UltimateJaburg53: K
klinton77: I spent no less than 6 hours actually chatting in here yesterday
klinton77: I feel pathetic
UltimateJaburg53: It's ok
klinton77: it culminated with sharing sex secrets with bunny and snarf
klinton77: drunk
klinton77: at 5 am
klinton77: sad, no?
klinton77: ....my thoughts exactly
UltimateJaburg53: Doesn't talk like that over the internet violate certain statues in the Canadien criminal code?
klinton77: no...why?
UltimateJaburg53: Just asking
klinton77: Canada is pretty lenient with internet policies
klinton77: it'S still completely legal to swap music here
UltimateJaburg53: my family is here
TheElisaPrincess: sorry laundry
klinton77: poor guy
TheElisaPrincess: wow.........poor klint
klinton77: I know, eh?
TheElisaPrincess: yes Pj
TheElisaPrincess: s
TheElisaPrincess: ?
PJPGYRO: jers told me he jerks off to your pics
TheElisaPrincess: coughs out her coke
klinton77: so do I...don'T you PJP?
TheElisaPrincess: what the crap?
TheElisaPrincess: h eso does not
TheElisaPrincess: yall are funny
PJPGYRO: and he screams out algorythms while hes doing it
TheElisaPrincess: LOL
TheElisaPrincess: that was funny............algorithms
klinton77: don'T cough out your coke woman...that shit isn'T cheap
TheElisaPrincess: although thats technicaly a cs field but its okay :P
PJPGYRO: 10 divide by11 is oh elsia
TheElisaPrincess: lol klints the legal kind
TheElisaPrincess: poor pj..........speaking of sex, where is your wife?
klinton77: she'S in my bed
klinton77: good shit that
TheElisaPrincess: lol..........
PJPGYRO: I gave it to her last night dont worry
klinton77: she moans like a banshee
PJPGYRO: Imat work right now
PJPGYRO: yeah she does
TheElisaPrincess: work on a sunday?
TheElisaPrincess: poor baby
TheElisaPrincess: where od you work?
PJPGYRO: its a restaurant
TheElisaPrincess: DO cant spell
PJPGYRO: monday is my day off
TheElisaPrincess: how do you have 'net access in a restaurant?
klinton77: what's your restaraunt called?
PJPGYRO: I own the restaurant
TheElisaPrincess: woah........im impressed
PJPGYRO: i have my own office
UltimateJaburg53: Yeah
TheElisaPrincess: what kind of food?
PJPGYRO: evrything
klinton77: greek
TheElisaPrincess: like a diner or something nier?
TheElisaPrincess: lol@greek
PJPGYRO: Its a diner family restaurant
TheElisaPrincess: now that my big fat greek wedding songs going thorugh my head :P
klinton77: called...what?
TheElisaPrincess: thats so cool pj!!!!! Im proud of you! I used to wait tables in college, it was fun!'
UltimateJaburg53: Mail me some pancakes. Do you have pay pal?
PJPGYRO: Nautilus Diner and Restaurant
TheElisaPrincess: lol uj
klinton77: in NYC?
TheElisaPrincess: Nautilus like water
TheElisaPrincess: do you have like aquariums and stuff?
UltimateJaburg53: Like Nemos Sub
PJPGYRO: yes most diners are named aftre greek or oceanic themes
TheElisaPrincess: So i figured but still. How did you wind up owning your own place?
PJPGYRO: jers loves jerking off to your pics
Balloonknot666: Elisa, Your Pimp called, Wanted me to tell you that your 1:30 called, He cancelled because he found $5 crack whore that has less diseases then you
klinton77: BK...really...
klinton77: come on
PJPGYRO: my father owned it for 40 years still own s40% my brother and I ownt the rest
klinton77: tell me about your saturday night, buddy
TheElisaPrincess: its okay klint it doesnt bother me anymore.......you shoulda heard the junior high kids talk at my school
TheElisaPrincess: it was baddddd
klinton77: can imagine princess
PJPGYRO: i got laid so did elisa
klinton77: =-O
TheElisaPrincess: lol Pjs.......is that all you boys think about in the afternoon?
