UltimateJaburg53: Kingdom Come was great
klinton77: I'm thinking this is going to top that
klinton77: 12 issues
The Time Trust: Holy crap -- is that the 1970s Toyman?
klinton77: re-done
The Time Trust: Incredible.
klinton77: I'm getting excited for this....I like the whole 'end of the world' feel
klinton77: Although...I think those pages are a nightmare sequence ledding into the story
UltimateJaburg53: I hope so
klinton77: kind of a rough start when everyone's dead....
UltimateJaburg53: I'd hate to think the next eleven issues are Superman and a tube of Krazy Glue
klinton77: lol
TheElisaPrincess has entered the room.
The Time Trust: Is this a Super Friends story or a JLA story?
UltimateJaburg53: JLA
TheElisaPrincess: i love jla
klinton77: they love you too Princess
TheElisaPrincess: lol kont :P
TheElisaPrincess: klint i cant even spell
TheElisaPrincess: grrrrrrrr
klinton77: 's ok...you can call me kont
klinton77: or kunt
klinton77: or klit
klinton77: or any other variation of my name...
TheElisaPrincess: my hands were sticky from the antiboitic ointment stuff.....i cut myself slicing oranges
TheElisaPrincess: lol i dub thee sir klints :P
klinton77: 'antibiotic ointment'....sure....
TheElisaPrincess: yeah stupid butterflies......my mom went to a funeral so i had to housesit for her (it was in michigan)
TheElisaPrincess: you have to cut oranges and put sugar water on em
klinton77: housesitting! have you thrown any parties yet?
klinton77: it'S the lae, you know
klinton77: law
klinton77: you have to do it
TheElisaPrincess: lol klint :P
TheElisaPrincess: no ill clean in a few :P
TheElisaPrincess: ive had the house myself for a week and been a good lil girl :P
klinton77: good....what the fuck is the point of that?
klinton77: really?
TheElisaPrincess: totally
klinton77: that shit's no fun
TheElisaPrincess: it is my parents place ya know :P
klinton77: all the better
TheElisaPrincess: lol :P
TheElisaPrincess: i invited friends over but we all behaved

klinton77: you need new friends
klinton77: ones that don't behave
klinton77: those are never fun
TheElisaPrincess: lol :P
klinton77: you think I'm kidding...
TheElisaPrincess: but serious trouble :P I gotta be good for another year until the interships over :P
klinton77: serious trouble makes for great stories
klinton77: honestly...you sound much more impressive when you can dredge up twisted experiences
TheElisaPrincess: lol klint :P
TheElisaPrincess: twisted experinces......thatll win the kids respect ;P
klinton77: why are you laughing? I'm dead serious
klinton77: it will, actually
The Time Trust: Getting into trouble and making mistakes helps you learn.
klinton77: true....and it's damned fun
The Time Trust: That too. It can be.
TheElisaPrincess: lol :P yeah making mistakes when you know better......pricelessly stupid :P
klinton77: some of the greatest moments in my life, I was dead scared at the time
TheElisaPrincess: i bet :P
klinton77: seriously.
TheElisaPrincess: for instance???seriously you should write your memoirs!
klinton77: I'll tell you one time on the phone...
klinton77: I don't feel for typing that much
Balloonknot666 has left the room.
Balloonknot666 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: mk!!!!!!! i love stories.......we had this debate about nonfiction or fiction
klinton77: hi BK
TheElisaPrincess: i prefer fiction but hearing people's insane stories are kinda cool too :P
klinton77: you need to get out there and get your own stories to tell
TheElisaPrincess: i have plenty from high school and freshman yera in college
klinton77: dirty stories?
klinton77: lol
TheElisaPrincess: no just staying up past curfew messing with people for the most part :P
TheElisaPrincess: not anything insanley wild or violent, i was usually the designated driver
klinton77: so...no cops involved?
