you tell me once you named your wee wee gooz?
klinton77: no...that was oozy
PJPGYRO: drippy
klinton77: from the infection
PJPGYRO: leaky
klinton77: the one you gave him
klinton77: So, back to Canadian politics?
klinton77: Or my hot cyber with Sneaky
PJPGYRO: sneaky is hot
klinton77: no...she's unwilling?
klinton77: sorry, not a '?'
PJPGYRO: nah you just gotta lube her up better
klinton77: Tried that with the pizza...next thing I know....
klinton77: it was too traumatic to recall
PJPGYRO: wheres elisa? maybe shes giving away her "flower"
klinton77: she just left...like 20 minuted ago
PJPGYRO: to give it away?
klinton77: yes.
klinton77: to my cat.
shakinbakinbabe has entered the room.
shakinbakinbabe has left the room.
The Time Trust: Dammit!
The Time Trust: Gone already
klinton77: who's this?
UltimateJaburg53 has entered the room.
The Time Trust: I don't know.
The Time Trust: Probably a bot
UltimateJaburg53: I'm here twice?
PJPGYRO: jaburg!
The Time Trust: Jaburg-Ali-Muhammad!
UltimateJaburg53: Praise something!
The Time Trust: Ally Sheedy!
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah!
HarleyQ33 has entered the room.
PJPGYRO: harley!
HarleyQ33: Hey Pete! How you be? I just sent youthe PM, but it loks like you're here...
UltimateJaburg53: Harl!
HarleyQ33: I think we're the only ones here... *chuckle*
klinton77: Hey...Harley's here!
HarleyQ33: Um, oops! Hey Jar...
HarleyQ33: Jesus, where is everyone coming from... LOL
PJPGYRO: no lots of people are here
The Time Trust: Whu?
klinton77: PJPs ass
PJPGYRO: you missed the afternoon session
PJPGYRO: its a big ass
HarleyQ33: Hey klinton - looks like you finally learned how to join the chat :-)
HarleyQ33: I thought it was a hariy ass to...? ;-)
PJPGYRO: lets hope he does more of this:-X
klinton77: yup...a couple days a go
PJPGYRO: yup being greek
HarleyQ33: this afternoon was too beautiful to stay in...
HarleyQ33: did I miss much this afternoon?
klinton77: no
PJPGYRO: nah just sneaky wanting to touch my cock
PJPGYRO: my pet rooster
HarleyQ33: okabee
The Time Trust: Sneaky already touched mine.
The Time Trust: She claims differently, of course.
UltimateJaburg53: indeed
HarleyQ33: LOL - jesus, you just made me choke on my whiskey!
PJPGYRO: his name is cockadoodle
HarleyQ33: you couldn't come up with a better name? lol
PJPGYRO: no it was eithe that or little peter pappas
HarleyQ33: brb - need a refill
PJPGYRO: what a lush
PJPGYRO: hopefully she wont read that
UltimateJaburg53: What?
UltimateJaburg53: What?
HarleyQ33: bite me, malaka

UltimateJaburg53: Bad Santa is on
HarleyQ33: is that any good?
UltimateJaburg53: yes
UltimateJaburg53: Surprisingly good
HarleyQ33: hey, you guys see JLU tonight - pretty good
PJPGYRO: i liked it
UltimateJaburg53: No
HarleyQ33: which?
Glacier16: huntress, rrrowrrr
HarleyQ33: It was written by Gail Simone, who has done a god job with BoP
UltimateJaburg53: bull
HarleyQ33: I still hate Huntress' gostume though
UltimateJaburg53: Gail sucks on Bo{
PJPGYRO: i like the costume
HarleyQ33: blasphemer!
PJPGYRO: its sexy
Glacier16: on the floor
UltimateJaburg53: yeah I know
HarleyQ33: it sucks
PJPGYRO: she sucks
UltimateJaburg53: I loved her run on Deadpool
HarleyQ33: I like her - same goes for canary - don't like the voice of GA tho
PJPGYRO: Im a big canary fan
HarleyQ33: never read Deadpol, but I've heard that's really god to - what else has she done?
UltimateJaburg53: buncha Simpsons comics
Glacier16: Villains United
HarleyQ33: fuckin' "o"s my computer is done for - I need to update soon
PJPGYRO: I need to run
PJPGYRO: early day tomorrow
HarleyQ33: where you going?
