Pariah186: he doesn't pull his weight
brianjonopulos: I like the crow guy
Pariah186: every time shit goes wrong
Pariah186: more often than not
Pariah186: It's Gordon
UltimateJaburg53: Gilligan!
MtotheJLA: Ginger!
rqbumbershoot: Skipper!
Pariah186: I don't even know why you have to ask
UltimateJaburg53: Mary Ann!
rqbumbershoot: Luvvie!
Pariah186: Gordon's been on everyone's shit list since the beginning
MtotheJLA: I want to FUCK the new Mary Ann on the Gilligan reality show so bad my balls ache just thinking about it
Glacier16: ha
Balloonknot666 has left the room.
brianjonopulos: You scared off ballonknot, JLA
The Time Trust: Klin-Ton & Dole.
MtotheJLA: I have that effect on people
brianjonopulos: yes
Balloonknot666 has entered the room.
Atomikboy64: I love Pineapples.
MtotheJLA: uh huh
brianjonopulos: doh!
The Time Trust: "If you know of a better way to exchange long protein strands I'd like to hear it."
rqbumbershoot: "Abortions for all!"
The Time Trust: BOOOO!
The Time Trust: "Abortions for none!"
The Time Trust: BOOOO!
rqbumbershoot: Hmmm...
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
brianjonopulos: This computer I'm using sucks, it took half an hour to turn on. I think my sister infected it with something.
rqbumbershoot: "Abortions for some, miniature American flags for the rest!"
Atomikboy64: Herpes/
Atomikboy64: ?
brianjonopulos: no
brianjonopulos: Were not talking about you right now.
The Time Trust: LOL
Atomikboy64: I have clamydia, you dick.
MtotheJLA: run ad aware, spybot, and defrag the puppy
rqbumbershoot: "YAAAAY!"
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
The Time Trust: snarf snarf snarf
MtotheJLA: Did King Snarf and Snarf ever throw down?
brianjonopulos: That wouldn't do any good, I keep telling her she has to delete thinkgs like kazaa, but she won't listen.
brianjonopulos: Fucking hippie
MtotheJLA: Kazaa is a problem?
captainsammitch: HErpes the Love Bug!
rqbumbershoot: No, 'cause that impostor Snarf is a coward!
jaclynangelo has left the room.
The Time Trust: Kazaa's not the problem -- it's the programs which get bundled with it that are the problem
MtotheJLA: WHOA!
MtotheJLA: oh
MtotheJLA: I never FUCKED around with Kazaa
Atomikboy64: You just flirted/
brianjonopulos: Yes, she installed their "antispyware" program
MtotheJLA: oh boy
brianjonopulos: I deleted that though.
MtotheJLA: how old is the comp?
brianjonopulos: A couple years, its actually newer than mine
MtotheJLA: that's not too bad
brianjonopulos: Its been upgraded several times.
MtotheJLA: ah
MtotheJLA: this POS is 6 years old
brianjonopulos: Mine is seven
brianjonopulos: Or more.
MtotheJLA: it's powered by a hamster running on a treadmill
EmprrJkr has entered the room.
brianjonopulos: It doesn't evene have a 3D card in it.
The Time Trust: Hey, it's someone's alt-ID
MtotheJLA: my internet connnection is a Pepsi can and a string
Glacier16: emprrJkr
Atomikboy64: Someone doesn't like vowels with the exception of the beginning letter...
EmprrJkr: Hold on.
MtotheJLA: Sammitch...?
EmprrJkr has left the room.
The Time Trust: Whatever happened to EmprrJkr?
Glacier16: I always thought it was Pariah or Snarf
MtotheJLA: You know who would like this chat?
Atomikboy64: That motherfucker better not have been singing Good Charlotte.
The Time Trust: And am I supposed to make a purring sound when I say that name?
Pariah186: Heh
MtotheJLA: EmprrJkr
The Time Trust: Whoever he is, he can't hold a candle to Joker1.
Atomikboy64: I miss that guy.
Atomikboy64: He was alright.
The Time Trust: Now that was a fine figure of a man.
The Time Trust: Even though he was a lawyer.
Atomikboy64: He was a lawyer?
The Time Trust: Studying to be one, at any rate
Atomikboy64: Ah.
MtotheJLA: Who is booberryfanantic?