TheElisaPrincess: noooooooooo the chief of police lived down the street from me and went to my church
TheElisaPrincess: my parents soooooo would have heard about that
TheElisaPrincess: in high school anwyays
klinton77: then you haven't lived
TheElisaPrincess: in college it was a gorup of security guards.....they so deserved to be pranked though
klinton77: of course
TheElisaPrincess: one of them told me i was 'Destined to be forever with him" so sda...........
TheElisaPrincess: sad oopsy
klinton77: huh?
klinton77: creepy, that
TheElisaPrincess: yeah and i had only talked ot him once for ten minutes?!?
TheElisaPrincess: the scary part was the sg's had access to like all our info
klinton77: huh
klinton77: not fun
TheElisaPrincess: yeah its okay we got him back.....the most fun was like harassing the president
TheElisaPrincess: my college is pretty small so you know its not like state schools
TheElisaPrincess: anyways security always took this break along midnight for twenty minutes or so kickin back in the office
klinton77: you are a typing machine...
TheElisaPrincess: but my stories arent gonna be as cool as yours :P
TheElisaPrincess: anyways he had this sacred fountain thing in front of his house he treasured
TheElisaPrincess: so we took boxes of soap suds and bored them all with rubber duckies into the fountain
TheElisaPrincess: darn it mesage too large
TheElisaPrincess: anyways then we wrapped his house, stuck pink flamings all over his year
The Time Trust: I can't believe how expensive tuition is the U.S.
TheElisaPrincess: yard oopsy, af riend of mine took pads, put ketchup ont hem, and stuck them everywhere, it was pretty bad :P
TheElisaPrincess: poor guy.........
TheElisaPrincess: then there was the shaving cream.......it was horrible
TheElisaPrincess: anyways it was scary, but we finished it up and even had time to jello up the main fountain of the shcool
TheElisaPrincess: we made it in the paper the next day *yeas* and the president was sooooooooo pissed
klinton77: lol
TheElisaPrincess: but hey, he yanked my scholarship my last semester there, and all my friends so there was justice darn it :P
TheElisaPrincess: and someone died his pond blood red once but we werent responsible for it
klinton77: justice?
klinton77: you got screwed
TheElisaPrincess: I know i so agree and my LAST SEMESTER THERE no less!
TheElisaPrincess: and he closed my mom's school so ya know :P
TheElisaPrincess: thats as wild as I've gotten anyweays :P
TheElisaPrincess: sneakys!
TheElisaPrincess: welcome back
klinton77: we have to corrupt you Princess
klinton77: you deserve to be corrupted
TheElisaPrincess: lol klint........you are so funny :P
klinton77: you are faaaaarrrrrr to nice
TheElisaPrincess: i deserve to be corrupted?!? i dont know whether to take that as a compliment or not :P
TheElisaPrincess: lol
TheElisaPrincess: if im nice how did I get to be villainess darn it :P
klinton77: not sure about that one
The Time Trust: No idea.
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: don't fight us!! we love you!!
The Time Trust: Didn't you call yourself that?
UltimateJaburg53: Don't make me drudge that shit up E
UltimateJaburg53: You know damn well
TheElisaPrincess: yup gossip corrupts me.........thus im not nice and horribly evil
TheElisaPrincess: at least on the boards anyways........
klinton77: that's right....you're a two aced bitch...I forgot about that....
UltimateJaburg53: Also always the victim.
klinton77: lol
TheElisaPrincess: how am i always the victim?
TheElisaPrincess: wtc? If thats true why am I teaching?
klinton77: Princess, UJ...let it drop?
klinton77: everyone.....smile!
TheElisaPrincess: im fine......im trying to procrastinate cleaning ;P
klinton77: do you want to clean Soup's tank for me?
TheElisaPrincess: i know, right? ok ok........im motivating myself!
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwww the turtle??!
TheElisaPrincess: yuck :P
klinton77: come on...
TheElisaPrincess: no thank ya! i gotta vacuum and do dishes ;p
TheElisaPrincess: even if she is super cute!
klinton77: I really don't want to do it
klinton77: she's super shitty this week
TheElisaPrincess: me neither but its gonna be done.........
