TheElisaPrincess: you should be like Jac you're so pretty the way you are forget your roomie :P
The Time Trust: to be interested.
brianjonopulos: shut up commie
PenWing424: sometimes i actually a verse or two
Atomikboy64: You're thinking of "Turning Japanese," which isn't about masturbation either.
UltimateJaburg53: Japan Knees
BooBerryFanatic: "Like a Virgin" is all about dicks.
BooBerryFanatic: Big dicks.
Glacier16: whoa
UltimateJaburg53: As opposed to good?
jaclynangelo: really? sexual induendo in a madonna song?
PenWing424: i'm so excited!
PenWing424: now that's about sex
rqbumbershoot: I suppose you'll say "I touch myself" by the Divinyls isn't about masturbation either!
kristogarvelo has entered the room.
Pariah186: His personal rebellion becaming a juxtaposition borderlining on contradictory notion.
BooBerryFanatic: It's true. Quentin Tarantino says so!
jaclynangelo: that's the one i was thinking about...
Pariah186: He created an entire movement
Atomikboy64: You mean "Mister Brown"
Pariah186: Based on nothingness
The Time Trust: "Dancing With Myself" and "She Bop" -- the two great masturbation songs of the '80s.
Pariah186: unexpectency
brianjonopulos: Why is everyone showing up purple now?
rqbumbershoot: Hey, the lying deleters here! Hey velo!
brianjonopulos: I'm in here twice!
jaclynangelo: because i have a purple background
TheElisaPrincess: velo?
TheElisaPrincess: krissy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kristogarvelo: Hey E!
Pariah186: Nietzsche was wrong.
UltimateJaburg53: Where is Billy?
TheElisaPrincess: I thoguht you left today!
kristogarvelo: Who's rqbumbershoot?
TheElisaPrincess: ujay probably avoiding yall for good :P
Glacier16: snarf
TheElisaPrincess: he wont even talk to me now
rqbumbershoot: Tis I, Snarf!
captainsammitch has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: told me i should quit posting at the rkmbs
kristogarvelo: ah
The Time Trust: snarf snarf snarf
UltimateJaburg53: Baaaaa
kristogarvelo: What up
TheElisaPrincess: wb galcs
PenWing424: who is gooz02?
TheElisaPrincess: glacys grrrrrrrrr
Atomikboy64: Garv.
Atomikboy64: Gooz is here?!
brianjonopulos: sammitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
captainsammitch: if I'm in chat, Stephen, how can I POST IN THE STORY? ;-)
kristogarvelo: Everybody should quit posting at the RKMBs.
Atomikboy64: I had no idea.
UltimateJaburg53: Gooz is Gooz
rqbumbershoot: Who's garv
Glacier16: thx, was watchin' Samurai Champloo
kristogarvelo: It's not even in the top five million web sites anymore!
TheElisaPrincess: LOL krist.....and post on dave's boartds
kristogarvelo: has passed it up!
BooBerryFanatic: You weren't posting anyway and you know it!
captainsammitch: yeah I am
kristogarvelo: Yeah, Dav'es boartds.
The Time Trust: Gooz was here for a few minutes but never left thought he left.
Pariah186: I wonder
captainsammitch: right the hell now!
captainsammitch: ooo
captainsammitch: booyah
Pariah186: did the sages of the before time
BooBerryFanatic: I'll believe it when I see it!
kristogarvelo: 18 people? Since when have 18 people ever posted at those boards anyways?
brianjonopulos: this is kinda weird posting under my real name.
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah?
BooBerryFanatic: Well, I think most of us are all Animalman's alt. IDs anyway...
HarleyQ33: put on your bunny outfit, maybe you'll feel safer...
Pariah186: centuries ago consider the Jules Verne to be comparativily similar to the typical knee-jerk referencing present day comics.
kristogarvelo: We are all Kahoetek.
brianjonopulos: harley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pariah186: They're for kids.
The Time Trust: I thought it was Kahoetek's alt IDs.
The Time Trust: That's old skool.
UltimateJaburg53: Bullocks!
HarleyQ33: hey baby
brianjonopulos: I'm JLA's alt id
UltimateJaburg53: Bollocks
kristogarvelo: Do the non-MBL people in this room even know who Kahoetek is?