Glacier16: Chewy
Atomikboy64: Someone who enjoys cereal.
captainsammitch: what up JLA
MtotheJLA: Hi sammitch
The Time Trust: He got on my nerves many a time, I must admit, but I'd welcome him back anytime.
MtotheJLA: was Meeko put off by her last chat?
BooBerryFanatic: Huh?
MtotheJLA: Who?
The Time Trust: Joker1
BooBerryFanatic: Sorry... I'm doing some work for tomorrow.
Atomikboy64: How did he get on your nerves?
MtotheJLA: Ah
The Time Trust: He was crazy.
The Time Trust: Crazy guy.
MtotheJLA: He was wild, too
The Time Trust: Chandelier-swinging crazy guy.
MtotheJLA: wild and crazy
The Time Trust: That too
MtotheJLA: guy
The Time Trust: I always forget about the wild part.
Atomikboy64: He was a guy?!
MtotheJLA: from Czechslovokia
The Time Trust: Uh, I think... so...
MtotheJLA: he ran from the tanks to come to America
UltimateJaburg53: Cunt!\
UltimateJaburg53: WHOOOOOOA
Atomikboy64: Reminds me of my parents.
HarleyQ33 has left the room.
MtotheJLA: dang
UltimateJaburg53: Aw
MtotheJLA: Uh huh
brianjonopulos: All the women are leaving.
Atomikboy64: SAUSAGE FEST
UltimateJaburg53: I didn't mean it
MtotheJLA: nobody got the Czeckslovokia joke
MtotheJLA: and I mispelled it
MtotheJLA: dang
The Time Trust: Joker1 was the Id to my Ego.
UltimateJaburg53: I did
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
MtotheJLA: Bless you
Atomikboy64: You mean Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The Time Trust: Okay...
UltimateJaburg53: There is still two of me here
MtotheJLA: Back when the joke was told, it was Czechslovkia
brianjonopulos: me to
MtotheJLA: in the 70's
MtotheJLA: on SNL
Atomikboy64: Whoa, that is more dated than Shrek 2...
MtotheJLA: yeah
Pariah186: I was born as a common folk sonnuvabitch
rqbumbershoot: Dyno-mite!
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
The Time Trust: JOKER1, WHERE ARE YOU?!?
Pariah186: They told me I'd never be anything more than a bastard
Gooz03 has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: I remember Dyno Mutt
MtotheJLA: aw
UltimateJaburg53: dang
MtotheJLA: Underdog
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah him
The Time Trust: "titepieceofass" still hasn't accepted my invite.
Pariah186: No middle-class supper for this unfortunate
MtotheJLA: Underdog ruled
The Time Trust: I'm almost offended.
StevensLastNight has entered the room.
rqbumbershoot: When criminals in this world appear and break the laws that they should fear...
The Time Trust: Now who is this?
MtotheJLA: Whoa! It's StevensLastNight!
StevensLastNight: What the fuck is this!
rqbumbershoot: Tis I, Snarf!
MtotheJLA: and he's spending it with us!
The Time Trust: snarf snarf snarf
MtotheJLA: how touching!
The Time Trust: I feel special
Pariah186: STEVEN!
Pariah186: Holy fuck!!
MtotheJLA: it's his last night!
rqbumbershoot: Hey! Watch those hands, buddy!
Pariah186: Where'd you come from!?
MtotheJLA: someone FUCK the poor lad!
MtotheJLA: not me!
StevensLastNight: well we thought he was gone
StevensLastNight: now he's come back again
StevensLastNight: last week it was funny
StevensLastNight: now the joke's wearing thing
StevensLastNight: THIN
Pariah186: Speaking of which!
MtotheJLA: you fucked it up Steve
StevensLastNight: God dammit
Pariah186: Do you still have the movie I let you borrow?
The Time Trust: I once tried to invite Joker1 to the chat.
MtotheJLA: that takes all of the drama out of it
Pariah186: You still have No Escape right?
The Time Trust: You know what happened?
The Time Trust: I got a message.
The Time Trust: It said:
The Time Trust: Joker1 is not available.
MtotheJLA: message in a bottle...
Atomikboy64: D'oh!
The Time Trust: I almost cried.
Atomikboy64: I feel your pain, The.
Pariah186: Uschi wants in.