PJPGYRO: all the time
klinton77: yup
klinton77: It's true
PJPGYRO: and with many differnt people
TheElisaPrincess: no klint i didnt....i was housesitting for my parents still am....i just cleaned
PJPGYRO: my twat
klinton77: up adter
klinton77: after
TheElisaPrincess: how do you get anything done if thats the main topic of conversatoin in your mind?
Balloonknot666: I would talk too, If my teacher's primary job was sucking off old men on a street corner for pennies
klinton77: shsuh you!
PJPGYRO: i let my penis do m,y thinking for me
TheElisaPrincess: Bk it's getting old.........and i dont need no pennies from old men anymore
PJPGYRO: usualy works too
klinton77: anymore?
klinton77: as opposed to when?
klinton77: sorry...
klinton77: that was too obvious
TheElisaPrincess: its okay klint ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: nobodys judging our quick, witty responses
klinton77: I need a beer
PJPGYRO: I'll be back on around 9:30 pm est. having people over for BBQ and am done with wortk for the day
klinton77: now
PJPGYRO: see yas later
klinton77: cool, have fun
klinton77: save me a beer
PJPGYRO: count on it
klinton77: the beer
PJPGYRO has left the room.
klinton77: ?
klinton77: ass
TheElisaPrincess: pj is leaving?
TheElisaPrincess: wow im impressed :P
klinton77: he's left
TheElisaPrincess: i thought he'd hang out here forever :P
TheElisaPrincess: so Klint how goest the job search?
klinton77: I dunno
TheElisaPrincess: awwww still havent found anything yet?
klinton77: I think I'm stuck where I am for a bit
klinton77: I don't care right now
klinton77: too much else on my plate
klinton77: with the move and shit
klinton77: and French class
klinton77: hate that shit
TheElisaPrincess: thats right which happens this week or next?I thought it was in june
TheElisaPrincess: youre in french class??? Summer I?
klinton77: Tomorrow
TheElisaPrincess: yuck klint..........you gotta get all packed up by tomorrow? ewwwwwwwww that take sforever
klinton77: class starts tomorrow
klinton77: I move at the end of the month
TheElisaPrincess: ok.........good. I was gonna say :P
klinton77: I must post pics of the new place for you
klinton77: it's nice
TheElisaPrincess: yeah......congrats klint!
klinton77: and cheap
TheElisaPrincess: moving on up with an apartment and everything
klinton77: up?
TheElisaPrincess: im supposed to take spanish in like july hopefully after all my other classes end
klinton77: no...it'S just cheaper
TheElisaPrincess: i meant to some place nicer
klinton77: the one we have now is nice too
TheElisaPrincess: i need a cheap house payment :P
klinton77: yeah?
klinton77: what's your payments?
TheElisaPrincess: 1200 a month
klinton77: shit!
TheElisaPrincess: pretty good actually
klinton77: that hurts
TheElisaPrincess: but still.......my sister's moving in to help pay utilities and stuff
klinton77: cool
klinton77: that'll be a good idea
TheElisaPrincess: yeah.......oh the joys :P
klinton77: it'll be fine
klinton77: I'd live with my sister
TheElisaPrincess: the crappy part is, we're requird to take classes this summer BUT
TheElisaPrincess: we have to pay two grand for them by august 1 which means we dont get paid crap this summer.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah.......she's a trip :P
TheElisaPrincess: now living with my parents again *shivers at the thought* no.......
klinton77: ehh...My funds are tapped for the summer too
klinton77: I'm gonna have to take out loans for the fall sesion I thinkg
TheElisaPrincess: it sucks........and my stipend's going to pay off my poor credit card ;p
TheElisaPrincess: yeah klint....tell me about paying those babies off :P
klinton77: I don't use those...thank god
klinton77: credit cards
klinton77: It'll be my first loan in three years of school
klinton77: so not too heavy
TheElisaPrincess: yeah, smart boy, all my other ones are paid off
klinton77: I usually paid in cash
TheElisaPrincess: oh cool klint! Have you tried applying to like newspaper companies up there?