TheElisaPrincess: you can do it klints, just buy those like plastic glove thingies
TheElisaPrincess: helps me feel cleaner anyways
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i'll do the tank if you wash my dog
klinton77: I have plastic gloves
klinton77: and no...I fucking hate dogs
klinton77: all right...ship the bitch to me
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: purdy pwease?
TheElisaPrincess: yeah im getting sick of my parents dogs THATS FOR SUREi can now see your point about turtles klint
TheElisaPrincess: oh yeah washing dogs...........mine need it bad too
klinton77: turtles are cute...and they don't lick you
klinton77: I love that
klinton77: I can't wait until she's huge!
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: i gotta go pick up the dead rabbits outside too...fun
klinton77: wha?
klinton77: nasty
TheElisaPrincess: awwwwww thats no fun
TheElisaPrincess: howd they die?
The Time Trust: Special delivery
klinton77: satanic ritual
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: idiot dogs part hound
DECTECTlVE BUNNY: "duh it hops gotta kill it"
Glacier16 has left the room.
Glacier16 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: hiya glacs
Glacier16: yo
klinton77: hey
The Time Trust: All the rabbits my family had when I was a kid were eaten by coyotes, one by one.
klinton77: that's harsh
TheElisaPrincess: awwww poor rabbys
The Time Trust: We lived in the country
klinton77: did you invite Wednesday?
The Time Trust: The few which remained were completely gobsmacked.
Glacier16: yup
TheElisaPrincess: I invited wed :P
TheElisaPrincess: that makes two of us
TheElisaPrincess: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
klinton77: bitch better show
Glacier16: heh
Balloonknot666: I thouhgt I told you to shut it whore
klinton77: BK...play nice
TheElisaPrincess: *sings* better watch yourself
TheElisaPrincess: klint bk dcoesnt know nice.......or the love one another song
klinton77: yes he does
klinton77: he's an alright guy
Balloonknot666: I'd sooner love a cactus then love you Eleisa
jasonthecat2007 has entered the room.
Glacier16: Wed!
TheElisaPrincess: WEDNESAYS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Time Trust: whoa
klinton77: lello WEd
Glacier16: W H O A
TheElisaPrincess: WOOHOO!!!!! defiantely procrastinating cleaning now for sure
TheElisaPrincess: hows life wed?
jasonthecat2007: whoa.
jasonthecat2007: there sure are a lotta yous.
TheElisaPrincess: yeah we're just glad you joined us!
Glacier16: this is nothing, there is more at night
TheElisaPrincess: dont ya know it.......everybodys in aw of the mod

Balloonknot666: Well were not glad you rhere elisa
TheElisaPrincess: yeah it gets really busy at night
TheElisaPrincess: its all good bk im getting off in ten to clean anyways :P
klinton77: bk loves you...he just doesn't know how to say it
TheElisaPrincess: yeah im sure bk, mxy, and bsams are all in love with me and cant voice their feelings
Balloonknot666: bk loves you...he just doesn't know how to say it
TheElisaPrincess: too bad you cant hear my voice dripping with sarcasm :P
TheElisaPrincess: So Wed have a good weekend so far?
klinton77: see...
TheElisaPrincess: yeah whatever.....and next he'll say how much it costs to rent me out eveyr night :P
Balloonknot666: HA HA HA HA HA HA, Loving elisa is like loving a root canal
The Time Trust: Good afternoon, Senator Palpatine.
TheElisaPrincess: LOL if palp was aimed at BK :P
PenWing424 has entered the room.
TheElisaPrincess: awesome
TheElisaPrincess: PENNY!!!!!!!!!!
PenWing424: hello again
TheElisaPrincess: Wednesdays here
TheElisaPrincess: as Jason
klinton77: well now it'S gettting full
TheElisaPrincess: i know klint, took half the day but hey
PenWing424: jasonthecat2007 is wednesday?
TheElisaPrincess: darn it the butterflies....grrrrrr brb
klinton77: grrrrr
Glacier16: yup pen
PenWing424: really?
klinton77: yup
PenWing424: so i should add him to my buddy list for future invites?