Pariah186: She's not getting in though.
brianjonopulos: whose stevens?
StevensLastNight: my ass
MtotheJLA: it's his last night
Pariah186: We worked in the same building
brianjonopulos: oh
Pariah186: He was a Cisoc programer
The Time Trust: I'm okay...
brianjonopulos: Is pariah odd in real life also
Pariah186: Cisco
MtotheJLA: tomorrow he journeys to the great unknown!
MtotheJLA: but tonight, he chats!
StevensLastNight: I know how to partaaaaaaaay
MtotheJLA: rage against the dying of the light, steven!
StevensLastNight: FOR SHIZZLE
Atomikboy64: Oh christ...
Pariah186: I taught the man how to troll myself
brianjonopulos: Damn, I'm gonna have to go now, stupid nephews won't stay in bed, I'll be back later.
Pariah186: Strangle em' for me
Pariah186: I remember when I was at your house
MtotheJLA: Do not go gentle into that good night
brianjonopulos has left the room.
Pariah186: those little shits decided to fuck around with my wallet
MtotheJLA: Old age should burn and rave at close of day;Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Pariah186: STEVE!
MtotheJLA: Though wise men at their end know dark is right,Because their words had forked no lightning theyDo not go gentle into that good night
Pariah186: Answer me
StevensLastNight: What?
Pariah186: Do you have rhe movie?
Pariah186: No Escape
StevensLastNight: No.
Pariah186: What!?
StevensLastNight: I don't have it.
MtotheJLA: Good men, the last wave by, crying how brightTheir frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Pariah186: Dude!
Pariah186: I let you borrow
Pariah186: it
Pariah186: you better have it
StevensLastNight: No you didn't.
MtotheJLA: Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,Do not go gentle into that good night
MtotheJLA: Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sightBlind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Pariah186: I know I let you borrow something
StevensLastNight: You didn't. I would have remembered.
Pariah186: For fuck's sake
Pariah186: stop playing around
MtotheJLA: And you Steven, there on the sad height,Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.Do not go gentle into that good night.Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
The Time Trust: Get a room
StevensLastNight: I don't have it
Pariah186: Yes...Yes. You. Do.
Atomikboy64: Technically, they did...
MtotheJLA: It's his last night! Give the man a break!
StevensLastNight: Do not
Pariah186: Do TO
The Time Trust: *sigh*
StevensLastNight: do not!
MtotheJLA: yeah
rqbumbershoot: So...
Pariah186: DO TO!
Atomikboy64: The Time Trust, you're an upstanding fellow...
The Time Trust: I like to think so
MtotheJLA: dude's on his death bed, and parys is worried about a VHS tape from 98
Pariah186: FYI
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, parys.
StevensLastNight: When do you think you gave it to me?
Pariah186: "No Escape" was from 94
MtotheJLA: close enough
Pariah186: Three years ago
The Time Trust: Thanks
Pariah186: when I was still working at Cisco
StevensLastNight: 94? you expect me to remember where something is after 11 years?!
Pariah186: Nononono
rqbumbershoot: Dude, you're pitching a fit about a Ray Liotta movie???
Pariah186: I said the movie was made in 94
Atomikboy64: heh
Pariah186: I let you borrow it in 92
Pariah186: er
Pariah186: 02
Glacier16: heh
Pariah186: It was the best movie he ever made
Pariah186: It rocked.
Atomikboy64: I own "Inferno" starring Ray Liotta, because Peter Milligan wrote the screenplay.
MtotheJLA: In parys defense, that Ray Liotta does have some piercing blue eyes...
StevensLastNight: 92? jesus man
Pariah186: Slip of the tongue
Pariah186: 2002
rqbumbershoot: "Ohmygod! Where's No Escape! It features the acting talents of Ray Liotta and Ernie Hudson gives a captivating performance!"
StevensLastNight: thats like 2 years ago
MtotheJLA: ha
StevensLastNight: how should I know?
Pariah186: Three
StevensLastNight: three!
StevensLastNight: even worse!
MtotheJLA: rack snarfies
Pariah186: Dude, seriously. I want it back
StevensLastNight: too bad. I don't have it.
The Time Trust: I still have my friend's younger brother's SUPERMAN II: MOVIE BOOK, which I borrowed around 1985.