Glacier16: nope
Pariah186: That's the reply from the octagenarians
HarleyQ33: Pete went to bed awhile ago and I don't know where Save is...
Pariah186: the middle-agers
BooBerryFanatic: That's sad, really...
HarleyQ33: Dave
BooBerryFanatic: Everyone should know Kahoetek...
UltimateJaburg53: Dave's not here, man.
Atomikboy64: I remember Kahoetek. That guy was alright.
kristogarvelo: We should teach classes.
rqbumbershoot: I know OF Kahoetek....
HarleyQ33: yeah, i know
TheElisaPrincess: pete?
TheElisaPrincess: whose pete?
Pariah186: the maturing idealists who have a specific notion of what's considered "mature"
HarleyQ33: PJP
UltimateJaburg53: I'm Pete
Glacier16: pjp
The Time Trust: Do you know Kahoetek, Boobery?
kristogarvelo: Teach the newbies about Kahoetek and the downfall of Speedy.
The Time Trust: Have you accepted him into your heart?
UltimateJaburg53: Speedy?
BooBerryFanatic: Heh!
rqbumbershoot: Sppedy the Smackhead!
Pariah186: Did they forsee that we would be quoting these people
Atomikboy64: Speedy the Smackhead, now there was another alright guy.
brianjonopulos: shut up commie
BooBerryFanatic: Heh. Let us all join hands and sing "The Ballad of Speedy the Smackhead"...
Pariah186: this considered-to-be master minds behind cultural and social evolution
Atomikboy64: He never did get around to drawing my character.
kristogarvelo: Wait, Snarf should know Kahoetek, too. So the MBL and Snarf.
Atomikboy64: Fuck off, redneck.
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh
TheElisaPrincess: gotcha ujay
UltimateJaburg53: Before my time at the boards
brianjonopulos: ok unrestrained id
TheElisaPrincess: now i knwo the rest of the story
BooBerryFanatic: Paul Harvey!
TheElisaPrincess: lol bj
TheElisaPrincess: Yeah hes awesome chews
brianjonopulos: fuck
The Time Trust: I can't follow this chatroom any longer.
kristogarvelo: I've forgotten the words to The Ballad of Speedy the Smackhead...
Pariah186: Did they consider that we'd be building rock-solid foundations based on their ideas
TheElisaPrincess: although i cant find him int he afternoons anymore
brianjonopulos: don't ever call me that again
UltimateJaburg53: Cheese is good!
kristogarvelo: I always liked Paul Harvey.
Glacier16: heh, bj
rqbumbershoot: Yeah, I remember Kahoetek. Not too well however.
kristogarvelo: And by always, I mean two years ago when I heard his show a few times.
brianjonopulos: damnit
Pariah186: Comics books
The Time Trust: Speedy the Smackhead came to town
Pariah186: Wave of the future
The Time Trust: Spreading wisdom and cash around
Atomikboy64: Bitchface Jackson?
kristogarvelo: Looking for a soul to steal?
Pariah186: Unfortunately
The Time Trust: Fed the starving and housed the poor
UltimateJaburg53: I'm watching the usual Suspects
brianjonopulos: cool
The Time Trust: Showed the Vatican what gold's for
Pariah186: Their themse are being polarized
The Time Trust: But he made too many enemies
HarleyQ33: that's a great movie
The Time Trust: Of the people who would keep us on our knees
Pariah186: there's no such thing as an impartial thesis
HarleyQ33: Kaiser Soze
The Time Trust: Hooray for Speedy the Smackhead
The Time Trust: Who'll pray for Speedy the Smackhead?
UltimateJaburg53: Brian Singer is the man.
The Time Trust: Oh my!
BooBerryFanatic: Who is Keyser Soze?
kristogarvelo: That's a good song. Speedy inspired good music.
Pariah186: Everything regarding every subject that will be brought up with involve partisanship
Pariah186: *will
BooBerryFanatic: Speedy was a friend to us all... and we are all Kahoetek...
HarleyQ33: somebody pls put him back on X3 - it sounds like tis being totally fucked up right now
Pariah186: Even for Trey and Parker
brianjonopulos: thats what I thinkg
brianjonopulos: think
BooBerryFanatic: I agree with Harley.