TheElisaPrincess: ohhhhhh i forgot about that!
klinton77: I've submitted many articles
TheElisaPrincess: I figured as much. You'd think they'd be ablet to do some kind of internship with you over the summer
klinton77: no...that'S next year
klinton77: du-du-dun!
TheElisaPrincess: cool.........we could qualify the end of our sophomore year of college
TheElisaPrincess: you'll get it!
klinton77: I'm not so worried
TheElisaPrincess: they'd be stupid not to get you
klinton77: awww...you're sweet
TheElisaPrincess: seriously! YOu think logically, make persuasive arguments, and have a sharp wit
TheElisaPrincess: ill be a letter of rec if you need one!
klinton77: I'm still waitng for G-man to acknowledge my arguments in the 'Newsweek' thread
TheElisaPrincess: he's not going to......he's gonna ignore it :P
klinton77: stupid fuck that he is
klinton77: I hate that shit
klinton77: ....zzzz...zzzzzzzzzz......zzzzzzzzzzzzzz........
TheElisaPrincess: and he still didnt get removed
TheElisaPrincess: what reason did rob give you?
The Time Trust: whu-wha... I'm up, I'm up, already
klinton77: the same old shit
klinton77: hi TTT
The Time Trust: hey
klinton77: shit...she's back
TheElisaPrincess: hey trusty
TheElisaPrincess: wb
TheElisaPrincess: everyone was wondering where you were sneaks
klinton77: I don't care what the tests say bunny..the kid's not mine!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: problem klint?
TheElisaPrincess: lol :P
The Time Trust: I slept for 10 hours last night.
The Time Trust: Finally caught up on sleep
TheElisaPrincess: way to go trust at least you didnt wake up to LOUD CRASHES OF THUNDER at five am ;p
TheElisaPrincess: they lasted for like an hour ;p
The Time Trust: Nah, that was last week.
klinton77: I slwpt well last night...
klinton77: it was glorious...
TheElisaPrincess: lucky!
klinton77: I didn't want to get up this morning
klinton77: took me about an hour to get out of bed
UltimateJaburg53: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
klinton77: Yessssssssssssssssssssssss!
klinton77: I still need to go and get cigs...I've been smoking butts all morning.....
klinton77: my soul for a delivery service...
TheElisaPrincess: yup expensive.....deliveries alway sare though
klinton77: princess...what are you doing?
klinton77: wanna go to the dep for me?
klinton77: hey...on that note...why did you offer to buy Pariah a new film?
TheElisaPrincess: SURE iw anan go with you
TheElisaPrincess: just to be nice to parys.......teh boys been through hell the last twenty four hours
TheElisaPrincess: ive been there..its hard having dreams be crushed like that
klinton77: what happened?
TheElisaPrincess: you didnt know?
klinton77: his girlfriend's dick fell off?
TheElisaPrincess: so mean :P
klinton77: seriously...?
The Time Trust: He got a rejection letter from the military
TheElisaPrincess: you remember how he had it all planned out that he'd go into the army and live would get better
The Time Trust: I think
TheElisaPrincess: dran it trsiut
rexstardust99: Yeah
klinton77: LOL!
TheElisaPrincess: i was leading up toa that point :P'
TheElisaPrincess: i was gonna tell him a story :P
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrrrrr
klinton77: they don't take psychos?
rexstardust99: Bed time story?
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: y 'all are weird
TheElisaPrincess: that was harsh klint ;P
klinton77: harsh but true
klinton77: the guy is pathological
rexstardust99: No he isn't.