MtotheJLA: I hate to see how big a deal parys would make over this, if it were a good movie...
Atomikboy64: Hah!
rqbumbershoot: "Hello, I'm Pariah, and I have a hard-on for Ray Liotta!"
The Time Trust: Sometimes I feel guilt.
Atomikboy64: God, I love Peter Milligan.
The Time Trust: Then I remember it would've been destroyed eventually if he'd kept it, and it takes the guilt away.
Atomikboy64: You're a good man.
Atomikboy64: The year is 2022. In the prison of the future escape is impossible. Survival isn't much easier.
The Time Trust: Bless you.
Glacier16: whoa
StevensLastNight: i probably sold it
Pariah186: .........If you did.....You know what that means....Yes?
The Time Trust: Lock up the firearms.
MtotheJLA: go with that feeling, parys
StevensLastNight: what?
MtotheJLA: march over there
rqbumbershoot: "I need my copy of No Escape so I can masturbate! I wore out my copy of Fight Club!"
Pariah186: I'll have to go buy aniother one.
MtotheJLA: and commit murder over a 5 dollar VJS tape
MtotheJLA: vhs
Pariah186: OH WAIT! I can't!
StevensLastNight: why not?
Atomikboy64: A VJS tape would be more worth it
MtotheJLA: because he's a prisoner on a island
Pariah186: Because it's 13 years old and I prolly won't find an esoteric HBO movie after this long!
rqbumbershoot: "'Cause I'm Pariah! I like to bitch!"
StevensLastNight: waaaaaaaa
StevensLastNight: waaaaaaaaaaa
Pariah186: You asshole motherfucker! This is the last time I give anything to you shitcock!
StevensLastNight: That is what you sound like
rqbumbershoot: Pariah. Try ebay.
rqbumbershoot: And Valium.
Atomikboy64: "Shitcock." I want to hug you.
rqbumbershoot: Asspole.
MtotheJLA: hey, this is Ray Liotta, peoples
MtotheJLA: let's show some respect
Atomikboy64: and while I'm on IMDB...
MtotheJLA: AND Ernie Hudson, of Ghostbusters fame
rqbumbershoot: "I don't look like these guys, not one iota..."
Pariah186: Points to the commie
rqbumbershoot: "But with them I could pass for Ray Liotta!"
Atomikboy64: Da.
MtotheJLA: someone please change the subject
MtotheJLA: please
Atomikboy64: "From the director of Goldeneye!"
Glacier16: yeah that is a good idea
Pariah186: Other movies mad by Ray Liotta:
StevensLastNight: Are you done bitching, you whiny cunt?
MtotheJLA: let us discuss cyborg ninja monkeys or something
The Time Trust: Yes, let's.
rqbumbershoot: Monkeys sell comics!
MtotheJLA: Jaburg...?
MtotheJLA: take the floor, Jaburg
Pariah186: Chlorine
Pariah186: "Criminal Behavior"
StevensLastNight: Sounds gay
Pariah186: Comeback Season
Pariah186: Revolver
Pariah186: Jump Shot
UltimateJaburg53: ?
rqbumbershoot: Pariah. Dude. Stop.
Atomikboy64: He really likes Gay Liotta
Pariah186: hmm
rqbumbershoot: Here's a topic...
Glacier16: wafjei adje mcnv
MtotheJLA: it was documented photographically by the Ninja Turtle!
rqbumbershoot: What if Joe Quesada ran DC Comics?
The Time Trust: Is Shahman online?
Glacier16: soy
Glacier16: yes
StevensLastNight: Who?
MtotheJLA: yeah, him
MtotheJLA: Steven Who
The Time Trust: Yes
MtotheJLA: He's on first
Pariah186: Steve, there's one last addendum I want to ask about
Glacier16: Sjshahman
MtotheJLA: Why is on second
Pariah186: I remember this one time
MtotheJLA: The guy over there is on third
Pariah186: when you finished the new traffic software for Cisco
Pariah186: And we were all gonna party and shit
Pariah186: So we went to the Wango Tango
Pariah186: I just wanna know
Pariah186: Do you know what happened that night?
captainsammitch: I POSTED
Pariah186: I mean, I remember sitting down in the booth and then the Bacardi.
Pariah186: After that, things get hazy
MtotheJLA: Oingo Bongo roxers!