Glacier16: I'd like to personally thank Wed for all his contributions to the Women's forum. Thanks Wed
PenWing424: i second that
klinton77: me too
jasonthecat2007: I'm here 4 you.
The Time Trust: Nowhereman and Eurostar are online, too.
jasonthecat2007: <--wednesday.
jasonthecat2007: trying to change my name, though.
PenWing424: why?
The Time Trust: Should I invite Stupid Dogg?
jasonthecat2007: so that people don't ask, "Jasonthecat is Wednesday?"
PenWing424: yes
PenWing424: invite all rkmbers
PenWing424: even rob
jasonthecat2007: Stupid Doog roxors teh big one!!!!11
Balloonknot666: Who is jasonthecat
PenWing424: wednesday
XxStupid DoggxX has entered the room.
jasonthecat2007: TK-069
The Time Trust: whoa
klinton77: shit...
XxStupid DoggxX: who are you people!?
The Time Trust: It's the Dogg
PenWing424: make up your mind
klinton77: it'S geting really full now
Glacier16: the Doog
Balloonknot666: We are the children of the Grave
XxStupid DoggxX: oh good then I am in hell.
The Time Trust: Poetic
idunapoo has entered the room.
klinton77: Bk and Elisa's love children
Glacier16: nowhereman!
TheElisaPrincess: NOWHEREMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: where at?
TheElisaPrincess: hiya stups
The Eurostar has entered the room.
jasonthecat2007: idunapoo is nowhereman?
klinton77: poo
jasonthecat2007: that's crazy!
Balloonknot666: KLINTON!!!!!
The Eurostar: Hi
TheElisaPrincess: OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!
TheElisaPrincess: why didnt you tell me?!?
The Time Trust: Hey Euro
TheElisaPrincess: hiye uerostar!
jasonthecat2007: OMG!!!:P
The Time Trust: Good post
Balloonknot666: I'd sooner fuck G-man
TheElisaPrincess: eurostar
TheElisaPrincess: i cant spell sorry
TheElisaPrincess: oh that is so cool!!!!!!!!!
klinton77: lol
Glacier16: lols
TheElisaPrincess: So nowheres, any more reunions planned?
TheElisaPrincess: or are yall yanking my chain again?
The Eurostar: Thanks, TTT
TheElisaPrincess: euro is?
klinton77: Euro
TheElisaPrincess: dont know who he is
TheElisaPrincess: bsams?
The Time Trust: Euro is Euro!
klinton77: exact
TheElisaPrincess: ok now that that's settled :P
The Time Trust: The Italian stallion
The Eurostar: Once upon a time I was many others, but today I am just me
TheElisaPrincess: sounds liek the beginning of a movie
The Eurostar: At the old DCMB I had twelve nicks
TheElisaPrincess: and it slows yet again.......
TheElisaPrincess: TWELVE NICKS
TheElisaPrincess: ok I know who you are now
TheElisaPrincess: heard from Carlo?
TheElisaPrincess: his email address doesnt work anymore......he was an oldie
TheElisaPrincess: Carlos i think.......something like that
The Eurostar: Who is carlo?
The Time Trust: I don't think you know who he is, Princess
TheElisaPrincess: on the old dcmbs
TheElisaPrincess: nm euro
idunapoo: arse
TheElisaPrincess: he hung out in the bat forum along with NightWing, gosh.........who else
PenWing424: princess, are you talkinga about the guy with the back problems?
TheElisaPrincess: but im talkin five/six years ago
TheElisaPrincess: yeah pen you remember?
PenWing424: yeah
The Time Trust: I remember Carlos. He was an older guy.
TheElisaPrincess: he wrote a book or was writing, taught english
TheElisaPrincess: way to go trusty
PenWing424: he posted a couple times after crisis, and then he disappeared
The Time Trust: Nice guy, as I recall.
The Eurostar: Never saw him
TheElisaPrincess: coursehe was nice
TheElisaPrincess: mk mk im cleaning bbls
The Time Trust: Don't mind her -- she crazy.
klinton77: like a foxx
The Time Trust: Jamie Foxx?