The Time Trust: Odds are he would've been fragged.
klinton77: whatever
TheElisaPrincess: not really rex........i dont know.....i just like telling stuff in a logical order
TheElisaPrincess: instead of summarizing it in five or six words ;P
The Time Trust: He should be grateful.
rexstardust99: He's no worse than most other people.
klinton77: yeah, he is actually
The Time Trust: He's a bit difficult to handle.
klinton77: uh-hu
The Time Trust: In the military I can't imagine him getting along too wellwith others.
klinton77: enough about him
klinton77: he's really not here to speak for himself
rexstardust99: Attention whore
rexstardust99: So I'm going to get something to eat, what should I get.
rexstardust99: ?
rexstardust99: I haven't really eaten all day.
TheElisaPrincess: no clue rex............ i need to drhink more water though]
klinton77: pancakes!
rexstardust99: na
rexstardust99: something bad
klinton77: It is sunday...
TheElisaPrincess: too late in the day for pancakes
The Time Trust: It's still morning.
rexstardust99: I need a cheeseburger or something.
klinton77: so it's gotta be decadent
The Time Trust: For another 10 minutes
klinton77: cheeseburger?
rexstardust99: Its almost noon here.
The Time Trust: You're in the same time zone as I am, rex.
rexstardust99: What time zone are you in Klinton?
TheElisaPrincess: oh yall are behind me i forgot
klinton77: It's about three here
klinton77: I'm on the eastern seaboard
rexstardust99: So your on the east coast
rexstardust99: doh!
klinton77: yup
klinton77: Montreal
rexstardust99: I think I'm going to get quiznos.
klinton77: yum
The Time Trust: DAMMIT
The Time Trust: I was going to say Quiznos
klinton77: I think I want pita pit
TheElisaPrincess: that sounds god though
klinton77: they deliver!
rexstardust99: There's a place here called the pita pit that delivers until 4am.
TheElisaPrincess: no way rex?
TheElisaPrincess: everything shuts down here around ten
klinton77: yup...good shit that
rexstardust99: yes way elisa
klinton77: you live in texas woman
klinton77: every thing sucks there
rexstardust99: I'm gonna go to the quiznos by the university.
klinton77: no?
rexstardust99: Bunch of hot chicks there.
klinton77: really?
rexstardust99: Yes
rexstardust99: There all from out of state.
klinton77: hotter than the French hotties here?
rexstardust99: So no hippies
klinton77: I doubt it
rexstardust99: They bath
rexstardust99: e
TheElisaPrincess: yawns
TheElisaPrincess: yeah everything sucks in texas
TheElisaPrincess: thats pretty good, downtowns awesome
klinton77: clean texan tuna is still hick tuna
TheElisaPrincess: and Austin's pretty wild but thats it
rexstardust99: I'm ganno go now, talking about it makes me hungry
TheElisaPrincess: bye rex!@
klinton77: bye rex
TheElisaPrincess: yeah........our southern accents can get pretty hickish the further east texas you go
The Time Trust: Don't go having a heart attack on us!
klinton77: no...that would be bad
The Time Trust: I shouldn't joke. My dad had one several years back
klinton77: you have quite the accent Princess
klinton77: really?
klinton77: sucks that, TTT
TheElisaPrincess: I do not klint :P Seriously? iv ebeen told mines not that noticable
klinton77: yes, you do
TheElisaPrincess: thats sad trusty......i am so now motivated to go to the gym :P
TheElisaPrincess: I didnt even use my severe accent on ya ;P
The Time Trust: He just seems to forget he's not in his 30s any longer.
The Time Trust: He's in his early 70s.
klinton77: shit...
klinton77: not a good life move
klinton77: is the inheritance looking good though?
klinton77: sorry....
The Time Trust: ehrmm...
TheElisaPrincess: LOL KLINT
TheElisaPrincess: its all about the money :P
The Time Trust: Not funny.