HarleyQ33: ah
UltimateJaburg53: heh
HarleyQ33: do you need to be tucked in? ;-)
PJPGYRO: Ill catch up with you tomorrow harley
PJPGYRO: yeah tuck me in
Glacier16: aww noice
HarleyQ33: ????
PJPGYRO: we don't get it either
PJPGYRO: it japanese
HarleyQ33: don look like no japanese to me...
PJPGYRO: jaburg thanks again for today
UltimateJaburg53: no prob
PJPGYRO: see you guys later
Glacier16: see ya
UltimateJaburg53: night man]
PJPGYRO: before I go Yanks won 4-3
PJPGYRO: see ya
PJPGYRO has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: Hello
UltimateJaburg53: Would you like to be as happy as I am?
UltimateJaburg53: Send one dollar too:
UltimateJaburg53: Happy Guy 742 Evergreen terrace, Springfield
UltimateJaburg53: Boo!
The Time Trust: i'm melting
The Time Trust: melting
The Time Trust: melting
The Time Trust: , , , ,
UltimateJaburg53: Ah!
The Time Trust: Did I scare you?
The Time Trust: I apologize.
The Time Trust: If you accept my apology, send one dollar to:
UltimateJaburg53: Whoa.
The Time Trust: Sorry, dude
The Time Trust: 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield
UltimateJaburg53: Whew.
The Time Trust: How was I supposed to know "titepieceofass" was a bot?
UltimateJaburg53: Pardon?
The Time Trust: Nothing.
The Time Trust: Hey, look at that bear!
UltimateJaburg53: AHHHH! Bear!
The Time Trust: Oh, wait. That's a fat guy in a bear suit.
The Time Trust: I think it's LLance.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: llance where
The Time Trust: Hey, let's go shave his nipples! I'll bet he has some great tits under that rug.
The Time Trust: Sorry. I'm always taking it too far.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: you are you really are
klinton77: naw...we've all had our moments pondering Llance's boobs
klinton77: they're like the 10th wonder of the world
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yes those joyful bags of fat seem like so much fun
klinton77: fun?
klinton77: not much
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: and you know how exactly
klinton77: yes
klinton77: my secret's out
klinton77: I'm a breast man
klinton77: I guess that means you're out, eh Sneaks
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh no i'll go get implants
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: or drink more
klinton77: drink more
klinton77: it's better for you....and more fun
klinton77: Sir...yeah...that's how I like it....
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has left the room.
klinton77: :-(
SneakyBunny52 has entered the room.
HarleyQ33: I've heard much about this Llance, but he's never around...
klinton77: yes he is
klinton77: he pops up every now and again
HarleyQ33: ok, dunno why that showed up in klinton's line...?
HarleyQ33: hmmm...'kay
klinton77: what?
klinton77: you alright?
HarleyQ33: me?
HarleyQ33: yeah, why?
klinton77: yeah...
klinton77: the screen is fine
HarleyQ33: its showing up on my screen as appearing on your line - *shrug* dunno why
HarleyQ33: next to your sad face
klinton77: huh...not here
klinton77: so, what have you been up to?
HarleyQ33: long emotionally exhausting week - you?
klinton77: long, boring ass week
HarleyQ33: and this weekend?
klinton77: continuing into a boring ass weekend
HarleyQ33: lol
klinton77: yup
HarleyQ33: poor baby
klinton77: I know, eh
HarleyQ33: where is everybuddy?
klinton77: they're around
HarleyQ33: hey, are you still in clss or has summer vacay started?
HarleyQ33: class
SneakyBunny52 has left the room.
klinton77: clases ended last month
klinton77: by sneaky...bitch
HarleyQ33: WTF...?
klinton77: in April...
klinton77: so, the month before last
HarleyQ33: ok, but what's with the bitch comment?
klinton77: nothin...she wouldn't cyber with me...it was a joke
HarleyQ33: ah
klinton77: sarcastic wit..
klinton77: we coverd this
klinton77: PM...member?
HarleyQ33: forgot about that
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has entered the room.
HarleyQ33: indeed
HarleyQ33: yup. I members
klinton77: cool
klinton77: so, uh sneaks...we gonna get our freak on yet
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: sure why not
klinton77: cool.
klinton77: you start
klinton77: fine...I will:
klinton77: It places it's hands on the penis....
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: uh, ami suppose to ignore the obvious joke there?
klinton77: yeah, sure
PenWing424 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
captainsammitch has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: Thank you Penny
TheElisaPrincess: did you star it?