BooBerryFanatic: And Rex.
UltimateJaburg53: They should just shelve it till he can do it
BooBerryFanatic: And Jaburg.
brianjonopulos: yes
Pariah186: Who feel that they stand on a righteous middle-ground where they feel they're devoid of bias partisanship
captainsammitch: The Usual Suspects - saw it last night
UltimateJaburg53: I'll wait six years
BooBerryFanatic: But not Pariah.
UltimateJaburg53: IFC?
HarleyQ33: the greatest trick the devil pulled was convincing the workd he didn't exist
BooBerryFanatic: IFC is the best thing since the Food Network...
The Time Trust: Ah. That's why you were being so random, Sammitch.
Pariah186: immune from political dissonence
Pariah186: But in reality
kristogarvelo: Is E still in here?
The Time Trust: Good flick, innit?
captainsammitch: and screaming KEYSER SOZE?
UltimateJaburg53: Give me the keys you motherfucking cocksucker!
captainsammitch: oh yeah
BooBerryFanatic: "How do you shoot the devil in the back? What if you miss?"
Pariah186: they're creating a neo liberalism
captainsammitch: the ending is just... "Gah!"
kristogarvelo: I was just thinking about a quote from The Usual Suspects today for some reason.
Glacier16: lol, that is the one Jaburg
captainsammitch: because RIGHT before the cop makes the connection you GET it
kristogarvelo: The part about how "well, he'll just have to know how close we came to catching him."
Pariah186: from which they can preach to crowd of zombies
HarleyQ33: endoing rocked - I heard that was the movie that convinced people he could do the X-men
Glacier16: rackin' my brain tryin' to remember that quote
kristogarvelo: And just like that...he's gone.
captainsammitch: AWEsOME
Pariah186: who feel the South Park philosophy is the wave of the future
Atomikboy64: "Rosebud" is a fucking sled.
UltimateJaburg53: Apt Pupil was great too
captainsammitch: And Bruce Willis is a dead guy!
Pariah186: the one's who feel their caricatures speak the end all be all truth
Pariah186: yes it certainly was
Pariah186: loved that movie
BooBerryFanatic: Apt Pupil is brilliant!
BooBerryFanatic: Loved it!
kristogarvelo: Anybody see that T-shirt that gives away the plot twists to like 20 famous movies?
UltimateJaburg53: Yesss
BooBerryFanatic: Nope.
HarleyQ33: Apt Pupil - bok was better
UltimateJaburg53: Mckellen was excellent
Atomikboy64: McKellen was better in THE SHADOW
The Time Trust: Was that the one with Ian McKellen?
Pariah186: Al they're doing is creating more political bias
BooBerryFanatic: McKellen is always brilliant, methinks.
UltimateJaburg53: Yes
kristogarvelo: It has the "Rosebud is a sled, Bruce Willis is actually dead, Soylent Green is people, Darth Vader is Luke's father," and a bunch of other things.
kristogarvelo: It's quite funny.
HarleyQ33: when will these people learn to fly
The Time Trust: McKellen was Margo Lane's scientist father!
BooBerryFanatic: Whenever the people from Crouching Tiger show them how...
The Time Trust: Whoa. I'd forgotten.
jaclynangelo: wow. i've actually been trying to avoid the rosebud thing for years...thanks...
Glacier16: really?
Glacier16: whoa
HarleyQ33: lol
Atomikboy64: HA
UltimateJaburg53: We are the future, Charles not them.
jaclynangelo: now i have no motivation to see the movie
UltimateJaburg53: They no longer matter.
brianjonopulos: I never did
kristogarvelo: That amuses Disco.
Pariah186: Soon enough, caricatures will be recycled over and over again
HarleyQ33: you are a god among insect. never let anyone tell you otherwise
BooBerryFanatic: "You are a god among insects, Pyro."
Pariah186: caricatures of caricatures
kristogarvelo: Disco laughs at other's misfortunes.
Atomikboy64: It amuses me very much. I thought it was common knowledge.