TheElisaPrincess: I dont know.....I mean i like my dad and all but im not super close to him like my mom and i are
klinton77: no...it wasn't...again...sorry
The Time Trust: If Grimm was here he'd be pissed.
TheElisaPrincess: and my parents dont make a lot of money so I dont have an inheritance...
TheElisaPrincess: .now my mean grandmother on the other hand who hates us does ;p
klinton77: really...Grimm lost his father?
TheElisaPrincess: I seem to remember that somewhere back....i think?!?
The Time Trust: uh-huh. But we probably shouldn't discuss that.
klinton77: nope
klinton77: let's get on to fun filled topics
TheElisaPrincess: no biggy......well boys gotta go read for my psycho class again! Ya'll have fun (yall just for klints :P)
klinton77: Canadian politics anyone?
TheElisaPrincess: i got another hundred pages to read today :P
TheElisaPrincess: loL@canadian pol ;-)
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
klinton77: by princess
UltimateJaburg53: What is your version of the FCC like Klints?
UltimateJaburg53: Better or worse than US
klinton77: it's pretty lenient
The Time Trust: CRTC
UltimateJaburg53: In terms of censorship
The Time Trust: There's softcore porn on broadcast TV after midnight.
The Time Trust: English stations, anyway.
klinton77: on the regular air channels....not even cable
klinton77: TVA does it at nine here
klinton77: Quebec is 'special'
The Time Trust: French stations have even more lenient standards
klinton77: totally
The Time Trust: I grew up watching French movies 'cause of that.
klinton77: LOL
klinton77: question answered, J?
klinton77 has left the room.
klinton77 has entered the room.
The Time Trust: Who is Steven?
The Time Trust: And why is Pariah angry at him?
klinton77: the guy wouldn't fuck him?
klinton77: in a dress
The Time Trust: Oh, wait -- this was the guy Pariah was yelling at last night!
The Time Trust: In chat
klinton77: missed that part
The Time Trust: Pariah186: Dude!Pariah186: I let you borrowPariah186: itPariah186: you better have itStevensLastNight: No you didn't.
klinton77: huh...
The Time Trust: Pariah186: I know I let you borrow somethingStevensLastNight: You didn't. I would have remembered.Pariah186: For fuck's sake
The Time Trust: Pariah186: stop playing aroundPariah186: GIMME BACK MY MOVIE!!
klinton77: was this Steven online?
The Time Trust: It degenerates into a "DO NOT!" "DO TO!" mess after that.
The Time Trust: yeah
klinton77: Was he talking to Chewie?
klinton77: who's steven?
The Time Trust: No, this is someone Pariah knows
klinton77: Ah..ok
The Time Trust: No idea
klinton77: Whatever...he'S getting worked up over a movie?
klinton77: seriously?
The Time Trust: Just thought it was bizarre to occur in a packed chatroom.
klinton77: go buy a new one...fuck...
UltimateJaburg53: I wonder what movie it was
klinton77: his secret sex tapes?
The Time Trust: It's somewhere in the chat... can't remember.
klinton77: Of him and RU Paul?
UltimateJaburg53: It had Ray Liotta
The Time Trust: Right
klinton77: he wasn't in Fight Club...was he?
The Time Trust: lol
UltimateJaburg53: Ru Paul?
klinton77: liota
UltimateJaburg53: Nope
klinton77: Ru Paul was in Pariah's jo tape
The Time Trust: I like green & purple. Does that mean I'm more inclined to villainy?
klinton77: yes
UltimateJaburg53: Super villany
klinton77: 'One meeeeleeeon dollars....Bwahhahahaha!' kind of villany
The Time Trust: Why do superheroes always get the primary colours (except Green Lantern and some others), while supervillains always get secondary colours?
The Time Trust: It
UltimateJaburg53: The Comic book code?
The Time Trust: It's a conspiracy
klinton77: dunno. What about Magneto...and Bizzaro?