PenWing424: maybe
Atomikboy64 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: i cant spell
TheElisaPrincess: STEVE!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: wow everybodys here
PenWing424: unless it was still open
klinton77: still open
TheElisaPrincess: in which case you ahd to have been invited right :P
PenWing424: cool
TheElisaPrincess: So klinty.....why was your pm box full :P
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: no princess
klinton77: dunno...I need to empty it?
TheElisaPrincess: thats what robbers was sayin in theshoutbox
The Time Trust: I decided to stay home. Too tired to walk to the pub, let alone drive.
klinton77: oh ell
klinton77: well
TheElisaPrincess: poor trusty
TheElisaPrincess: came back home again
The Time Trust: Hey, why was I invited to a room I was already in?
klinton77: cause Penwing just logged on
TheElisaPrincess: lol trust cuz pens was being sweet
The Time Trust: This room has been open for more than 24 hours by now.
TheElisaPrincess: wow good observation trust, did you do the math in your head :P
klinton77: Shit,...more Canadian Political fun...I hate Landry, and the whole PQ
The Time Trust: Burned by the Princess.
klinton77: wow
klinton77: just wow
TheElisaPrincess: sorry.......i couldnt help it :P
klinton77: so you can spend the money you were going to spend on beer for us
klinton77: Yes...beer
TheElisaPrincess: no......i cant get drunk.......have to finish reading the most boring reading chaptever for class
klinton77: TTT's buying
TheElisaPrincess: lol klint
TheElisaPrincess: cuz he couldnt go to the bar, poor baby
klinton77: I could...it'S still early
The Time Trust: I've got an infinite amount of imaginary money to pay for imaginary beer. Drink up!
klinton77: fuck off
klinton77: pay pal that tshit
HarleyQ33: If TTT is going out can he get me a pck 'o cigarettes? I just ran out... :-(
TheElisaPrincess: lol klint :P
TheElisaPrincess: poor guy is so bored hes getting drunk twic ein one day
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: make that two packs
TheElisaPrincess: i didnt know harley smoked
TheElisaPrincess: or sneaky did
klinton77: actually three...
HarleyQ33: I usually don't, but like I said above - this week has drained me.
The Time Trust: I'll send them by wire, too.
HarleyQ33: can't you just bring 'em over?
TheElisaPrincess: poor hars.........long week at work?
TheElisaPrincess: Whatever you happened to your fiance?
HarleyQ33: I'll even split the pack with you
klinton77: lol
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i'll uh, pay duty on em
HarleyQ33: ugh, I am not up for talking about the disaster that is my love life - sorry PE
klinton77: Hows about you bring me some Harl...you're not too far
The Time Trust: Is snarf online?
TheElisaPrincess: snarfers.....lemme check
TheElisaPrincess: its okay hars........he didnt deserve you anyways
HarleyQ33: you're only an inch away on the map - shit get off your lazy ass and bring 'em to me klinton
TheElisaPrincess: naw he's probably workin
klinton77: love life? disaster? do spill
HarleyQ33: nuh uh - break up from another time...
rqbumbershoot has entered the room.
The Time Trust: snarf snarf snarf
klinton77: lemme guess...Joe sat on you?
The Time Trust: can't believe I remembered your AIM name.
TheElisaPrincess: snarfs isnt online
HarleyQ33: not everybuddy can be all happy likein their relationship, like you k-man
rqbumbershoot: Yes I am.
TheElisaPrincess: hey's proably out kereokying
rqbumbershoot: No I'm not.
TheElisaPrincess: snarfers!!!!! Whered you come from?
The Time Trust: He's right there.
TheElisaPrincess: i didnt see you online
HarleyQ33: You're an ass! LOL
rqbumbershoot: I just signed on.
TheElisaPrincess: you were under general thats why
rqbumbershoot: I think it's more like you were under the influence.
The Time Trust: I also invited three bots.
The Time Trust: So far, no show.
rqbumbershoot: And I'd like to here sneaky say "ooh snarf" again...
HarleyQ33: did youget my cigs yet TTT?
TheElisaPrincess: probably cuz their alts :P
klinton77: I'm a bot
TheElisaPrincess: lol
TheElisaPrincess: klints is just bored :P
The Time Trust: Me? I thought you were talking to somebody else.