StevensLastNight: nope
The Time Trust: If I didn't know what you were talking about, Sammitch...
StevensLastNight: i think you kissed some dude
MtotheJLA: W H O A !
MtotheJLA: And that dude's name was Steven...
The Time Trust: ...what you just said would've sounded akin to a three-year-old who went to the potty all by himself.
Pariah186: Well yeah, I was gonna say
The Time Trust: :-D
Atomikboy64: That's why it's his last night. He's leaving due to all the sexual tension.
MtotheJLA: ha
The Time Trust: I MADE POOPY!
The Time Trust: Sorry.
The Time Trust: I mock.
StevensLastNight: i AM gay....
The Time Trust: I mock.
MtotheJLA: The Ray Liotta thing was just a codeword
Pariah186: NOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Pariah186: You violated me!!!
Atomikboy64: You "borrowed" my "Ray Liotta movie"
The Time Trust: Can I get a rack?
UltimateJaburg53: Who is steven?
Glacier16: hahaha
Pariah186: He works at Cisco
MtotheJLA: I just met you, TTT
MtotheJLA: Buy me dinner, first
Pariah186: My
Pariah186: intuition
The Time Trust: *mutter*
The Time Trust: Come on, titepieceofass. Show me what you're worth.
Atomikboy64: Heh
MtotheJLA: That's the isue, though
MtotheJLA: Once you give up that sweet piece of Ray Liotta tape
MtotheJLA: you can never get it back
MtotheJLA: Once it's been watched over and over
MtotheJLA: it's not the same
Atomikboy64: It's got bodily fluids on it.
MtotheJLA: love fluids
MtotheJLA: Love Potion #9
UltimateJaburg53: Adrian Paul?
Atomikboy64: Adrian Barbeaubot!
MtotheJLA: Barbeau, even
UltimateJaburg53: Great Sparks you broke the monitir and you're dead.
UltimateJaburg53: happy?
The Time Trust: I have no rival. No man can be my equal!\
Atomikboy64: I want some SEX!
UltimateJaburg53: Hesh wants poppers
Sjshahman has entered the room.
Atomikboy64: SOY
Sjshahman: yes?
The Time Trust: Soy
Pariah186: SJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sjshahman: yes?
Sjshahman: Yes?
ChrryVanilla06 has entered the room.
The Time Trust: We meet again.
Sjshahman: We do.
Pariah186: CHRRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sjshahman: Twice in one day
UltimateJaburg53: O
ChrryVanilla06: Hi everyone :-)
rqbumbershoot: Hello!
The Time Trust: That's almost obssessive.
ChrryVanilla06: What's going on?
Pariah186: Fuck off
rqbumbershoot: WHo are you!
The Time Trust: (and yes, the extra "s" was intentional)
rqbumbershoot: What's going on here?
Sjshahman: liar
ChrryVanilla06: yeah
Atomikboy64: Hey, Cherry.
UltimateJaburg53: Pariah?
Pariah186: I said FUCK OFF!!
Atomikboy64: What's YOUR name?
ChrryVanilla06: Hi...I wanna call you disco steve :-P
ChrryVanilla06: This is "meeko"
MtotheJLA: How YOU doin'?
Sjshahman: I just finished playing Splinter Co-op. The sad thing, is that I played both parts by myself
UltimateJaburg53: OOOO
UltimateJaburg53: 0o
UltimateJaburg53: 0O
Pariah186: FUCK OFF!!
Sjshahman: I tried to teach my cousin, but he is utterly inept
ChrryVanilla06: Hi JLA
ChrryVanilla06: :-)
rqbumbershoot: Oh, yes. Meeko.
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
Atomikboy64: MEEKO
rqbumbershoot: The one who never speaks to me.
StevensLastNight: "Meeko?"
UltimateJaburg53: k
MtotheJLA: Me like Meeko!
rqbumbershoot: :-P
ChrryVanilla06: :-D
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
UltimateJaburg53: *
Sjshahman: Who is Meeko?
The Time Trust: Meeko is...
UltimateJaburg53: House
MtotheJLA: Me like Meeko! Meeko make me merry!
The Time Trust: Okay, I've done that bit too much today.
PenWing424: meeko rocks!
rqbumbershoot: Meeko is Sammitch's piece.