Atomikboy64: I do.
brianjonopulos: damn commie
Pariah186: of caricatures of caricatures of caricatures
TheElisaPrincess: sorry kriss....i got inspired to writ doy when you guys started talkin bout paul harvey :P
HarleyQ33: who's disco
Atomikboy64: I love those starving kids ads, because they're a riot.
brianjonopulos: atomicboy
Atomikboy64: Heheh, they got flies all over them.
kristogarvelo: I wish I could be inspired to writ doy one day....
Glacier16: heh
Pariah186: Each and every influencing POV breeding a new outlook
Pariah186: one that will grow
TheElisaPrincess: well he wrote me on Sunday :P
TheElisaPrincess: i should have written him back that night ;p
Pariah186: and create more conservatism
kristogarvelo: Who's doy?
Pariah186: more Liberalism
Atomikboy64: Remember Schindler's List? I love Spielberg's sense of humor.
Pariah186: more everything
TheElisaPrincess: my best friend at private school remember?
Gooz03: wow full room
brianjonopulos: What happened to PJP?
kristogarvelo: I just saw Schindler's List for the first time. What the fuck was up with Gandhi being a Jew? Spielberg's crazy.
kristogarvelo: no
TheElisaPrincess: poor guys still there............remember he lost his job this summer from psycho school
Atomikboy64: Hah
TheElisaPrincess: and he's married has a house, etc
brianjonopulos: I thought he was coming back
jaclynangelo: i need to see that movie....
kristogarvelo:, I actually don't remember that at all.
Pariah186: I am a world before I'm a man
TheElisaPrincess: jac so do I :P
Pariah186: I was a creature before I couls
brianjonopulos: I was boring
Pariah186: *could
TheElisaPrincess: its okay kris.....anyways we were super close
Pariah186: stand
jaclynangelo: i saw 'the caine muitany' for the first time today...oh, it was great
TheElisaPrincess: he got me through my first semester of teaching anyways
Atomikboy64: The camps get liberated when the Allies win World War II.
brianjonopulos: It
Pariah186: I will remember before I forget
TheElisaPrincess: uhuh thats what i thought jac
kristogarvelo: Well, good thing you writ him then.
UltimateJaburg53: I love Michael Cain
BooBerryFanatic: Schindler's List is good. You should watch it right after Hotel Rwanda. Best. Combination. Ever.
Atomikboy64: I saw Hotel Rwanda.
jaclynangelo: it looks interesting, but depressing...
Atomikboy64: Positively heartwrenching.
BooBerryFanatic: I liked it. Don Cheadle is amazing.
kristogarvelo: Gandhi wasn't a Jew. There, I said it.
Atomikboy64: Nick Nolte is the best.
TheElisaPrincess: life is beautiful sucked too btw
jaclynangelo: then agian, i watched 'intolerable cruelty' and 'law of attraction' today....
kristogarvelo: heh
UltimateJaburg53: It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!
TheElisaPrincess: speaking of concentration camp movies
brianjonopulos: he rocked the hulk
TheElisaPrincess: I HATED LOA jac
TheElisaPrincess: it sucked
The Time Trust: continues:
The Time Trust: Speedy the Smackhead pulled them all
BooBerryFanatic: How dare you, E!!!
The Time Trust: Emptied churches and shopping malls
TheElisaPrincess: or was it IC
The Time Trust: Where he spoke, it would raise the roof
TheElisaPrincess: i cant of the two
jaclynangelo: i LOVED it. brosnan could do more comedy if he wanted to
The Time Trust: Speedy the Smackhead told the truth
The Time Trust: But he made too many enemies...
The Time Trust: Speedy the Smackhead put to shame
kristogarvelo: Intolerable Cruelty was with Catherine Zeta-Jones and George Clooney.
TheElisaPrincess: wasn tIC with catherine zeta and goerge?
The Time Trust: Governments who would slur his name
TheElisaPrincess: yeahhhhhh i HATED IC
BooBerryFanatic: Never speak an unkind word about Benini's Oscar-winning performance!
TheElisaPrincess: grrr still makes me cringe
The Time Trust: Plots and sex scandals failed outright
kristogarvelo: Why?
kristogarvelo: I dig Coen brothers.
The Time Trust: Speedy merely said
jaclynangelo: the thing is, i hate yankees, and i think lawyers are sharks, so the idea of me like a movie about yankee lawyers is amusing
TheElisaPrincess: Borigness
The Time Trust: Any kind of love is alright
kristogarvelo: They roxors my soxors.