TheElisaPrincess: *whines* I dont wanna read about close evaluations darn it
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
HarleyQ33: Fuck. Shit - I'm gonna have to get off my ass and get them myself, I see *grumble*
klinton77: ha ha ha TheElisaPrincess is so funny
klinton77: see...bot
captainsammitch: hey Harley
The Time Trust: WHOA
The Time Trust: Where'd you come from?
HarleyQ33: sammitch!
The Time Trust: Mr. Ninja
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: damn he did it again
rqbumbershoot: Captain Sammitch! He's our hero!
HarleyQ33: nijas are cool - nobody ever wants to be the samurai
rqbumbershoot: Gonna take pollution down to zero!
HarleyQ33: did he at least bring you cigs sneaky?
HarleyQ33: then don't put out -
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: looks like i'm gonna be walking to the corner store in my pj's all freakin' buzzed
HarleyQ33: get the ciggies first
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
rqbumbershoot: Buzzed? Sneaky, have you been drinking?!?
TheElisaPrincess: stupid gaim freezing up
HarleyQ33: LOL - me too - dammit -
HarleyQ33: hope the bodega is still open
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: yes sneaky's been drinking amoung other stuff
klinton77: sneaky's a good girl
klinton77: good girls drink
The Time Trust: Eeeeeeeeeeeenteresting.
rqbumbershoot: Hah! Here that, E?
TheElisaPrincess: hear what?
TheElisaPrincess: whatd i missed?
klinton77: you're funny!
The Time Trust: : fuzz
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhh about good girls drinking
TheElisaPrincess: yeah but not me........im a super, duper good girl :P
rqbumbershoot: Yes!
klinton77: the bot said so
TheElisaPrincess: except when provoked!
rqbumbershoot: Sure, Elisa, suuuuuuuure....
klinton77: tease!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: c'mon E take the shot of jager, you know you wanna
TheElisaPrincess: no..........i gotta work my butt of this weekend with school ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: nice try though
HarleyQ33: Y'know what? Its always the good girls that end up having a dungeon ans freaky shit hidden
TheElisaPrincess: thats what they said hars but i still havent wound up that way :P
rqbumbershoot: Not yet, anyway....
klinton77: stay away from the snarf
klinton77: it'll corrupt you prncess
rqbumbershoot: None can resist the Snarf!
captainsammitch: or just annoy you to death
rqbumbershoot: The Snarf is all consuming!
captainsammitch: ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: LOL SNARFIES
TheElisaPrincess: but hes in philly pa klint and im in texas ;-)
rqbumbershoot: Oh, that's it Sammitch! You goin' down, beeyatch!
The Time Trust: Anyways, back to Canadian politics...
TheElisaPrincess: but glacy is only four hours away you know guys.......:P
captainsammitch: "You ready to blow? I am a mushroom-cloud-layin' muthafucka, muthafucka! I am supafly TNT!"
captainsammitch: name the movie
brianjonopulos has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: wow.............sammys gets potty mouthed
TheElisaPrincess: who knew?!?
Atomikboy64: CUNT
rqbumbershoot: "I will wish you away to the fucking cornfield dipshit. But before I do, I will HURT you."
TheElisaPrincess: steve that just doesnt work coming from a 19 year old ;P
brianjonopulos: Holy shit! I'm in this room twice!
brianjonopulos: I'm rex
Atomikboy64: YOU don't work.
The Time Trust: No you're not
The Time Trust: Rex is "rexstardust99"
captainsammitch: anyone? anyone?
brianjonopulos: This is my other account
The Time Trust: Liar
klinton77: shit where'd rex run off to?
brianjonopulos: Maybe some one should invite me.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah rexers is rexstarsomething
TheElisaPrincess: invite you to what brys?
klinton77: someone should tell him that bot is trying to impersonate him
TheElisaPrincess: BRYS wow.....i knew a brys back in teh day
rqbumbershoot: I went to a brys once.
rqbumbershoot: The moil kept the tip!
TheElisaPrincess: its the real rexers klint
The Time Trust: Rex calls himself TK-069 on the RKMBs.
rqbumbershoot: Ah-ha-ha-haaaa!
klinton77: deeper, and deeper...
TheElisaPrincess: LOL trust
TheElisaPrincess: so funny
klinton77: is there no end to the 'Crisis of Infinite Rex'
The Time Trust: I'm not joking.
klinton77: I thought one was enough
The Time Trust: Something must be done.