The Time Trust: He was great in Booty Call.
klinton77: yup
klinton77 has left the room.
klinton77 has entered the room.
klinton77: ah....
klinton77: breathing room
klinton77: I hate when the window slows u^p
The Time Trust: I've had this chat window open continuously since 3 AM on June 4th.
Balloonknot666: You talk way to much
klinton77: really? And it'S not slow?
The Time Trust: Not yet.
klinton77: huh
klinton77: cool
The Eurostar: why it should become slow?
klinton77: dunno...mine has a lag if there are too many posts
DECTECTlVE BUNNY has left the room.
The Eurostar: Ah
AGWednesday has entered the room.
klinton77: I had it up all day yesterday
klinton77: it was about three posts behind this morning
AGWednesday: Hey guys!
klinton77: hey wed
AGWednesday: Hi!
The Time Trust: Whoa.
The Time Trust: Who's this?
Glacier16: heh
jasonthecat2007: ???
jasonthecat2007 has left the room.
AGWednesday: Poser.
AGWednesday: So what's up?
klinton77: .....
PenWing424: so this is wednesday
The Time Trust: What does the "AG" stand for?
AGWednesday: That was me. I just invited myself under a new screenname.
PenWing424: any given wednesday
The Time Trust: Ah
AGWednesday: God bless you.
The Time Trust: hahaha
PenWing424: so you have to screen names?
AGWednesday: I do now.
PenWing424: this is so confusing
The Time Trust: I should go invite Doc Quantum.
PenWing424: it's like rex
AGWednesday: What's a Quantum?
The Time Trust: My other screenname
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.
AGWednesday: "A quantum is the smallest increment into which many physical properties are subdivided."
AGWednesday: Wikipedia tells me so.
The Time Trust: That too.
AGWednesday: I started talkin and people started leaving.
AGWednesday: :-(
AGWednesday: Is it cuz Elisa left?
The Time Trust: We're gobsmacked, is all
AGWednesday: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
klinton77: you interupted the hot cyber action between BK and the princess
klinton77: everyone'S a little pissed
AGWednesday: DAMN!
AGWednesday: I hate it when I do that!
The Time Trust: The lack of anatomical knowledge on the parts of both people made the whole thing quite amusing.
AGWednesday: (I like typing in all caps)
klinton77: no you don't
AGWednesday: :-(
klinton77: sorryè
AGWednesday: WHAT???
The Time Trust: SHOUTING.
AGWednesday: Who or what is BooBerryFanatic?
klinton77: Chewi
klinton77: y
klinton77: where's
klinton77: shit...nevermind
http://cal.dioxide.net/media/mandc/AGWednesday: i think everyone went back to robert kamphausen's.
klinton77: nopw
klinton77: they,
klinton77: fuck
AGWednesday: one word at a time, man.
klinton77: I acnnot type
AGWednesday: just take it one word at a time.
klinton77: see
klinton77: shit
AGWednesday: you're doing fine.
klinton77: no more beer
AGWednesday: just let it flow.
AGWednesday: like the force
AGWednesday: and piss.
klinton77: I dunno. Seriously...shit was going on...and now...everyone's asleep
AGWednesday: speaking of piss why does everyone hate the G-man so?
AGWednesday: i think you're lying.
klinton77: 'xause he's a bitch
AGWednesday: 'xause is not a word.
klinton77: fuck you
AGWednesday: fuck is a word.
XxStupid DoggxX: cuz he edits posts and moves topics
AGWednesday: ha! i woke up the stupid dogg.
AGWednesday: when?
klinton77: no...that's not my issue with the guy....I just hate his posting techniquw
XxStupid DoggxX: I've been busy...
klinton77: e
klinton77: she's creepy looking
AGWednesday: that's gay, klinton.
klinton77: in the dead bunny kind of eay
klinton77: way
XxStupid DoggxX: I'd do her. even if she was a dead bunny.
AGWednesday: ........................
AGWednesday: you're weird
XxStupid DoggxX: you spelled wierd wrong
AGWednesday: wired.