UltimateJaburg53: Magnet wears purple
The Time Trust: It probably came from trying to save money on ink originally.
UltimateJaburg53: kind of
klinton77: Magneto is red, no?
The Time Trust: It costs more to print purple than simple blue.
klinton77: red and blue?
The Time Trust: Yeah. The ink has to be overlaid on the same area with secondary colours.
The Time Trust: So it costs more.
UltimateJaburg53: Red and Purple Klinton
The Time Trust: Brown is more expensive, too, which is why most golden age characters were blonde or brunette.
klinton77: I haven't read an X-men book since 'age of Apocolypse'
The Time Trust: Superman's brunette hair was more blue, though.
klinton77: too damned expensive to follow that shit
UltimateJaburg53: I never liked the X-books
klinton77: Superman is the stupidest character in comics today...
klinton77: I used to love the X books
UltimateJaburg53: The 90s killed them for me
klinton77: yup
klinton77: exactly
UltimateJaburg53: Jim Lee
UltimateJaburg53: Pheh
The Time Trust: I don't understand people who still buy Superman comics.
klinton77: me either
klinton77: baring as shit
klinton77: boring
UltimateJaburg53: Triumph of hope over experiance TTT
The Time Trust: Must be.
klinton77: but then I buy WW
The Time Trust: lol
klinton77: so...I really can't talk
UltimateJaburg53: I'm sick of dark & gritty Supes
klinton77: Catwoman though...I still enjoy, even after Ed left.
UltimateJaburg53: Superman didn't come down from Krypton to give us the williues
klinton77: I thought that would be the end of it...
UltimateJaburg53: He was here to help out
klinton77: Suerman...they need to let him rest a bit
klinton77: he'S too....done
UltimateJaburg53: He just needs to cheer the fuck up
klinton77: dunno...I haven't read him in a while
UltimateJaburg53: He's supposed to be the smiling hero
UltimateJaburg53: He's supposed to be the boy scout
klinton77: last time I saw him, he was dissing Diana in Asgard
UltimateJaburg53: I think I saw him steal Aquaman's wallet
klinton77: yeah...that klepto ass
The Time Trust: Superman should fake his death again.
The Time Trust: Go underground.
UltimateJaburg53: Even named his dog Klepto
klinton77: Did you read JLA: League of ONE
UltimateJaburg53: No
The Time Trust: I have tons of comics I haven't read. That's one of them.
klinton77: seriously, give it aread
klinton77: read it TTT
The Time Trust: OK
klinton77: I wish she was like that all the fucking time
The Time Trust: BRB
UltimateJaburg53: http://www.normbreyfogle.com/images/gallery/commissions/cm_batleap.gif
klinton77: nice pic
UltimateJaburg53: Breyfogle is awesome
klinton77: UJ...did you check the Justice preview pages on AR's site?
UltimateJaburg53: DC are shitheads
UltimateJaburg53: NO
klinton77: go give it a look
UltimateJaburg53: AR's site?
UltimateJaburg53: Hello?
klinton77: just finding the link
UltimateJaburg53: Oh
UltimateJaburg53: sorry
klinton77: http://www.alexrossart.com/rossreport/jan2005/report.html
klinton77: click on the Ross Report link to get to the front page where the pages are
The Time Trust: Hey, isn't that the Legion of Doom?
The Time Trust: At the bottom of the page?
klinton77: yup
klinton77: fun, no?
klinton77: did you just see the character art?
The Time Trust: Ross really has a Super Friends fixation
klinton77: don't we all?
The Time Trust: I never saw it when I was a kid
klinton77: really?
klinton77: I used to love that show
UltimateJaburg53: Wow
klinton77: looks nice, eh?
The Time Trust: All I saw was Rocket Robin Hood, Amazing Hercules and Spider-Man
The Time Trust: I was deprived.
UltimateJaburg53: Nice to see Ross doing interior art
klinton77: uh-hu

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.