TheElisaPrincess: boriNGness
The Time Trust: But he made too many enemies...
The Time Trust: Speedy the Smackhead was too good
kristogarvelo: You also called Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind boring. You got ADD or something?
The Time Trust: Had him nailed to a chunk of wood
The Time Trust: He died grinning on live TV
Pariah186: I've come up with a screen play idea
The Time Trust: Hanging there he looked a lot like you
Pariah186: it involes a guy who does things
The Time Trust: And an awful lot like me!
kristogarvelo: Pariah, that's been done.
The Time Trust: But he made too many enemies...
brianjonopulos: damn, I need to eat something, my sister has a frozen pizza, should I eat it?
kristogarvelo: Adaptation by Charlie Kaufman.
Pariah186: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Time Trust: Hooray for Speedy Smackhead
Pariah186: NO!!
Pariah186: NO!!
Pariah186: NO!!
UltimateJaburg53: Hey Pariah!
The Time Trust: Who'll pray for Speedy Smackhead
Atomikboy64: Intolerable Cruelty was a film that gradually lost steam, then regained it in the middle, then quickly lost it again.
Pariah186: YOu LIES!!! Yooufe DOfi wefjaskldvhioasdhjv
Pariah186: o;j
Pariah186: opvasj'pef j'
Pariah186: djvp
The Time Trust: Hooray for Speedy the Smackhead
The Time Trust: Oh my oh my oh!
Glacier16: lol
rqbumbershoot: Hey, Ceej, what's wrong with Yankees?
brianjonopulos: I haven't really eaten anything all day
The Time Trust: Doesn't it make you want to cry oh?
jaclynangelo: yankees are evil. not so much as lawyers...
kristogarvelo: E hasn't responded to my ADD question. I'm guessing a butterfly flew past her and she's chasing it right now.
Pariah186: My life is over and done with
Atomikboy64: Probably.
TheElisaPrincess: well Eternal was boring
TheElisaPrincess: what add question kris?
brianjonopulos: Watch out CJ, harleys a lawyer
TheElisaPrincess: i ahve butterflies on my porch btw :P
Atomikboy64: Do you have A.D.D., Elisa?
kristogarvelo: I asked if you had ADD.
TheElisaPrincess: no severe dyslexia though
kristogarvelo: Eternal Sunshine is also ranked like #30 on the IMDb's all-time movies.
UltimateJaburg53: I saw the Life Aquatic the other day.
jaclynangelo: yes, and all my friends are pre-law. believe me, they all know how i think
TheElisaPrincess: i hated it
kristogarvelo: So that means only 29 movies in history aren't boring.
TheElisaPrincess: i only saw the first thirty minutes and was bored
TheElisaPrincess: :P
TheElisaPrincess: was life aquatic good though?
Atomikboy64: You clearly have no human emotion, then.
UltimateJaburg53: Yea
UltimateJaburg53: If you liked Rushmore
TheElisaPrincess: whatever AB :P
kristogarvelo: You almost sound like a guy. "It didn't have explosions, bored the hell out of me!"
jaclynangelo: dude, so she didn't like the movie. big deal
Atomikboy64: I think Elisa just dissed your taste in movies, Jaburg.
rqbumbershoot: I'm a Yankee.
UltimateJaburg53: ans The Royal Tenembaums
Atomikboy64: I have an erection for Wes Anderson.
jaclynangelo: my roommate and i will never agree with 'gone with the wind'. big deal
kristogarvelo: Gone With the Wind sucked.
UltimateJaburg53: She was talking about Eternal Sunshine I think
kristogarvelo: THAT was boring.
jaclynangelo: see, now i could accuse you of ADD and what-not
kristogarvelo: I have ADHD.
UltimateJaburg53: Lord Of Illusions rocked
kristogarvelo: It wouldn't be an accusation.
rqbumbershoot: The greatest movie of this or any other century was Weekend at Bernie's 2.