XxStupid DoggxX: i before e except after c duhhhhhhhh
AGWednesday: she does look like she's wearing a wig, though.
klinton77: and lizard contacts
XxStupid DoggxX: this is my new girlfriend.
XxStupid DoggxX:
http://sportsbybrooks.com/MP1541.jpgThe Time Trust: I'm going to continue being quiet for awhile.
AGWednesday: still, i would appreciate the opportunity to have vaginal intercourse with her.
klinton77: I'd do her
AGWednesday: i'd do this one a lot.
klinton77: naw...I'd just hit that once
AGWednesday: hey, i could put links for pictures up and see if anybody wants me to post the set.
AGWednesday: that would ROCK!!!
klinton77: do it
AGWednesday: hit that shit and split?
klinton77: yupp
klinton77: only once
AGWednesday: i would hit it then take her to Burger King.
XxStupid DoggxX:
http://sportsbybrooks.com/MP1608.jpgThe Time Trust: Give her the Whopper
AGWednesday: her titties are fake....and that's okay.
klinton77: ewwww
klinton77: she looks retarded
AGWednesday: fuck, man! i can't afford all that.
XxStupid DoggxX: dude. she has titties.
AGWednesday: cheeseburger Wednesdays!
XxStupid DoggxX: that is all that matters
klinton77: no it's not
klinton77: at all
klinton77: face...it'S all about the face
XxStupid DoggxX: like this bitch
http://sportsbybrooks.com/MP1543.jpgAGWednesday: Stupid Dogg/Doog is correct.
klinton77: breeders have low ass standards
PenWing424: rex is here
AGWednesday: she'd be ugly without the makeup....and i'd have sex with her.
AGWednesday: rex rex or rex TK?
PenWing424: rex stardust
AGWednesday: actually, homosexuals have ass standards.
PenWing424: reax
AGWednesday: i'm all about dem titties!
AGWednesday: oh.
AGWednesday: thank you, penwing.
PenWing424: someone should invite rex
PenWing424: your welcome
PenWing424: and thank you, wednesday
AGWednesday: i'm trying to find some picture sets.
AGWednesday: t'aint wanna work right now.
PenWing424: more red heads
PenWing424: that's what you need to find
PenWing424: you should do a special in honor of the french open
AGWednesday: this is true.
http://www.babe-a-licious.net/g35/ntm0131.jpgidunapoo: arse
XxStupid DoggxX: uh wow
XxStupid DoggxX: somebody needs to teach those girls proper cpr
XxStupid DoggxX: they are soooooooooo wrong!
http://www.xposed.com/media/pictorials/8923/0.jpgPenWing424: damn
AGWednesday: i like that one.
XxStupid DoggxX: I bet that girl died like 5 minutes later because some stupid bitch was breathing into her cooch
PenWing424: not so much the second one
AGWednesday: really?
PenWing424: really
PenWing424: something off about her
XxStupid DoggxX: SHES A MAN!
PenWing424: that would explain it
AGWednesday: that ain't a penis!
PenWing424: wednesday, you need to find pics of the TNA divas
AGWednesday: i have some.
AGWednesday: hold.
PenWing424: you hear that, rex?
PenWing424: hold.
idunapoo: Rex is alwasy holding himself
PenWing424: that's his problem
AGWednesday: traci brooks is ugly.
AGWednesday: just thought i'd share.
idunapoo: Lollipop
AGWednesday: thank you.
AGWednesday: btw, what do people think of me posting hardcore?
klinton77: do it
AGWednesday: everyone but klinton.
klinton77: a'm not off jerking off
AGWednesday: oh.
klinton77: well...you know
AGWednesday: yeah.
klinton77: you post naked ladies...shit's gonna happen
klinton77: I' somhow immune to your powers
AGWednesday: i wonder why.
klinton77: it'S the kevlar vest
AGWednesday: i have a question that only you can answer:
klinton77: what?
PenWing424: what the hell happened to all the tna divas?
PenWing424: now they only have traci and trinity listed?