UltimateJaburg53: Mouse
rqbumbershoot: O:-)
ChrryVanilla06: whateva
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
UltimateJaburg53: Other random thing
ChrryVanilla06: I'm not anyones PIECE :-P
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
Atomikboy64: heh
UltimateJaburg53: !
rqbumbershoot: Denial ain't just a river, Meeko....
MtotheJLA: Sammitch is Meeko'
UltimateJaburg53: Whoa
UltimateJaburg53: Yes
MtotheJLA: Meeko's piece
PenWing424: that's right, it's a big river
UltimateJaburg53: No
ChrryVanilla06: :-P
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
Sjshahman: See, this vague talk is very confusing
UltimateJaburg53: Sammitch is Meeko
MtotheJLA: Sammitch is Meeko's boy toy
The Time Trust: It is.
ChrryVanilla06: =-O
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, Pariah.
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
The Time Trust: The room's a bit too busy right now.
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, Pariah.
UltimateJaburg53: Yeaj
UltimateJaburg53: lol
The Time Trust: As well.
UltimateJaburg53: :P
PenWing424: hate sucks
MtotheJLA: Jaburg, how is buddy?
PenWing424: don't worry
Sjshahman has left the room.
PenWing424: be happy
rqbumbershoot: Hate indeed sucks.
MtotheJLA: I like Buddy Berg
UltimateJaburg53: Kill the haters!
rqbumbershoot: Push out the jive...
UltimateJaburg53: Boil them
MtotheJLA: Burg, I meant
rqbumbershoot: Bring in the love!
The Time Trust: I don't blame him for leaving.
PenWing424: love the haters
rqbumbershoot: Don't hate the playa....
PenWing424: hate the game
PenWing424: but not really
rqbumbershoot: I do! Triple H sucks!
ChrryVanilla06: You guys crack me up :-P
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
UltimateJaburg53: M
PenWing424: oh, yeah, you can hate the gay-muh
MtotheJLA: I think we should have a 17 man battle royale to determine the RKMB Chat Champion
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah?
rqbumbershoot: As RDCW Champion, I accept!
MtotheJLA: I'll have my script in by tomorrow, PenWing
PenWing424: your krazy
PenWing424: cool, jla
MtotheJLA: LOL
MtotheJLA: ;P
UltimateJaburg53: Penwing!'
PenWing424: and, chump snarf, you got nothin on me
PenWing424: cus
PenWing424: sudden
PenWing424: death
rqbumbershoot: Whatevah!
PenWing424: rules
PenWing424: !
PenWing424: !
PenWing424: !
rqbumbershoot: Mo' like Sudden Death SUCKS!!!
Pariah186: I think she got the message
UltimateJaburg53: I do what I want!
ChrryVanilla06: :-D
Pariah186: FUCK OFF
PenWing424: is there something you want to admit to us, snarf?
rqbumbershoot: End the hate, Pariah.
UltimateJaburg53: click
PenWing424: hate the game!
UltimateJaburg53: U
PenWing424: the pistons kicked ass tonight!
PenWing424: pistons in 7!
UltimateJaburg53: Really?
UltimateJaburg53: Wow
PenWing424: we'll find out monday night
MtotheJLA: yes, I really RACKED Buddy
UltimateJaburg53: cause they suck
UltimateJaburg53: :-)
PenWing424: pistons held the heat to an all time playoff low in points
PenWing424: 64, i think
UltimateJaburg53: What?
UltimateJaburg53: Thats a lie
MtotheJLA: He's on first
Pariah186: Happy Endings
UltimateJaburg53: a blatent lie
Pariah186: Control
Pariah186: Slow Burn
Pariah186: The Last Shot
UltimateJaburg53: you can't back that up
MtotheJLA: I had a Happy Ending at a strip club once
rqbumbershoot: Oh, for Gob's sake Pariah.
Pariah186: Identity
Pariah186: The Hire: Ticker
rqbumbershoot: We all know you're gay for Liotta.
StevensLastNight: are you done yet?
Pariah186: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
PenWing424: 91-66
Pariah186: Point of Origin
Pariah186: Hmm
MtotheJLA: Poor Steven isn't going to get to see Game 7
MtotheJLA: :-(
Pariah186: Heh
StevensLastNight: it's my last night
MtotheJLA: Yeah
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Pariah186: And you STILL haven't paid me back
Pariah186: Assholes
StevensLastNight: i'm not paying you for the tape, if that's what you're getting at
Glacier16 has left the room.