TheElisaPrincess: Royal Tenen was good
TheElisaPrincess: i liked that one.....lots of quotable lines
Atomikboy64: I prefer "Cum Guzzling Bitches 12"
TheElisaPrincess: luke wilsons awesome though
jaclynangelo: i need to see it
brianjonopulos: heh
jaclynangelo: so much hotter than his brother...
brianjonopulos: Their both freaky looking
kristogarvelo: Luke Wilson was da bomb in Phantoms, yo
UltimateJaburg53: Gweneth Paltwhatever couldn't pull it off.
Atomikboy64: He would have been a great Daredevil.
kristogarvelo: My favorite movie is The Kiss. Jenna Jameson deserves a fucking Oscar. There, I said it.
brianjonopulos: I think Affleck was a great daredevil, but the movie sucked
Atomikboy64: Jenna Jameson deserves an Oscar® inserted into her vagina.
brianjonopulos: Now he and ruined Alias.
TheElisaPrincess: jac yeah just for luke wilson you gotta see him ;-)
kristogarvelo: I've seen your posts, sneaky. Don't play innocent.
TheElisaPrincess: totally
UltimateJaburg53: Affleck is kind of a turd actor
TheElisaPrincess: yeah DD was good.....i liked that one, wasnt the best of movies but itw as alright
rqbumbershoot: I always preferred Damon over Affleck.
Balloonknot666 has entered the room.
UltimateJaburg53: It was horrible
Atomikboy64: I would take them both at once.
The Time Trust: You would
kristogarvelo: haha, you guys are talking about Damon and Affleck.
The Time Trust: Snarf
brianjonopulos: Balloonknot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jaclynangelo: see, i found it hard to believe in DD that a lawyer could become a superhero...
kristogarvelo: That's what the system wants you to do.
UltimateJaburg53: Damon over Affleck at Tinagra!
kristogarvelo: The Man wants to turn you against each otehr.
Atomikboy64: He's Catholic. It makes perfect sense.
jaclynangelo: now, a blind superhero, that's easy to believe...
kristogarvelo: Dammit, you should have learned this from Boyz 'n da Hood!
TheElisaPrincess: hiya bk
Balloonknot666: YOOOOOOOO
Balloonknot666: hey cunt
UltimateJaburg53: Damon and Affleck on the water
brianjonopulos: Hey, daredevil is my second favorite superhero
rqbumbershoot: Ceej. End the hate.
UltimateJaburg53: The beast at Tinagra
brianjonopulos: He's the best Marvel has.
jaclynangelo: i'm teasing. it's what i do. like i said, i enjoy the taunting...
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, Ceej.
kristogarvelo: Yeah, end the hate.
brianjonopulos: She's an instigator
kristogarvelo: That's not what the RKMBs are about.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: love not hate!
rqbumbershoot: The humor is covering up for the hate. Don't let it consume you!
Atomikboy64: GO instiGATORS
UltimateJaburg53: Like Batman?
The Time Trust: Sex not love!
rqbumbershoot: Make love, not war!
brianjonopulos: But what can you expect from someone from florida?
kristogarvelo: Make love not war! And use the bed, not the floor!
UltimateJaburg53: Batman instagtes crimes!
jaclynangelo: rex already knows this quote...'if a child of mine were to become a lawyer, i'd strangle it with my own hands and piss on its grave'
brianjonopulos: I know
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: sex not love!
jaclynangelo: lol
UltimateJaburg53: I can't spell worth a crap.
brianjonopulos: Wasn't that in a later book?
jaclynangelo: um...i think it was in havoc....
Pariah186: I gott aget out of this fucking place
brianjonopulos: I haven't read that one yet.
Pariah186: That I'm in
brianjonopulos: Thats the one I skipped over
Pariah186: This place]
TheElisaPrincess: lol@end the hate :P
Atomikboy64: My favorite X-Man.
Pariah186: not sure what to call it
Pariah186: it has no light
Pariah186: it breeds not darkness
UltimateJaburg53: A nutshell P?
Pariah186: but it churns out relativity
The Time Trust: XXX-Men: has it been done?
TheElisaPrincess: must pull myself away and read!
Pariah186: I'm stuck in this place. I can't understand what it is
kristogarvelo: Read what?
Glacier16: Teaching for Dummies
brianjonopulos: Does anyone know wednesdays AIM name?
rqbumbershoot: End the fucking hate!
Atomikboy64: Cyclops could easily make for a good penis costume.