Atomikboy64: TK-069 is my buddy
brianjonopulos: yes
TheElisaPrincess: drinks the last of her caffine.......nooooooooo id ont wanna go back to teaching content reading and writing ;p
The Time Trust: Timelines must be corrected.
captainsammitch has left the room.
klinton77: yes...yes they must
klinton77: and beer must be bought
BooBerryFanatic: ...what'd I miss?
klinton77: and sneaky must be naked
TheElisaPrincess: nothin but everyone trying to get drunk chewy
BooBerryFanatic: Excellent. Right on schedule.
klinton77: hey, actor boy
BooBerryFanatic: S'up, klint?
klinton77: nuthin
klinton77: still trying to seduce the bunny
Pariah186 has entered the room.
klinton77: shit
Pariah186: Hmmm
BooBerryFanatic: Wow. I thought she'd be inebriated enough by now...
TheElisaPrincess: PARYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
klinton77: I did too
TheElisaPrincess: sorry zars immed me from back in the day
TheElisaPrincess: whats up?
TheElisaPrincess: I immed ya you know
Pariah186: I'm assuming Nietszche had an agenda when he pointed out the flaw of an isolated set of values.
Pariah186: Whatever they may be.
TheElisaPrincess: gives up
rqbumbershoot: Wait, klinton's trying to seduce Sneaky?
BooBerryFanatic: Has been all day.
rqbumbershoot: I thought he was a... confirmed bachelor?
The Time Trust: There's enough volatility in this room to cause an uncivil civil war.
BooBerryFanatic: No... just gay.
The Time Trust: Quick! Choose sides.
Pariah186: He had a severe stigma towards popularly persecuted esoteric beliefs
rqbumbershoot: Wuh?
BooBerryFanatic: I can see it now: "The RKMBs Civil War: Whose Side Are You On?"
TheElisaPrincess: totally chewys but i thought htat already happened :-)
rqbumbershoot: The side I'm always on... Mine.
Pariah186: One could guess with a notorious amount of Freudian speciousness that he had a bias against the Church
TheElisaPrincess: klinton and sneaky sittin in a tree :P
Pariah186: against Communism
jaclynangelo has entered the room.
Pariah186: against Liberalism
BooBerryFanatic: Then, sorry to say it, Snarfers... but you're on the losing side.
rqbumbershoot: F-U-C...
Pariah186: Against conservatism
BooBerryFanatic: Ceej!
jaclynangelo: wow...this place is huge...
The Time Trust: Holy shit, this place is getting crowded.
brianjonopulos: CJ!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: hey girl!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: i thought you were gonna be camping tonihgt
rqbumbershoot: Hey, Cowgirl.
jaclynangelo: camping?
Pariah186: It's becoming more and more apparent why he isolated himself
Pariah186: he pulled a Howard Hughs
brianjonopulos: hughes
jaclynangelo: no, i was going to go to the beach, but it was too cloudy
Pariah186: and let himself slip because he didn't feel like admitting to the world
BooBerryFanatic: Are you still talking about Nietzsche, Pariah?
rqbumbershoot: Well, I know when you were telling us about your roommate, I was pitching a tent, Ceej.
jaclynangelo: plus i told my roommate i like stuff like this planned two weeks in advvance....
Pariah186: That there was an established order
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwwwwww that stinks jac
Pariah186: one meant for people to understand on a long enough timeline
UltimateJaburg53: Who is Brian?
TheElisaPrincess: rex ujay
Pariah186: a type of God's plan
The Time Trust: Tell us more about your roommate
brianjonopulos: Its me, rex
BooBerryFanatic: That's me in the corner...
The Time Trust: Brian is an imposter claiming to be rex
UltimateJaburg53: But rex is still there
jaclynangelo: i don't know if she's y'alls type...
TheElisaPrincess: what is it with you gusy and Jac's roomate
BooBerryFanatic: That's me in the spotlight...
PenWing424: that's me in the spotlight
PenWing424: d'oh
jaclynangelo: lol
PenWing424: losing my relgion
rqbumbershoot: We're men, E. Duh.
Atomikboy64: That's me in the spot light.
Atomikboy64: Oh.
BooBerryFanatic: Thanks for the assist, P-Dub! ;-)
Pariah186: however that sentiment can't be confined merely to a religous ideal
brianjonopulos: you do know that song is about masturbation
Atomikboy64: It's not.
The Time Trust: "Mystery girl"
The Time Trust: That's all I need to know