UltimateJaburg53: No
Pariah186: Either give me back my tape or pay me 13 dollars!
UltimateJaburg53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Pariah186: YOU OWE ME!
StevensLastNight: never!
MtotheJLA: I thought you gave it to him for free, parys
UltimateJaburg53: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
UltimateJaburg53: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
MtotheJLA: because you sure gave it to him, alright
UltimateJaburg53: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Pariah186: ARRRRRRRGGG!!
PenWing424: jaburg has cracked
Pariah186: First thing tomorrow
MtotheJLA: Your jammed your tape right in his VCR
UltimateJaburg53: Fish thing?
MtotheJLA: over and over
Pariah186: You're gonna wake up to find you've been stabbed to death!
PenWing424: it's the end of the world as we know it
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
rqbumbershoot: Sure, JQ, suuuure...
Pariah186: John Q
UltimateJaburg53: NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
StevensLastNight: Not happening
Pariah186: Narc
Pariah186: Blow
MtotheJLA: Narc was a good movie
MtotheJLA: all kidding aside
Pariah186: Heartbreakers
Pariah186: Hannibal
UltimateJaburg53: Wow
Pariah186: A Rumor of Angels
MtotheJLA: Hannibal was good, too
UltimateJaburg53: He gets alot of work
Pariah186: Pilgrim
UltimateJaburg53: What?
rqbumbershoot: 'Cause he puts out.
UltimateJaburg53: Hannible sucked
Pariah186: Forever Mine
MtotheJLA: Hannibal wa great
MtotheJLA: was
Atomikboy64: I have Pilgrim.
UltimateJaburg53: Forever mine was cool
Atomikboy64: aka "Inferno"
Atomikboy64: Written by PETER MILLIGAN
Pariah186: OnlineHost(10:38:20 PM): You've made too many requests too quickly. Please reduce the rate of your requests.
UltimateJaburg53: Him and the alien get trapped on the planet
Atomikboy64: Enemy Mine
UltimateJaburg53: The alien has a baby
UltimateJaburg53: What?
Pariah186: Well obviously
Pariah186: Louis Gosset Junior
Pariah186: had Quaid's bebe!
MtotheJLA: I jacked off to Heartbreakers. Jennifer Love Hewitt showed some massive cleavege in that one
UltimateJaburg53: Jamis!!!!!!!!!!!
Atomikboy64: Forever Mine is a Paul Schrader flick
MtotheJLA: That's all I remember about the movie
MtotheJLA: I went to sleep after the part where she was dressed like a French maid
UltimateJaburg53: ...
TheElisaPrincess: that was so fun............awesome article
TheElisaPrincess: ok so what did i miss last hour?
Atomikboy64: You're still here?
UltimateJaburg53: Anal
TheElisaPrincess: i left for an hour......had to read for my class about middle school literacy....really amazing
StevensLastNight: i got yelled at for losing a gay ass movie
TheElisaPrincess: lolc hews :P
UltimateJaburg53: Hello Time Trust!
MtotheJLA: Hello Barbara!
rqbumbershoot: E, you missed parys declare his undying homosexual love for Ray Liotta.
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
MtotheJLA: Uh huh
UltimateJaburg53: Indeed
TheElisaPrincess: turstys back?
TheElisaPrincess: he's too messed up to do that snarfs
UltimateJaburg53: Turd who?
TheElisaPrincess: been through a lot
MtotheJLA: snarf snarf
MtotheJLA: Turd Ferguson
UltimateJaburg53: Oh
TheElisaPrincess: snarfy snarfers :P
UltimateJaburg53: Her
TheElisaPrincess: i thought he left?
captainsammitch: JUBARG
TheElisaPrincess: wait isnt ray=r3x?
rqbumbershoot: No, seriously. He was totally going off about this one Liotta movie.
UltimateJaburg53: Sammies!
captainsammitch: what is?
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhh its an actor, my bad
MtotheJLA: he's on first
Atomikboy64: Jesus Christ, Elisa.
UltimateJaburg53: Spooky is r3x
rqbumbershoot: I'm mxy!

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.