Atomikboy64: I mean... the scuba suit.
kristogarvelo: I would think that reading would bore you, E.
UltimateJaburg53: Are u bound in a nutshell and calling yourself king of infinite space?
The Time Trust: One-eyed? Yeah, I can picture it.
Pariah186: Literally?
Pariah186: yes
rqbumbershoot: Actually, the fictional character who looks most phallic would be Darth Vader.
UltimateJaburg53: AVENGE MY DEATH BOY!
The Time Trust: The red laser takes on new connotations entirely.
Atomikboy64: Heh.
Atomikboy64: All of them have phallic heads, really.
UltimateJaburg53: The empire?
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
TheElisaPrincess: ok.............bbls *off reading*
jaclynangelo: chewy?
Atomikboy64: No, the X-Men. But now that you mention it..
UltimateJaburg53: I can see that.
kristogarvelo: This looks more phallic:
The Time Trust: Wolverine is essentially one of those speciality-dildos with extra grooves and such.
kristogarvelo: No offense to all y'all, but if E's gone I don't have any use for any of you.
kristogarvelo: Peace out.
kristogarvelo has left the room.
jaclynangelo: i wonder if i still have pics of the UF penis statues...
brianjonopulos: PERVERT!
Atomikboy64: UF penis statues?
jaclynangelo: yeah
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
brianjonopulos: yeah
UltimateJaburg53: Po
Atomikboy64: Whaaaaa?
UltimateJaburg53: ta
UltimateJaburg53: to
jaclynangelo: hold on, let me upload the pic online...
Atomikboy64: Awesome.
UltimateJaburg53: K
UltimateJaburg53: :P
UltimateJaburg53: lols
Atomikboy64: Potatok!
brianjonopulos: yeah, thats something I want to see
The Time Trust: The room falls to a gentle hush.
The Time Trust: As the anticipation builds
UltimateJaburg53: You will not get away this time potatok!
Atomikboy64: Kotatop!
UltimateJaburg53: Whoa
The Time Trust: Modok
Atomikboy64: Best villain ever.
UltimateJaburg53: Kodak!
The Time Trust: Now there's a big penis.
jaclynangelo: i really wished i organized my pics bettter...
UltimateJaburg53: The big head guy?
The Time Trust: A thickie
The Time Trust: More girth, less length
brianjonopulos: I was looking for pics of myself to post, but I can't find any recent ones.
Atomikboy64: Just a giant head with arms and legs.
Atomikboy64: Kirby had to have come up with that one.
UltimateJaburg53: I seen him I think
The Time Trust:
UltimateJaburg53: Around the time Tony was Paralized
rqbumbershoot: How many drugs to you think Kirby was on, anyway?
The Time Trust: Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing
The Time Trust: Here's a Kirby drawing of Modok
Atomikboy64: I don't think Kirby was on drugs is the thing.
The Time Trust:
Atomikboy64: Imagine if he WAS
brianjonopulos: So this room has been open for 25 and a half hours now.
The Time Trust: Wasn't there a Ms. Modok once?
The Time Trust: Now that was funny.
rqbumbershoot: Come on! His concept of Death was a black guy on skis! He HAD to be smokin' something!
The Time Trust:
Atomikboy64: He loves Extreme Sports...
The Time Trust: Scroll down a bit
rqbumbershoot: Yes. Ms. Modok was originally pretending to be Henry Pym's estranged wife.
UltimateJaburg53: Ha
rqbumbershoot: Who was being guarded by communist gorillas.
UltimateJaburg53: Like real gorillas?
rqbumbershoot: Yes.
rqbumbershoot: Because monkeys sell comics!
UltimateJaburg53: Like eats bananas
UltimateJaburg53: Gotcha
brianjonopulos: yes
Atomikboy64: Man, if I were a writer, I'd totally bring back Ms. Modok.
UltimateJaburg53: 70s?
rqbumbershoot: God bless Julie Schwartz!
jaclynangelo: well, that's weird, the pictures are gone
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, Ceej.
brianjonopulos: Someone stole your penis pictures
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo1
brianjonopulos: Damn
jaclynangelo: well, basically, it's a statue of four penis outside the animal science builing
The Time Trust: What approach? Serious? Campy?
jaclynangelo: *building
brianjonopulos: And people wonder why everyone makes fun of florida.....
brianjonopulos: JLA is invited
MtotheJLA has entered the room.
Pariah186: NOO!!
Atomikboy64: Serious as fuck.
brianjonopulos: JLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glacier16: YES!
MtotheJLA: Allo
Pariah186: NOOO!!
jaclynangelo: one forked penis for the opposum, one spiked one for the feline, one corkscrew for the boar, and a curved one for the stallion (and, in a way, the human male)
UltimateJaburg53: JLA!
Atomikboy64: Because you take gigantic misshapen heads seriously.
Pariah186: NOOOOOO!!!!
Atomikboy64: Or you're bound to offend someone.
UltimateJaburg53: Inventer of the Super Powers Batmobile!
brianjonopulos: JLA came in at the wrong time
The Time Trust: This is true
MtotheJLA: What's yer problem, parys
jaclynangelo: not really curved...more like a rattlesnake tail, it's all a little stylized
brianjonopulos: We really don't want to know that.
Pariah186: My problem
jaclynangelo: dude, i work in the animal sci department. i've got pics of me with my hands inside the cows....
Pariah186: IS JEW!!
UltimateJaburg53: Ohhh
brianjonopulos: Whre's th vomit smiley
Glacier16: I am all, but what am I? Another number that isn't equal to any of you. I control, but I comply. Pick me apart, then pick up the pieces.
jaclynangelo: you guys are squemish
Pariah186: I hate JEW
brianjonopulos: So do I
Pariah186: JEW gets on my nerves
UltimateJaburg53: It would be cool to take a miniturized sub inside a cow
The Time Trust: "Of course, the name lends itself to one of my all-time favorite running gags. For you see, MODOK is not just a mental organism designed for killing; he's a mental organism designed only for killing."
MtotheJLA: Your disposition I'll remember, when I'm letting go...
Pariah186: UGh!
Pariah186: That song
Pariah186: sticks
UltimateJaburg53: Mine for milk
brianjonopulos: I'm mxy!
Pariah186: in your head
The Time Trust: "One can get endless enjoyment contemplating previous prototypes of MODOK before they finally got it right."
The Time Trust: "Polluting A.I.M. headquarters are MODOFs, MODOWPs, and MODOMLMs taking care of various filing, waxing & polishing and middle-level management tasks;"
UltimateJaburg53: MILF!
The Time Trust: "and somewhere in a hidden hi-tech fortress, Ms. MODOK asks the former George Tarleton to take you the garbage, and he responds,"
The Time Trust: "Bitch, do I look like a Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing and Trash Removal?"
brianjonopulos: SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pariah186: I've noticed lately
Pariah186: that when I speak
MtotheJLA: I'm putting all of you on ignore, so I can have a nice, civil coversation with myself
Pariah186: my English gets more and more broken
brianjonopulos: No one listens?
Atomikboy64: You're killing me, Trustt
Pariah186: I'm afraid
Pariah186: soon enough
Pariah186: I'll find myself without a voice
Pariah186: because more and more
Pariah186: each day
UltimateJaburg53: Ring Ring RIng Ring RIng Ring Ring Bananaphone!
Pariah186: I see the chatter as irrelevent
The Time Trust: That's good stuff
MtotheJLA: Ah, memories
Pariah186: the response
PenWing424: bananaman?
Atomikboy64: I've got this feeling
Atomikboy64: so a-PEEL-ing
MtotheJLA: badgers badgers badgers
Atomikboy64: for us to get together and sing
MtotheJLA: mushroom mushroom
Pariah186: I'm starting to feel
UltimateJaburg53: ssssssssnake its a snake!
Pariah186: a lot like Rorshach
brianjonopulos: Is klinton on? Where the fuck is he?
MtotheJLA: Rack the burg dude
UltimateJaburg53: Klin-ton
UltimateJaburg53: In real time
brianjonopulos: So who is everyone voting off now?
MtotheJLA: Me
Pariah186: Gordon
UltimateJaburg53: The crow dude
MtotheJLA: I want to be killed by a fucking shark
Pariah186: I vote that we vote off Gordon
Glacier16: crow
PenWing424: why?
Pariah186: Cuz'
UltimateJaburg53: I have no clue who he is

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.